Friday, December 16, 2016


"Has not God chosen those who are poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?"

Every year the rich, at Christmas, will shower each other with gifts that we don't need! At the same time, the majority of the world will go to bed poor and hungry. How must this look to God? What does he see?

This verse gives me great comfort. While the poor in this life continue to struggle, they often are filled with faith. It is their faith that will be rewarded richly for eternity. But the challenge for those of us who have remains. Will we be rich toward God? Will we love those who are in need.

Do something of real value this season.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Heb. 11

Is our faith tied to the things of this earth or is it rooted in the expectation of a life that will come? "These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having see them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth." v. 13

Faith that is aimed toward this life, is not faith at all. The great men and women of faith lived with eternity clearly in focus. I know of very few "believers" who have this kind of faith. We seem to think that our faith somehow guarantees us the best in this present life! Even though that was never true of NT believers or of Jesus himself, we still tend to fall for this "false gospel".

Faith is not a temporary thing rooted in this present life. Faith that comes from God is focused on the life that is to come. This life rarely offers what we want. If our faith is rooted in the hope of this life, we will be sorely disappointed.

Friday, November 25, 2016


"Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done....The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come." And let the one who hears say, "Come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price."

This is a powerful invitation to close our bibles! Jesus is coming back. He will bring judgement on the earth. Anyone who has not embraced the gospel will be eternally damned. Yet...the final words of revelation are not judgement, but grace. Grace in a word..."Come."

The Holy Spirit is calling out to everyone. The Bride (Christ's church) is calling out to everyone. And we, those who believe, should be calling out to everyone. Until Jesus returns we should be offering the invitation to come to Jesus.

And these final words of grace, "let the one who desires take the water of life without price." Come.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


"Behold, I am making all things new." - God

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! A day is soon coming when God will fix every broken thing, take away every pain, heal every disease, and wipe away every tear of sadness. He will make everything perfect. He will be the centerpiece and the focus of our heavenly community. It will all be "very good".

Today is a day of thanksgiving. It is to be a day of remembrance and a day of gratitude. Choose today to be grateful to God for all He has done. Choose an attitude of gratitude. Choose to speak words of kindness and grace. Be a blessing to others as you interact with them.

Today is also a day to remember those who are less blessed than we are. Many in our country will go hungry on this day of feasting. Much of the world still lives in hunger and poverty. Remember to give thanks for them also. Remember to pray that God will pour out his love on those who are less blessed in this world.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


"If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." V.15

How much do we actually know about God's word? Many of us "think we know", but most have never really taken the time to examine the scriptures for ourselves to see what God has truly said. These are alarming verses, and if true, matter more than anything else in life! What will happen to us when we die?

There is a book. It is called the "book of life". There are names written in this book. If our name is not written in this book, we will be eternally judged by God and will not see heaven. Our destination will be a "lake of fire." If our name is written in this book, we will escape God's judgement and heaven will be our eternal home.

Do not let these things escape our time, energy and effort. It is what truly matters. Jesus said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? What can a man give in exchange for his soul?"

See what God says for yourself. Get help. Don't leave this question to chance.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war."

Do we believe that Jesus will return to earth in this way? Do our lives reflect that we believe it could happen any day? There is no question that the early believers believe Jesus would return in their lifetime. How much more so would it be true of us!

Jesus is coming back to judge the earth. A time is coming, and soon will be, when we all will stand before God. My plan is to live today in the light of that reality. I want my life to matter. I want to be ready for Christ return.

Let's do something today that suggests that we believe these things.

Monday, November 21, 2016


Sexual immorality and wealth are the most common themes which describe a godless Babylon! These two things would also be key descriptors of our nation! Where has purity gone? Does a person's faithfulness to God and a spouse still have value in this culture? Does wealth give me permission to do whatever I want?

A time is coming, and soon will be, when every wrong will be made right. A time for judgement. A time when truth will prevail and God's rule and reign will be absolute. Are we keeping ourselves pure? Are we using the wealth God has entrusted to us to advance His purposes?

God help us all.

Friday, November 18, 2016


There is no sin like sexual sin! It has devastated men and women from the beginning of time and it will continue to destroy lives until Jesus returns and makes everything new.

"The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality."

Purity is a precious gift from God. We gain it through God's grace and we maintain it through his strength. None of us is exempt from the temptation of sexual sin. Few of us pursue purity the way God would desire.

Commit today to keep yourself free from sexual sin. Turn your eyes, heart and bodies to bringing glory to Jesus. This moment is not what matters. Eternity is what matters. It is in the moments of life that eternity is forged!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


What will be the phrase that will describe our lives when we are gone? For Moses it was, "the servant of God". We will all leave a legacy. I pray that mine will be related to my faith and obedience.

Listen to the song that flowed from Moses' heart:
"Great and amazing are you deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations! Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed "

Live today for what matters. Let's live our lives for the things that matter for ever. Let's consider what will be said about us when we are gone. Both our reputation and legacy will be established on the pattern of our lives. One day at a time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus."

The overwhelming call of christianity is to obey and endure. Obey God in the midst of difficulty. This has been christianity from the beginning and it is STILL true today. If you are embracing an "easy christianity", you might be holding on to a false gospel.

Following Jesus has never been easy. Don't hear me wrong, it is the blessed path, but it is also not the easy one. Jesus declared, "Enter by the narrow gate!" It is not easy, it is right.

Anyone who calls you to follow Jesus for "your best life now" is calling you to follow a false gospel. Live strong today. Make the hard choice of sacrifice and endurance.

Friday, November 11, 2016


As I read Rev. 12, my mind keeps drifting to the events of these days! Unprecedented struggles in our nation and it seems the divisions are getting greater. NO human leader or institutions will bring unity or peace into these things. Only Jesus.

He is the King. Our job as His servants is to serve Him and bring Him glory. We will overcome through Christ. We will be those who "hold to the testimony of Jesus and keep the commandments of God."

We cannot control the events of these days any more than we could have changed the great war in heaven between Michael and Satan. Yet, we do determine our own actions, activities and words.

It's good that we pray! It is also good for us to obey.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


"We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, who is and who was, for you have taken your great power and begun to reign. The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth." v. 17-18

God is not out of control today. He never has been and He never will be. Today is yet another day that is firmly in His grasp. We trust in you God. We will follow your ways today. Make us a people who long for your reign today. We are your servants. Help us to fear your name and follow hard after you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


I don't know what to feel this morning. A new president has been elected. A new era has begun. We didn't have a good option. Thank God He is still King of the Universe and he is returning soon.

God's plan has never been shaken. God's plan will never be shaken. We are not the center of the universe. Let's live our lives today in light of this reality. God is in control and He will continue to reign regardless of the events of our day.

Choose to obey Him today with our words and actions.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Imagine a place where there will be "no more tears". No pain. No sorrow. No disappointment. No shame. No sin. No death. No grief. No evil. Only good.

That place actually exists. It is unbelievable but not unimaginable. We all long for that place. It is the place of peace. It is the place of rest. It is the reality of the presence of the rule of God. Today we have tears. In heaven that will all be gone.

Yesterday two officers were brutally murdered in DesMoines! So many tears. So much sorry. So much grief. The pain of death. It's unbelievable to think about the brokenness that surrounds us every day. Our souls are so broken. Our culture is desperately in need of Christ.

We long for heaven. The place of "no more tears".

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


"The great day of wrath has come, and who can stand?" The voices of the martyrs has been heard and God is turned from his mercy and poured out his wrath on the earth! This will be a horrible and violent day. The stage is set.

When I was a child I used to fear the coming of Jesus. Every time I heard about Christ's return, I would tremble in fear. And I should have. I had no regard for God, his word or his commands. I was pursuing my own way.

Even today I tremble at the thought of God's wrath being poured out! If it was not for his mercy, no one would have a prayer. Yet, God, rich in mercy has been pouring out his kindness on us from the beginning. The cross was the ultimate act of mercy. Wow.

The days of God's mercy will soon end. Will we be among those who responded to his grace and mercy? I pray so.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Jesus "was slain, and by his blood he ransomed people for God, and they shall reign on earth." V. 9

Jesus paid our ransom and has freed us from the wrath of God. Only he can save. Only he can rescue. Imagine how we would live if we truly thought about this daily and lived in its reality!

We were slaves to sin! We were under God's wrath and judgement! We were hell bound! Jesus changed all that through his sacrifice on the cross. Now we are free from sin's power. We are subjects of God's mercy. Heaven is our destination.

There is nothing better than this! These facts should change the way we live today.

Monday, October 31, 2016


Do we worship as an overflow of our love for Christ or do we worship as an act of obedience? Maybe we don't worship period.

Notice how worship is the only appropriate response to seeing Christ! Whenever the elders get a glimpse of Jesus sitting on his throne they fall down and worship him saying, "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created."

Worship is to be the overflow of our hearts. Worship is directed at Jesus. Worship should be the expression of our lives toward God. If we have to force ourselves to enter into worship, there is something desperately broken inside. Either we think too much of ourselves or too little of God.

We will worship! Now is the time to practice.

Friday, October 28, 2016


"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." - Jesus

This quote from Jesus needs to comfort our souls. His desire is to be "with us" and "in" us. He is waiting for us to "invite" him in by opening the door. What door is Jesus knocking on in our hearts?

For some, it would be the door of finances. God is calling us to trust him with our money. He desires us to get financially vested in his kingdom. He is calling us to a place of generosity and faithfulness.

For others, God is calling us to give up our worldly desires for pleasure and self-gratification. His desire is to make us "like" him in purity and holiness. We need to pursue holiness.

It would be so rude to keep Jesus out!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


If God were to write us a letter, what would it say? What would we be commended for and what would we be rebuked about?

I think this would be a great conversation starter for each of us today. Find a friend and ask them this question. Think honestly about your personal response. How would the response change if the question was directed toward your church?

I think too many of us would be quicker to know the rebukes than the commendations. Far too often we see God as a judge or discouraged and not a commender. God knows our good and our bad! He is quick to talk with us about BOTH.

Enjoy your conversation starter today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. V.5

There is a lot in this verse! We are loved by God. He has freed us from sin through his death on the cross. He has made us priests in his kingdom and enabled us to bring glory to God.

What is our response? Do we feel loved by God? Are we living free of sin or are we in bondage to it? Are we able to lead out in worship to God in a manner that brings honor and Glory to him? If not, why not?

Jesus has cleared the path for us to have fellowship with him. How we respond to all he has done will have everything to do with how we feel in relationship to him.

Live strong today.

Monday, October 24, 2016


It is a great thing to support people who are working to advance the church. We should all have "missionaries" that are receiving funds from us. Some we know and some we don't.

Paul was constantly deploying men and women into ministry! As a result, he was also constantly raising support for them. Gaius was a faithful brother and a generous supporter. Paul called his financial support "a faithful thing".

Giving money is not the only thing we can or should do, but we should all at least be giving our money for ministry. Where we put our money is where we move our heart to be. Jesus said, "Where your treasure is there your heart will be also."

Sent from my iPad

Friday, October 21, 2016


There is a level of joy that comes from knowing and following Jesus. There is a completely different level of joy when you know that your children are following Jesus!

John wrote, "I rejoice greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth." John was so pleased to know that God's work was continuing to flourish without his direct involvement. He knew his leadership could compel others to follow, but he also knew that those who followed him were not necessarily following Jesus.

To watch your "children" following Jesus without your leadership is the greatest evidence that they are truly "following Jesus." Parents, we know we have done our jobs well when our children are teaching our grandchildren to follow Jesus! NOTHING gives a grandfather more joy than this.

Now that I am a grandfather I understand John's joy at new level.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Whoever HAS the son HAS life and whoever does not HAVE the son does not have life. v.11

Salvation is rooted in one truth. Does Christ live in us through faith? If so, we have eternal life. If not, we do not have eternal life. Eternal life is only possible through God. We only have eternal life when we have Jesus living in us.

If Jesus is living in us, not only will we have spiritual life, we will have spiritual desires and spiritual abilities. When Christ is in us we desire to live for him and we will be able to do so. Those without Jesus neither desire to follow him nor do they have the power to obey his commands.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


The confidence that we can have that we truly "love God" is in the way we "love others". Loving others is the evidence of loving God. Our love for God is most clearly seen in the way we love others.

Anyone can say "I love Jesus" but nothing says "I love Jesus" better than the way we treat others. If we say that we love God and don't love people, we are simply deceiving ourselves. Others should be able to see our love for God in the way we treat them.

Simply put, God loves everyone! "God so loved the world…" If we call ourselves "followers of Jesus", loving everyone will be the natural overflow of following.

Who is it that we "don't" love? This "lack of love" is evidence in our hearts that we are not truly loving God. The solution is to pursue loving God more.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. (v.16)

Who will be most important to us today? Ourselves or others? Jesus gave himself for us. He laid down heaven so that we could have it. He emptied himself so that we could be made full. He became a man so that we could be restored to God.

The habit of christianity should be to give ourselves to others. There are so many needs all around us. Find someone to love today. Make others the focus of our day.

Monday, October 17, 2016


An "advocate" is one who speaks in support of and defends someone. It is also a term that can be used of a legal representative or defender. Our advocate is Jesus! What can be better than that?

This relationship should motivate us to "obey" Jesus' commands. He is the One guiding us into relationship with God. He is the One helping us to know how to live. He is the One who cares, not only for our time on earth, but also for our eternity.

This is His command: "Do not love the world or the things in the world…the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."

Friday, October 14, 2016


"If we say we have fellowship with God while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." v.6-7

To be "in fellowship" with Jesus requires that we walk in the light of confession. God knows our sin! Why does He need our confession? He doesn't! Confession is for us…not Him. If we are going to walk together, we have to agree with what is true. Until we confess our sins, we "deceive ourselves". As long as we are deceiving ourselves, we are not in fellowship with Jesus.

Confession is good medicine. It it the way we receive forgiveness and fellowship with God.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The supernatural appearance of Jesus and angels almost always was accompanied with this saying, "Peace be with you."

In this season the disciples were overwhelmed, confused and directionless. They had left everything they had to follow Jesus. He was the promised Messiah and they were going to follow Him into a triumphant kingdom. Just a couple of weeks earlier Jesus was escorted into Jerusalem with shouts of joy and praise.

Everything changed in one week! The shouts went from "Hail to the King" to "Crucify Him!". The joy turned to hatred and ended in a brutal crucifixion. And now, reports were that Jesus was alive. The disciples huddle together in a locked room, gripped with fear. It was in this context that they saw Jesus and heard His words, "Peace be with you."

I don't know what your circumstances are today, but I don't they are as desperate as it seemed to the first disciples. Hear Jesus say to us, "Peace be with you." Regardless of our external situation, Jesus has come to give us peace. Inner peace that can handle any of life's many storms.

Experience peace today.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


As we think about the cross, what comes to our minds? For most, I think it is that Jesus died for our sins. The cross has become a sign of hope and healing for all who believe. It is a symbol of beauty, not torture.

For the first disciples the cross was a sign of brutal death and the dashing of all hope. It became a memory that would forever shape their faith. They saw with their own eyes what sinful men will do to a perfect savior. They witnessed pure evil and hatred of everything good. They were overwhelmed with fear!

Imagine the hopelessness that they must have felt. Imagine the desperation that they must have suffered. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the depths of their pain.

But something was about to radically change their point of view! Sunday was coming.

Monday, October 10, 2016


If we took Jesus' words to heart, "My kingdom is not of this world", how would this change our prayer life?

As I think about my own prayers, my heart is revealed. My desire is for Jesus to bring his power to bear on my earthly existence. I want my life to be better. I want my friends to be saved. I want everything to go great with everyone I know. I want to have a presidential candidate I can vote for! Etc.

Shouldn't I be praying a different kind of prayer? Shouldn't my prayers reflect that this life is not about my personal happiness? Shouldn't my prayers be about God's will? It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in my world. It is so difficult for me to think about the kingdom of God.

Jesus taught us to pray, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done." What would happen if we focused our prayers on this idea? How many of our prayers would be radically changed?

It's not about me today. It's not about you today. Pray for God's kingdom to come. Pray that we will be laborers in that kingdom.

Friday, October 7, 2016


Eternal life begins the moment we meet Jesus. He said, "This is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

There is a big difference between knowing "about" Jesus and "knowing Jesus". From childhood I was taught about Jesus. It wasn't until I was 17 that I truly met Him. I heard people talk about a "personal relationship with Jesus", but the relationship I had with God was definitely not personal. It was distant at best.

At 17, I can say that I met Jesus personally. That experience continues to change my life every day. My relationship with Jesus is personal and transformational. It is the most important relationship in my life. This relationship has not come through the work that I have done, but rather through the gift of the Holy Spirit that I received by faith.

Can we all say that we are experiencing "eternal life"? Is our relationship with Jesus personal?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


This is one of the most comforting and convicting chapters in the bible. Jesus asks us to "abide in Him" and allow His words to "abide in us." He promises to be "with" us and gives the promise of the Holy Spirit Who will be "in" us. He knows that we desire to be "fruitful" and gives the pathway for that to happen. It is such a rich chapter!

But consider these words in verse 5, "for apart from me you can do nothing." Nothing? What does Jesus mean by that? We all know that there is plenty that we do "apart from" Jesus. We pursue our own paths and do lots of things. Sometimes even really good things! But Jesus calls them "nothing".

I believe Jesus is calling us to obedience. Abiding for me sometimes means "doing less". Abiding for me sometimes means "waiting, watching and listening." Abiding is choosing to obey Jesus' voice. It is deciding to follow Jesus wherever He leads and not to trying to drag Him down our own paths.

Activity, even good activity, can amount to "nothing" if it is not done in obedience to Christ. He measure with a different scale.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you…. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." - Jesus

Jesus was getting ready to give his life for us all on the cross. He knew exactly what He was about to do. After washing the disciples feet, He began to teach them about the Holy Spirit. He knew the disciples would feel "orphaned". He knew that they would feel "disrupted in their souls." Yet He promised to "come" and He promised to give "peace".

Do we feel the loving embrace of God as father? Are we daily living in the "peace" that only God can provide? Or…do we feel abandoned and unsettled?

Look closely at what Jesus instructed His disciples. He said, "walk in my words". The emotional stability that we get from God that was promised in Jesus is NOT simply from an intellectual understanding of salvation. It comes as an overflow of a life of faith. If we are not feeling the presence and peace of Christ, it is likely because we are not walking in obedience to Him.

Friday, September 30, 2016


Jesus said to Peter, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand." Peter said to Jesus, "You will never wash my feet."

Peter was always resisting the plans of Jesus! Not because he didn't love Jesus, but because he couldn't understand what Jesus was doing. Peter needed to have faith in Jesus, not in himself. Jesus could see into the future. Peter could only see in the past and the present. Peter's perspective almost always had him resisting the will of God.

I am the same way. I often think that I know what God wants to do and it is not at all what He wants to do. My thoughts are clouded with my own desires. My actions are shaped by those same desires. Jesus knew Peter would see clearly in time. Jesus knew Peter's heart was to follow Him. He needed to see from a different perspective. Peter would understand in time.

What is God wanting to do with us today that we are resisting because of our wrong perspective? It is not enough to love Jesus. He wants our faith and obedience. He will not follow our desires for Him. He is God. We are not.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Most often the ones who question the generosity of others are motivated by their own selfishness. Judas loved money. Mary's generous outpouring toward Jesus, did not reveal his heart for the poor! In fact, it exposed the greed in his soul.

Greed is a horribly sticky sin. Most of us love money, but would never admit it. We like to judge others for what they do with their money, but rarely want to give an account for what we do with "our" money. One sure way to check our generosity is to examine our hearts when we see generosity in others.

If we are generous, our hearts rejoice when we see generosity. Generosity is motivated by generosity. To see others giving freely motivates us to do the same. If we are greedy, we tend to judge other's gifts by the standards that we ourselves don't keep. We justify ourselves and judge others.

Are we motivated by the generosity of others? Are we sacrificially generous towards the things of God?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Lazarus is a powerful example of the resurrection power of Jesus! He was dead, and now he is alive. His life was totally lost. No more time. No more opportunity. No more relationships. He was dead.

In one moment, everything changed. With one short sentence Jesus changed everything. "Lazarus, come out!" From that moment, Lazarus began a new life. Every breath was a recognized gift. Every day was a bonus day. What was his new choice? To radically testify to the resurrection power of Jesus.

In the same way, our lives have been changed. We have be born again. Brought from death to life. We are to live each day as if it is a gift from God. Why? Because it is. How will we spend these bonus breaths? How will we spend the days, months and years of the rest of our lives.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


My prayer is that all of us experience the love and concern of the "Good Shepherd". Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd who lays down my life for the sheep".

Jesus knows us! He loves us! He knows that we are weak, defenseless and vulnerable without Him. His desire is for our good. He knows what is truly best for us. We can not only trust Him for eternal life, we can trust Him today.

Think about these amazing truths today. Follow Jesus.

Monday, September 26, 2016


"This I know, once I was blind and now I see." - The blind man Jesus healed

There is nothing more powerful than a personal testimony. A changed life speaks more boldly than a well crafted speech. How has Jesus changed our lives?

I both love and hate it when people who knew me before I knew Jesus talk about the person they knew. I hate it because I was a godless man (even though I could talk a great talk). I love it because almost always they are talking about how "different" I am.

My only response is to say, "I used to only know about Jesus, now I have met Him personally. He has changed my life."

Friday, September 23, 2016


This chapter begins and ends with religious leaders holding rocks in their hands in order to stone someone! The first is a woman "caught" in adultery. The second is Jesus because He was "blaspheming". In both instances their stone judgements were the result of unbelieving, hard hearts.

They accused Jesus of having a demon and Jesus told them they were sons of Satan. Can you imagine this conversation? Was it heated? Did Jesus raise His voice? I often wonder what these interactions were like.

Jesus said to those who believed in Him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." True freedom is in knowing and following Jesus.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Jesus described the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who would believe in Him as a "river of living water flowing out of their heart." This river would enable them to follow Jesus.

The river that most of Jesus' hearers would have been familiar with would have been the Jordan river. The Jordan provided life for the entire region. Without the Jordan, life in Israel would be miserable.

In the same way the Holy Spirit enables us to experience the life of Christ. It comes from within and helps us obey Jesus' commands. Without the Holy Spirit there is no life. Without the Holy Spirit there is no ability to obey Jesus.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Most of us do everything we can to get people to like us. Not so with Jesus. He never compromised His message or His methods in order to gain followers. His desire was always to please just One...God.

Jesus' words were difficult to accept. His action, especially healing everyone, drew large crowds that wanted personal healing and others who wanted to see miracles. His teaching was difficult to understand and embrace. In fact, most chose to not follow Him. So many stopped following Jesus that He turned to His disciples and said, "Do you wan to go away as well?"

It was in this moment the we have some of the most tender words ever spoken by Peter. He said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You (alone) have the words of eternal life." Already he was leading others to follow Jesus. He knew that Jesus was the chosen One of God. He was a simple fisherman who was a profound follower of Jesus.

Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. Choose to follow Him.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


There is no question about what Jesus believed about Himself. One of the main reasons that the Jews wanted to kill Him is because He was "making himself equal with God." Why? Because He was, He is, and He always will be God.

John wrote this gospel to help everyone understand this truth. If Jesus is not God, He cannot save us from God's wrath. Jesus said, "whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life." Only God could make this statement and it be a true statement.

On the other hand, Jesus sometimes heals people that He doesn't save. The lame man received healing from God. He did not receive salvation. What a horrible thing to see a man healed by Jesus who remained lame in heart. I call this guy the "double lame" guy. After he was healed, Jesus sought him out again. After the second interaction, he immediately went and "told" on Jesus.

Crazy story.

Monday, September 19, 2016


Change your perspective, change your prayer life. Change your prayer life, change your values. Change your values, change you life!!

Jesus said to his disciples, "Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest." In other words, "your focus is all wrong! Get your head up and see what I see!" The disciples were worried about food, reputation, and fame. Jesus was focused on the kingdom of God. While Jesus was changing the world the disciples were arguing about petty things.

Aren't we the same way? Don't we get caught up in things that don't matter? Aren't we consumed by giving our time and attention only to the things that effect our little kingdoms? How vested are we in the things of God?

Let's get our eyes off ourselves and try to see what God sees. The harvest is plentiful. Pray for laborers.

Friday, September 16, 2016


Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. -v. 36

This is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, chapters in the whole bible! So full of gospel truth. It is simple, straight forward and clear. I have read it a thousand times and every time it moves my soul. Today I saw something that I had not remembered in verse 36. Look again at this verse.

We know that the key to salvation is belief. "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life." But look what John declares will happen to those who believe and have life. The will OBEY the Son.

What we believe shapes our actions. Our thoughts govern our behaviors. We cannot separate our beliefs and our activities. Works do not save. Never have. Never will. We cannot earn salvation. Only Jesus saves. AND when faith happens, our behaviors begin to change as well.

Faith is Jesus is more that happy thoughts about Jesus.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


The church is not a place for personal business! It is to be a place of prayer and worship.

Even today many people "attend" church as a social event. It is where they make friends, get connections, and yes…grow their business. The bigger the church, the better the opportunity.

Jesus has no time for this kind of "business". The church is to be a place of worship. When the church gathers, we should be inspired to worship, called to prayer and motivated to sacrificially give of all God has given to us to see God's kingdom advanced! It is never to be a place of "personal gain".

Jesus values those who will "lose everything" to follow Him. He said, "whoever loses his life for me will truly find life."

When our involvement in religious activity becomes about us and not about God, we have lost the reason for going. Jesus would not be pleased.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Have you been baptized? When and where? Was it with water only or were you baptized with water because you wanted to proclaim to the world that you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit.

John came baptizing with water. Only water. Jesus came to baptize with the Holy Spirit. Without the baptism that Jesus gives, the Holy Spirit, there is no salvation.

Most people have only gotten a religious experience and either partially or totally wet! That is NOT the baptism that Jesus is talking about. Water baptism is symbolic of a spiritual reality.

Many of us should check into this. Many of us need to be baptized!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


God saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out richly on us through Jesus Christ our Savior. v. 5-6

Jesus saved us without any works! Salvation IS the work of God, yet this salvation should compel us to do "good works". He has given us everything we need…and more. His desire is that we would live this life not for ourselves, but for His kingdom.

How much of our day will be focused on pleasing God? Why not make pleasing God the entire focus of every day? He is worth it.

Monday, September 12, 2016


"Jesus gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works." v - 14

We are the people of God. We have been bought out of slavery to sin and placed into the community of God. Our hearts have been changed and our activities should demonstrated that reality. Sin should no longer control our lives and worldliness should no longer determine our activity. Being zealous for God and pursuing His agenda is to be our primary agenda.

What would have to happen in our lives before we actually were excited to do the right things? When will we get to the place of maturity where "doing good works" is an overflow of our relationship with God and not act act of "duty"?

God has poured out His Spirit into our lives. He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. The choice is ours today. Will we pursue the things of God? Will we give ourselves for the things that matter?

Friday, September 9, 2016


"They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their works." vs.16

What we do with our lives is a far more convincing testimony than what we say with our words. What we say matters little if our lives contradict our words. Don't get me wrong, what we say also matters, but will be null and void if our actions don't back that up.

I love the saying, "faith works." Some believe that works save. in fact, this is one of the most common false teachings of our day. Everyone knows that someone who says one thing and does another is a "hypocrite". What do our actions say about our faith? It matters.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Possibly the saddest verses in the whole bible! "Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me…"

Demas was on Paul's church planting team. He personally observed miracles and saw the spread of the gospel throughout the known world. He was on the inner circle….YET his heart was never really "in love" with Jesus. He chose the present pleasures of this life over God's heavenly kingdom. What a fool. What a D_m _ As_!

God help us all to stay the course and finish the race of faith. Our hearts are deceptive and pursue foolish and temporal things. It is so easy to get caught up in this life and forfeit the life that is to come. It is not how we start. It is how we finish.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Do we desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus? If so, here is a verse we should all memorize. "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…"

I have seen a lot of verses on memory cards, but I don't ever recall this one being in my discipleship packet! Most of those verses tended to make me think that following Jesus would make my life easier and not harder. It is verses like this one that really clarifies what it means to truly follow Jesus. I wonder how many believers around the world are enduring the persecution promised in this verse today?

Most of my suffering is cause by my sin! Most of my pain is cause by the poor decisions that I make or poor decisions those I love make. I would be hard pressed to give one illustration of how I have been persecuted for the sake of Christ. Can you think of any? I would love to hear your examples.

Thank God for His blessings. They are not guaranteed.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


"Flee from youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace along with those who call on the name of the Lord with a pure heart." -v22 As believers are we "fleeing" and "pursuing" the right things? Are we working in the context of other believers to strengthen ourselves and those around us?

Paul compares our faith to being a soldier, a farmer and an athlete. All of these comparisons are lifestyles not events! Being a soldier involves training, warfare and suffering. Being a farmer requires total dependence on God and hard work. Being an athlete requires knowing and following the rules.

Following Jesus takes everything we have. We won't follow Jesus alone. Let's give ourselves fully to following Christ today. Let's make sure we are in a context that pushes us to do this better.

Monday, September 5, 2016


Do not be "ashamed" of the gospel or to speak boldly about Jesus.

Paul encouraged Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel and boldly stated that he himself was not ashamed of Jesus! Doesn't it seem obvious that if we are embracing the salvation that only comes through Jesus that we would never be "ashamed" of Him? Why would Paul have to tell Timothy this? Why would he make a point about his personal boldness?

The answer is personal. Haven't we all experienced the desire to NOT identify with Jesus? Don't we all tend to shy away from boldly standing with Christ or speaking about Him to those who don't know Him? We generally call it, "not being offensive", but actually it is fear and shame.

This is the "spirit of fearfulness" that is not from God. God has given us the "spirit of power, love and sound judgement." Don't shrink back in fear today. Speak boldly about what you believe and who you believe in.

Friday, September 2, 2016


What is it that we "crave"? To crave means: to long for, to want greatly or to desire eagerly. Cravings take our thoughts, capture our emotional energy, and get us into conversation. Cravings are desires that we feel a need to satisfy. The problem is when we "crave" the wrong things.

It is one thing to be pregnant and "crave" a certain food. It is a completely different thing to "crave" to be rich! In fact, Paul said that this kind of craving has caused people to "wander from the faith and pierce themselves with many pains." Money is not evil. Craving it is! Paul calls this craving "a root of all kinds of evil."

In contrast Paul calls us to "crave" the things of God. How much do we desire what God desires? How much time does God's kingdom occupy of our thought life, our emotional energy or our conversations? Do we even know what it means to "crave" the things of God? How financially invested are we in God's kingdom?

Jesus warned the rich on many occasions. Paul echoes Jesus' warning in this chapter. Who are the rich? Anyone who has more than they need to satisfy their basic earthy needs. Anything beyond need is a measure of rich. Even today "the rich" of the world are those who don't have to worry about food, shelter and clothing. Today the majority of the world is still "craving" to not have to worry about these things!

This chapter is for us.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


"Anyone who is self-indulgent is dead even while they live." -vs. 6

We are self-indulgent when we continue to get ourselves what we want without considering the needs of others! Self-indulgent would describe most Americans I know. We believe ourselves generous if we give a tithe to the things of God. We consider ourselves bad money managers if we are unable to buy something we want.

Paul describes self-indulgent widows as "dead even when they live". This is a pretty harsh statement. They were not encouraged to be supported by the church, nor were they commended simply because they were widows. If this is true for widows, how much more does it extend to us who are not? Wow.

This is a convicting thought! Are we generous or self indulgent? What did we spend our last outside of the budget $100 on? What about the last $1000? We should evaluate our faith through the lens of our money. Often our true God is most clearly seen by how we spend what He has given to us.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


"Train yourself in godliness, for the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."

If we were to compare our "godliness training" with our "physical training" which would we be putting more effort into? Do we give ourselves to either? Are we more likely to exercise than to work hard at the things of God? Paul is not discounting exercise. He is saying that spiritual exercise is a way more important discipline.

Context is key to exercising consistently. We need people to hold us accountable. This is true both for physical exercise and spiritual exercise. To try and "train" outside the context of others is to most often fail. Find a group that you can train spiritually with! Create a culture of spiritual training.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


The church is to be setting the pace for healthy families and community transformation. Elders and deacons are to be leading in our churches. Both positions are based on proven character and experienced leadership. Character and leadership are primarily seen in the home and community.

Our communities are suffering because our churches are suffering. Our churches are suffering because our families are suffering. Our families are suffering because our men lack character and leadership! God help us to change. Where are the men who will choose to follow Jesus and develop both character and leadership?

The gospel is the hope of our communities. It begins with leadership demonstrating that gospel in their homes.

Monday, August 29, 2016


Men, are we known for being men of prayer? Do we model that we care first and foremost about what God is calling us to do? Do those around us know that we are trusting in Jesus for our daily direction?

There is no greater indicator of one's dependence on Christ than their prayer life. Jesus modeled a life of prayer. He said that His church should be marked by prayer. Leaders are to lead out through prayer. Prayer communicates connection with God. Prayer is relationship.

If our faith was measured by our prayer lives, how would we measure up? Are we working to be more faithful to pray. Let's continue to create habits in our lives of prayer. It is time well spent.

Friday, August 26, 2016


Living the christian life is a "battle" that we are called to fight! Paul urged Timothy to "strongly engage" in the fight! But what is this battle? What are we fighting for?

There are at least three things explicit in this text: 1. the faith, 2. a clear conscience, and 3. against false teaching. This is a battle for truth and integrity, for personal purity and gospel clarity. Frankly, it is a battle that we are losing. Gain ground today. Fight for the faith.

Every year I am shocked by the loss of clarity in the teaching of our churches. Church attendance is declining at an alarming rate and our culture cares less and less about the truth of scripture or the things of God. We no longer have a common foundation to build on. It is as though we are starting from scratch.

It is in this context that the gospel is thriving in obscure pockets and places. It is in this context that people are starving for truth and clarity. Live to be an example of truth. Fight for what matters today.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Has God given you influence? Are you using it for His good or your own?

We all have some degree of influence. Influence is a position given to us by God either through relationship or authority or both. The more influence we have been given, the more opportunity we have to effect change, both in the lives of those we influence and our communities.

Most of the time we use our influence for our own agenda. We seldom seek to use that same influence for God's kingdom. Publius was a man of influence. God brought difficulty into his life in order to bring him to faith. Paul's faithfulness enabled him to be the one to share with this influential man.

How are we using the influence God has given us? Us it for God's glory today. Us it for the good of others.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


How do we respond when things don't go as we had planned? Do we see it as an opportunity provided by God to advance His work and build our character, or an interruption from the enemy?

There has never been a better "follower" of Jesus than the apostle Paul. Often his "plans" were hindered and his timing was seldom uninterrupted. Not the mention the chaos and conflict, hardships and torture of it all! Is his life to be normative for us all? Should following Jesus be easy or difficult?

This chapter is all about a really bad boat ride. Really bad. Why is it in our bibles? What are we to take from this inspired account? Are we to read it and say, "Wow, that was a really bad boat ride?" Are we to say, "See they should have listened to Paul." Was God's plans messed up by the decisions of other men? Was Paul afraid and frustrated?

And what about us? How do we respond when difficulty hits? How's our boat ride going? How are we responding to the journey?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Paul's imprisonment was totally for the sake of the gospel. Paul knew that he was being falsely accused and unjustly held, yet he continued to use his circumstances to advance the cause of Christ.

Our circumstances, regardless of how they came about, are not outside of God's oversight! Our desire in our circumstances should be to purposefully share Christ in the midst of those circumstances. As the semester kicks off, let's determine to share with those around us who do not know Jesus.

It is still good news! Everyone needs to know what we know about Jesus.

Monday, August 22, 2016


God used Paul's imprisonment to advance the gospel and begin a writing ministry! We are all grateful for his "time off" from church planting. I wonder how many of the key leaders of the nations eventually believed because of his opportunities.

God is at work in our lives as well. He will use everything to advance His cause. Often God uses things we would not choose or want! Are we okay with that? Are we willing for God to use us in any way He chooses? Even if it means struggle and difficulty?

God owes us nothing. He has given us everything. We owe Him our lives. We are His to use.

Let's agree together to see all our circumstances as opportunities to advance the gospel.

Friday, August 19, 2016


"I always do my best to have a clear conscience before God and men." - Paul

What does it mean to have a clear conscience? It means that no one can say, "You sinned against me and never did anything to make it right." We all struggle with sin. The question is, when we sin against someone, do we ask for their forgiveness? Are we quick to admit wrong and seek forgiveness?

Parents, do we admit to our kids when we blow it? Do we ask our children to forgive us? With our spouses are we able to admit our sin and confess our wrong doing? With friends and family members are we able to talk openly about problems our sin has caused and seek reconciliation?

Having a clear conscience is a lot of work! It is worth it though. Being a faithful christian doesn't mean that we never sin. It does mean that when we sin, we do the work to make it right.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Is there anything in our lives that we are truly passionate about? Passionate to the point of being willing to "fight" for what we believe? Are those things worth fighting for?

If I think about the things that have made me fighting mad lately I am a bit embarrassed. Not only are the things that angered me pretty insignificant, they mostly revolve around my own desires and selfishness! I am most eager to fight for and defend my desires and comforts.

I can't remember the last time I was impassioned for the cause of Chris or something worthy of my full emotion and effort. I truly love Jesus and His church. I plan to live my life to advance church planting on college campuses, but too often my emotions are given to lesser things.

Paul's life was consumed with one thing! His opponents lives were consumed with destroying that one thing! Our lives tend to be consumed with many things. And frankly, mostly of things that don't really matter.

Let's connect our hearts and emotions to things that matter.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


The most powerful tool that we have in evangelism is our personal testimony. Paul was quick to share his story in an effort to help others believe.

Notice the pattern. First, he talked about his life before Christ. Second, he talked about the events that lead up to him meeting Christ. And finally, he talked about his life after meeting Christ. We should use Paul's example.

Have you ever wrote out your testimony? I would highly encourage you to take this pattern and write out your story on a single sheet of paper. Practice sharing it and pray for God to give you an opportunity to share with others.

Our stories are not as dynamic as Paul's, but they will help others to hear the gospel and know how to respond to Jesus. Prepare to tell your story today.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Have we ever been persecuted because of our faith? Have we ever suffered any consequences for boldly talking about Jesus? I know I haven't. I often wonder how I would respond if I lived in an environment that was hostile to Christ.

We tend to not want to "rock the boat" with others. We have been taught to be nice and let people believe what they want about salvation. That simply is not in the bible. The early christians confronted "religion" even when it meant that they would be tortured and killed!

Are we letting people believe a lie just to avoid conflict? If Paul was bold when he knew he would suffer, shouldn't we be bold since we know we will not? What are we afraid of?

Make it a mission to share with someone today. At least have a conversation.

Monday, August 15, 2016


How determined are we to make our lives matter for eternity? Are we pursuing what God wants with our lives or are we hoping God will make our lives as easy as possible?

Paul knew that pursuing Christ was NOT the easy path. It has never been the easy path! In fact, Jesus calls us to do things that are difficult. He calls us to obedience and faith regardless of the circumstances.

Paul said, "I count my life of no value to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God's grace."

What is God calling us to today?

Friday, August 12, 2016


"Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" This was the question Paul asked some disciples of John. They responded, "we haven't even heard that there is a Holy Spirit."

Sadly, this reality is still true today. Many say that they believe but have never heard of or understood the Holy Spirit! Without the Holy Spirit there is no salvation. Jesus taught about the work of the Holy Spirit and encouraged his disciples to
"receive the Holy Spirit". This is what it means to be "born again".

Many "christians" today would say that they "believe" in Jesus. Have they even thought about the Holy Spirit or what Jesus taught about Him. It is as though we have a lot of pre-christian "believers" who need further teaching. Last chapter we saw Apollos, who was preaching skillfully about Jesus, but needed to hear about the Holy Spirit, and today, we have the Jews in Ephesus.

Have we received the Holy Spirit? Jesus said, "The Spirit is the One who gives life."

Thursday, August 11, 2016


If your house is next to a synagogue where people want to hear about Jesus but are forbidden, then your house becomes a great place to start a church! This was Paul's strategic thinking.

Everywhere Paul went he found people who were receptive to the message of Christ. He began with his own countrymen in the synagogues, but moved on from there to anyone who would listen. He knew that the gospel was for everyone who would listen and believe. His desire was to see healthy churches planted in every city.

This is still the mission of the church. Wherever there is not a healthy church, a new church should be planted. There are many places in the world that need churches. Many believers have no places to gather and worship. For some, gathering is still illegal! In our culture, we have plenty of places to gather, but too few healthy churches.

Get involved in the mission of healthy church planting. Maybe God wants to use your house.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


How much time do we spend searching the scriptures for truth? The Bereans were commended for their daily "search of the scriptures." It wasn't enough to listen to the apostle Paul's teaching. They had to search it out for themselves.

It is a great thing to be eager to learn from others. It is critical that what we learn lines up with the scriptures. The Bereans "welcomed the message with eagerness", but they also made sure the message was accurate to God's word.

Is what we believe rooted in the scriptures? Are our bible study habits such that we would be hard to lead astray? Are we both teachable and studious when it comes to the things of God?

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


"What must I do to be saved?" This was the question that the jailor had for Paul and Silas. He had observed how they responded to an unjust beating and imprisonment and wanted to have what they had! That same day he had almost committed suicide, but instead he found salvation for himself and his entire household.

Today, not many people are asking this critical question. In fact, most people seem to believe that they are already saved. They believe that everyone is fine before God regardless of what they believe. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Paul and Silas were willing to die to declare the message of salvation! Not because everyone is saved, but because everyone needed salvation!

Until we see the urgency of lostness around us, we won't be motivated to share, much less suffer for the message of Christ. God help us to see the need around us and the importance of sharing with others.

Monday, August 8, 2016


It is hard for us to fathom that circumcision was one of the biggest controversies in the early church, but it was a big issue. Why? Because it strikes at the heart of issues that still exist in the church today, but in different forms.

The first is legalism. We want to "contribute" to our own salvation. Rather than acknowledge the grace of God and the fact that only He can save us, we want to have done something to earn our favor with God. Many believers are caught in this "works trap" still trying to gain God's favor. We can never be good enough. Salvation is by grace…period.

The second is favoritism, prejudice or racism. Our sinful hearts tend to make us feel that certain people are better than others. That some people "deserve" salvation and some do not. Generally we see ourselves as the "good guys" and whoever is different as the "bad ones".

Both of these lies still exist and continue to erode our churches. We should fight to eliminate these lies from our hearts.

Friday, August 5, 2016


"Turn from these worthless things to the living God." These were Paul's words to the idol worshipers who were wanting to worship him! They assumed he and Barnabas were gods. Paul said, "We are men also, with the same nature as you."

Both Paul and Barnabas had to work hard to keep the people of Lystra from worshiping them as gods! Yet, within a paragraph, these same people were dragging them off and stoning them! In moments they moved from crying out in worship to throwing rocks in anger. This gathered crowd became a violent mob.

What was Paul's response? He said, "It is necessary to pass through many troubles on our way into the kingdom of God." It was as though he wasn't even a little surprised. One moment he was being exalted and the next he was under a pile of rocks. His response? "Jesus said it would be like this."

All this and he never stopped sharing the good news.

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Joy is a word that is seldom used today. Joy is a word that should describe christians regardless of their situation. Very few christians could be characterized with this word. And even fewer churches would be described as being joyful places.

Joy is different than happiness. We are happy when things go our way. Joy is a gift of the Holy Spirit and is often expressed even when things are going poorly. The apostles considered it a "joy to suffer for the sake of Christ." There is no happiness in suffering, yet suffering for Christ brings about great unexplainable joy.

Barnabas and Paul were literally kicked out of the city for sharing the gospel. Their fellow countrymen were the ones who kicked them out and rejected them. How did they feel? "They were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit."

Are we experiencing joy in our lives? Are we choosing to obey what God has told us to do?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


When was the last time we prayed "earnestly" for someone? When was the last time we prayed earnestly for the church? Praying earnestly was the pattern of the early church.

It is easy to make christians feel guilty about how little they pray. It is also easy to make us feel guilty about what we pray for. And why is that? We feel guilty because we likely should! Our prayer habits, or lack thereof, say a lot about our dependence on God. Our prayer habits say a lot about what we really value.

We need to learn to pray. The disciples asked Jesus, "Lord, teach us to pray." Jesus asked His disciples to fast and pray. Jesus asked us to "pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers". Paul encouraged us to "pray without ceasing".

We need more earnest prayer in our lives. Pray earnestly about something today. Something selfless. Something you know God would want!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Racial prejudice ran deep in the early church. It was even in the hearts of the apostles! Today we have made some progress, but there is still a long way to go. As believers we are to totally eliminate favoritism and prejudice.

Peter said, "Now I really understand that God doesn't show favoritism, but in every nation the person who fears Him and does righteousness is acceptable to Him." Even Peter needed God to open his eyes to his own sin of favoritism and prejudice! And you know who Peter thought was dirty, unclean and unable to be saved? ME! And most likely, YOU!

How does that make you feel? Peter needed a miracle to see God's love for ALL people! We are the ones represented by Cornelius. We were the ones who Peter would have thought himself better than. We were the ones who Peter thought were beyond the saving grace of God!

Don't allow prejudice to live in our hearts. Jesus came to destroy such thinking!

Monday, August 1, 2016


Two words that should never be put together…"No, Lord!", yet this was Peter's response to spreading the gospel to the Gentiles. His pride and prejudice kept him from seeing God's plan.

Peter's struggles still exist today. We all tend to resist what God would have us to do. Whether meeting a neighbor or sharing with a coworker, our flesh battles against doing the right thing. Our struggles range from racial prejudice to simple laziness. We tend to be pretty selfish in the way we live out our faith.

Let's step out of our comfort zone this week and stop saying, "No Lord!" "Yes, Lord." is the only right response to anything God asks of us today.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


"I will show him how much he must suffer for My name!" (What Jesus said about Paul before he was converted.)

We almost never talk about suffering for Christ. Why? Mostly because we don't ever have to suffer for His name. This is not normal for believers around the world. This was not normal for believers in the first century. Jesus said to His disciples, "The world hated me, it will also hate you."

Why did Jesus not say to Ananias when he was going to share with Paul, "I will show him how much I am going to bless his life."? And why do we always present the gospel in a way that leads others to believe that blessings in this life always follow? Yes, God has overwhelming blessed many of us in this life, but that is not normative.

God help us pray for the majority of christians who almost always still suffer because of Christ.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


When persecution arose against the early church, everyone continued to share the gospel! The very thing that arose to crush the church was the catalyst for her expansion! Ordinary everyday believers sharing the good news of Jesus.

Today, if the church is going to prosper, everyone needs to be sharing the good news. The first "missionaries" were not the apostles! The apostles all stayed in Jerusalem. It was everyone else that was scattered. It was everyone else that went all over the region! As a result of this persecution, the gospel spread.

Once again God used difficulty to advance His kingdom. Once again He used regular people like you and me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


"You are always resisting the Holy Spirit!" -Stephen

These words enraged the religious listeners of Stephen's day. So much so that they began to stone him to death! This message was his first one recorded in scripture and it would be his last. Almost everyone rejected his words and banded together to take his life. It was a horrible tragedy…or was it?

The authoritative witness was a man named Saul. He was giving hearty approval of what was happening. Saul not only agreed with Stephen's death, but began to pursue the extinction of all believers! Yet, it was Stephen's response to death that later would convict Saul's hardened heart. Saul, who became the apostle Paul, was eventually won over by Stephen's words and testimony.

Sometimes we feel like our words fall on deaf ears. Often they do. But sometimes, people are actually hearing and processing the words, and, in time will respond. If we get the chance to lead just one other person to faith, it will be worth it. Maybe it would even be someone like the apostle Paul.

Something to think about.

Monday, July 25, 2016


In the first church, speaking boldly about Jesus was the pattern of all who believed. Today, we rarely speak boldly about Jesus even in the church!

There seems to always be a direct correlation between believers speaking boldly about Jesus and growth of the church. How long has it been since we shared Jesus with someone who we know? We don't all have to become "public speakers and preachers", but we certainly should share Christ personally with others.

Let's seek to make Jesus a regular part of our conversations. The gospel spread through "ordinary" christians in the first church and this is still the way the gospel spreads today. Be bold not rude. If we take the opportunities God will give us to share, we will be encouraged by the responsiveness of others.

Share God's truth with someone. It might result in our churches growing. Be a part of a new movement!

Friday, July 22, 2016


Have we ever been mistreated because of our obedience to Christ? If so we are blessed. And what was our response? The apostles "rejoiced that they were counted worthy to be dishonored on behalf of Jesus."

Most christians I know expect Jesus to reward them if they ever have anything go poorly. We pray that everything goes perfectly and, when it doesn't, we believe God didn't come through. Not so with the early disciples. They expected suffering and persecution. They rejoiced when it came.

What is the difference? I believe they were not living for this life, but rather for the life to come. They believed the words of Jesus and didn't expect "their best life now." They trusted in the promise of life to come.

Live in focus today.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Being "filled" with the Holy Spirit results in boldness to testify about Jesus. The Holy Spirit's purpose is to magnify Jesus. The Holy Spirit works for God's glory not our own personal satisfaction or experience.

Often when people talk about the Holy Spirit, they are talking about a "personal supernatural experience". Most of the time this experience made them feel better. My questions are simply, "As a result of "this experience" have you seen more fruit in your ability to share Christ with others? Are people being drawn to Jesus because of your testimony now?"

Jesus was clear in His teaching about the Holy Spirit. Acts is making the ministry of the Holy Spirit even more clear. He enables us to be bold witnesses for Jesus. He makes much of the gospel and strengthens us as we seek to advance God's purposes here.

Be filled with the Holy Spirit today. Speak boldly of Jesus and walk according to His commands.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


From the beginning the church was filled with people from every tribe, language and nation! God help us to love all people and not just those who look like us. Help our churches to be a place of reconciliation. Reconciled first to God through the Holy Spirit and then to each other.

The Holy Spirit came in like a rushing wind and brought about lasting and total change. Help this happen again Lord! Our country and churches are so broken and in need of a fresh wind to blow. Bring a new and fresh unity among those who are called by your name.

Monday, July 18, 2016


The "power" manifested by the Holy Spirit is the boldness to share the gospel with others. Jesus said, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, AND you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth!"

That same power exists for us today. It is the power to boldly testify about the reality of Jesus to those who don't know Him yet. We talk about so many things. We too rarely talk about one thing that matters most.

Be bold today. Share the good news with someone who needs to hear. It will not only change their life, it will change their eternity.

Friday, July 15, 2016


Jesus appeared to his disciples and "opened their minds" to understand the scriptures. We need to be daily in the scriptures so Jesus can help us to understand them as well.

I am concerned for christians today. Very few of us have a habit of reading and studying the scriptures. Rarely does what the bible says enter into our conversations. We need to be in the book in order to understand the book. We need to be expectant that God will teach us as we study His word.

What is God teaching us lately? Are we giving ourselves time to hearing the voice of God? Let's determine to daily read our bibles with a learning and expectant heart.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


What foundation are our friendships built on? The basis for our friendships has everything to do with their true value. Have friendships rooted in the Gospel.

Pilate and Herod were hostile toward one another until they met Jesus. After meeting Jesus, they became friends! Yet, their friendship was not rooted in belief, but rather, in the fact that they had Jesus crucified!!! What a horrible friendship foundation.

This saying is accurate, "You can know a person by the company he keeps." I like to say, "You are your friends." I thank God daily for my life-long friendships that are rooted in Christ.

Choose friends wisely. They will impact your life and eternity.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Our hearts are so deceitful. In one moment we see our ability to betray Jesus, and in the next, we are arguing about which one of us is the greatest!

We see in the disciples reflections of ourselves. Anyone who questions the behaviors of the disciples, fails to look rightly at their own sinful heart. As believers, we are constantly in a battle with our fleshly desires. Often our desires are in conflict with God's desires for us.

Who will win the battle for our actions today? Will we choose to honor ourselves or obey Jesus? In every moment there is an opportunity. Choose obedience today.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Jesus' second coming is as certain as His life and resurrection! It could be any moment. It could be today. Are we ready?

We are to "be ready" for Jesus to return. Even if we get to live for 100 years, what is that compared to eternity? Our live are but a mist. We appear for a little while and then we are ushered into eternal life. How we live these moments will make a difference forever.

Do something today to demonstrate that we get this. Live life today with Jesus' second coming in mind.

Monday, July 11, 2016


"The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." -Jesus

Zacchaeus had a desire to see Jesus but he had know idea that after seeing Him, his life would be changed forever! Jesus sought him out and transformed his life. He went from being rich and lost, empty and greedy, to being rich and found, fulfilled and generous.

Jesus changes everything! What change has He brought in our lives? Zacchaeus knew that a relationship with Jesus was more valuable than anything else. He also knew that a relationship with Jesus would mean big changes for his lifestyle. What he had was no longer his, but rather it was for God's kingdom.

Most rich men reject Christ! Jesus said on several occasions, "It is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Hard, but not impossible. Zac definitely got in!!!

Friday, July 8, 2016


"Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." - Jesus

Jesus spoke these words to a group of people who "trusted in themselves…and looked down on everyone else." Not only were they not humble, they believed that they were "right" and justified in all their actions. These people were elected officials and religious leaders!

We need to look to Jesus. We will only be able to help others when we direct them to Him. In our own abilities, we cannot bring about lasting change or make a difference.

God help us to trust in Him.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Do we expect God to express gratitude to us! When we obey God do we expect Him to thank us and reward us? Jesus says this would be absurd.

Jesus said, "Does the Master thank a slave because he does what he has been commanded to do? In the same way, when you have done all that you were commanded, you should say, 'We are good-for-nothing slaves; we've only done our duty.'" Is this the attitude we have?

I often find myself having the attitude of a child (in a bad way). When I do what God commands, I expect Him to thank me and give me some great reward. My motivation is often wrong.

God has given me everything! Gratitude should overflow from my life…not expectation.

God help us all.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Are we "lovers of money"? Is money a primary motivation in our lives? Are we faithful to be generous with all God has entrusted to us?

Jesus said, "He who is faithful in a little thing, will be faithful in much. If you have not been faithful with unrighteous money, who will trust you with what is genuine?" Money is a "little thing" to God, but what we do with it is a BIG DEAL. Jesus talked often about money. More than any other subject except the kingdom of God. Why?

Money captures our hearts. Money and the things it affords often draws us away from Christ! Jesus said, "Use money to build the Kingdom." The purpose of money is to make a significant difference in forever! Are we doing that?

Is giving and building the kingdom a priority for our lives? Check you bank ledger…find your heart.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Do we struggle to celebrate God's mercy and goodness when others receive something from God that we do not? If so, we fail to realize how much mercy and goodness God has poured out on us!

We live in a day where if anyone has anything we believe we should have it also! Who says? We never seem to be satisfied with what we have been given. We never compare our lives to those who have nothing. We seldom consider how blessed we are.

Often when we live in the blessing of God, we fail to see that blessing. God help us be grateful and thankful today.

Friday, July 1, 2016


What religious "duty" are we clinging to that blinds us to the actual desires of God for our lives? Jesus "healed" on the sabbath. For the religious elite, this was a violation of God's law! To them, God was not only displeased, He would be judging Jesus as a sinner because to this!

How absurd is this? I don't know anyone today who would have such thoughts. Yet, are we any different? Isn't the point simply that we all miss Jesus in order to keep our own "self righteousness"? What would Jesus be doing today that we would consider sin? How would He be violating our self-righteous rules?

Many of us attend church services, read our bibles, pray at meals and do some good deeds, but how many of us truly glorify God with our lives? What will we do today that will show our heart for God?

Thursday, June 30, 2016


"Do you think that I came here to give peace to earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!" - Jesus

So many people believe that Jesus' highest priority is unity. This could not be further from the truth. Unity can only be had among those who embrace truth. He prayed for unity among believers, not unity for the world.

Jesus knew that He was stepping into a furious battle for souls. He never compromised truth, and therefore, His life was almost in constant conflict! He was murdered for what He believed!

Jesus brings "peace" to those who believe. He desires unity among believers. Following Him will bring conflict and division is this world.

The gospel is divisive.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


The one thing Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them was "to Pray". The one prayer request that Jesus asked us to pray about was more workers into the plentiful harvest.

Somehow Jesus' disciples were moved by Jesus' prayer life. They observed in Him a connection to God the Father that they wanted for themselves. They saw this discipline displayed in Jesus' life and ministry. They knew is was an essential part of Jesus being able to live an obedient life.

If Jesus needed to pray, how much more is this true for us? My dad always says, "Jesus asked us to fast and pray. We like to pray fast. If at all." I am grateful for daily reminders to pray (the 10:02 prayer, meal time and daily writing to others), but still I fall way short in this discipline.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Join me in prayer every day at 10:02 in answer to Jesus' one prayer request! Jesus said, "The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, PRAY to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."

Even though the harvest is abundant, the responsiveness of the harvest can often be hostile. Jesus' disciple encountered some amazing responses to the gospel, but they were most often rejected! This is still true today. The harvest IS plentiful. Gathering the harvest is WORK.

It is God that brings in the harvest. Our job is to Pray and to Work, but it is God that brings in the yield. It is hard to pray daily and not desire to be an answer to that prayer.

Join me please. Let's pray and work.

Monday, June 27, 2016


What is a man benefited if he gains the whole world, yet loses or forfeits himself? - Jesus

The priority of our pursuits should be Christ. Why do we work so hard to gain only what will be lost and so little to gain what can never be lost? This world holds no promises for the life to come. Pursuing Jesus guarantees a reward that will never be lost.

Spend time today pursuing Jesus. Make time to read His words. Work to obey Him.

Friday, June 24, 2016


Fear was the number one response of people to Jesus' power! Today, we have reduced Him to a gentle, powerless, "good guy"! 

Jesus' disciples were both amazed by and afraid of Jesus. To be in the presence of God without some level of fear is to not realize we are in the presence of God. Only when we are free from our sinfulness and in heaven will fear be totally removed from our relationship with God.

To not "fear God" now, is either to not understand His holiness and His power, or to not recognize our sinfulness and need. 

Solomon summarized all of life with this statement. "Fear God and obey His commands."

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Jesus loves to forgive sins! He came so He could bring life to a dead and broken people. The Centurion's servant, the widow's son and the "sinful" woman are just a few examples.

Jesus declared to the woman. "Your sins are forgiven." Then He said to her, "Your faith has saved you." Only God can forgive sins and only God can save. Why did Jesus NOT say, "Your sins are forgive because I have saved you."? What part did the sinful woman's faith have to do with her salvation.

Jesus was "amazed" at the Centurion's faith! I am amazed at the Centurion's humility. Everyone thought that he was "worthy" to receive healing for his servant because of his good deeds. He considered himself "unworthy" to even have a conversation with Jesus. His humility and faith were commendable to Jesus.

Only God saves. We must respond to Him with humility and faith.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


What have we left behind to follow Jesus? Peter was a fisherman. When he was first called Jesus has just provided his best business day ever! Peter left everything and followed Jesus.

At Jesus' death, Peter denied Jesus 3 times. After the resurrection, Peter went back to fishing! Once again Jesus provided a huge catch for Peter. Once again he left it all to follow Jesus.

At the first catch Peter fell to his knees and said, "Go away from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord!" At the final catch Peter jumped from the boat to pursue Jesus. Both encounters ended with Jesus saying, "Follow me." Both encounters required Peter to leave his catch behind.

We all have to leave and let go of whatever we are holding on to in order to "follow" Jesus. It is not easy. It is worth it.

Monday, June 20, 2016



If Satan had the power to give us everything we want in this world, would we follow him? This was his temptation for Jesus! How could he tempt Jesus with something that wasn't his? The answer: It was his to give!

It is scary to think about the number of people I know who expect Jesus to give them everything they want in this life. Their desire is for heaven on earth, not heaven. If we are to follow Jesus' example then why would we ever consider such a thing? Jesus lived a simple life with very few earthly pleasures.

We are so blessed. Overly blessed. My prayer is that we would desire the greater blessing of eternity. I pray that no temptation to compromise in this world would cause us to NOT follow Jesus. It is worth it to live for the life to come, even if it means giving up earthy things that won't last.

Thursday, June 16, 2016


How crazy is it that Jesus, being God, was "obedient" to His parents?! We know that being obedient to our parents is important to God, but did we know that being obedient to our parents was modeled by God also?

We also know that Mary and Joseph were not perfect. They were people. They were godly, yes, but that doesn't mean they didn't mess up. I am confident there were times that they totally blew it with Jesus. Yet, He obeyed them. He made them! Yet, He obeyed them.

God gives us authority in our lives. How we respond to it says much about our understanding of God. God loves obedience.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Luke is the most careful, thorough and orderly account of the life and teaching of Jesus. Luke wrote both this gospel and the book of Acts to be read together.

God can use anyone! Most often he uses the people who are most "useable" to Him. Both Mary and Elizabeth were eager and responsive to God's call on their lives. It was not an easy task, but they didn't hesitate to obey God's call on their lives.

God is still using people today. He desires to use those of us who are eager to respond in faith to His leadership.

Are we usable and responsive today?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Are we more useless or useful when it comes to the work of Christ? Onesimus means "useful". Before he met Paul, he was a useless runaway slave. His meeting Paul became pivotal because Paul introduced him to Jesus.

Jesus said, "apart from me, you can do nothing." We are all useless without Christ. In ourselves we are incapable of doing anything of eternal significance. BUT, Jesus make us all useful. As we give ourselves to Him and His work, we can actually participate in eternally significant work.

This letter is a great challenge to all of us to be committed to being "usable" by God.

Monday, June 13, 2016


Has anyone ever accused us of being "prayer warriors"? Epaphras "contended" for the Colossians in prayer. He was known as a hard worker and a prayer warrior.

I thank God for the opportunity to pray for others. Thankfully, it's a habit that I am building more and more, but no one has ever accused me of being a "prayer warrior". I know some who I would consider in that way, but I am not there…yet. Are you?

Paul requested prayer! Paul was a prayer warrior. Paul knew that the best way to influence others was through the power of prayer. We need to pray for others.

Friday, June 10, 2016


"Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on earth."- vs.2 We spend far too much time thinking and worrying about this life. We should be focused on the life that is to come.

Our entire lives should be spent preparing for eternity! Everything we do in obedience to Christ will be rewarded forever. Whatever we do for this life only will be spent at our death.

Consider pregnancy. Whenever a young mom gets pregnant, she begins to prepare for the life that is coming. She lives not for the pregnancy but with an expectation of being a mother and raising a child. In a sense, life is like pregnancy. We should live not for this life, but rather for the life that is to come.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Christianity is not measured in the number of "do's and don'ts" that we practice, but rather in "Christ in us."

We all know "believers" who measure their "holiness" by the things they do or don't do. But often these same people evidence very little of Jesus. On the other hand, there are those who never measure activity or inactivity, but exude Christ in all they do.

Paul's desire for us is to experience Christ in every aspect of our lives. As we learn to enjoy Him, we will draw others into relationship with Him also.

Is Jesus seen in our lives? Do people experience Him when they spend time with us?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Jesus will present us "holy, faultless and blameless" before God! Wow, what a thought!

It is a fearful thing to think about standing before God's judgement. Most of us feel guilt almost constantly. We even feel as though someone may accuse us for things we have done long ago. Things regrettable. Things shameful. Some of us even feel guilty for things we haven't done.

To think about being totally holy, faultless and blameless in the presence of God is somewhat overwhelming. AND it is NOT because of us, but because of Christ. We stand "in Christ" before God. When God sees us, He sees Jesus. Nothing is better than this truth.

Rejoice in the work of Christ today.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


"Let your graciousness be known to everyone." Graciousness = pleasantly kind, benevolent and courteous. To be gracious is to be a person who makes others feel valued. It is to respond well in every circumstance.

Are we a people who are marked by God's grace? Does the reality of all He has done for us continue to permeate our lives, attitudes, words and actions? If not, it should.

God has poured out blessings on our lives. We are to be a people who reflect the reality of that blessing to others. God's grace has overwhelmed us. We should overflow with graciousness.

Express grace in every situation today.

Monday, June 6, 2016


One thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. - the apostle Paul

If our lives were reduced to one pursuit, what would it be? What do we want in life? How much energy and effort are we putting forward to gain Christ? Not that we have to work to have Christ (this only comes through grace and faith), but to really "know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings", takes a full on effort.

Many pursue things that really don't matter! Pursue the "one thing" that will last forever.

Friday, June 3, 2016


"Do everything without grumbling and arguing." How many times today will we violate this verse? 

Attitude matters. It is not only "what" we do, but "how" we do it that makes a difference to God. He sees both the "what" and the "why", both the "how" and the "when". Getting our attitude right changes everything we do. 

Paul wrote, "Make your attitude that of Jesus!" Jesus was the King of Heaven and left everything to become a servant of men. He lived a poor human life, died a sinner's death and was mostly rejected by everyone. Yet, His attitude was always to do what God had asked without grumbling or complaining.

Today I will likely even grumble and complain if I play golf! What must that look like to God?

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Wanting "Christ" to be "highly honored in my body, whether by life or by death" was Paul's desire. Is that my desire?

Honestly, I often think my motives are truly conflicted. At times, I feel like I could pray Paul's prayer. Other times, I know that what I want most is for God to honor me! My flesh craves to be honored. My soul longs for Christ to be honored in my life.

Regardless of what is happening in my heart today, I can still choose to live for Jesus. Every day is a choice. Every moment is a choice. Sometimes totally opposite. Other times slightly different. Sometimes obvious to those around us. Other times totally unrecognizable.

Paul writes, "Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." That "one thing" is a great challenge. It's a worthy goal.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Are we speaking the gospel boldly? Is there someone who we should be sharing with today?

Paul said, "Pray for me that I may speak the gospel boldly as I should." I can't think of a more bold evangelist than the apostle Paul! He sought to win everyone he encountered. His entire life was wrapped up in sharing Christ. Yet, he asked for prayer.

If he needed it, how much more do we all need it? Decide today to intentionally get into a gospel conversation! Choose to talk about what matters. Not Trump. Not Clinton. Not Bernie. Not NBA. Christ!

Be bold today.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Walking in the light takes careful attention. Our natural tendency is to walk in darkness. Without intention, no one will walk with God. Reject impurity, pursue purity. Reject greed, pursue generosity.

Decide today to pursue the light. Confess sin and choose to walk in love. Are there people in our lives we have hurt? Seek forgiveness. Are there people who have hurt us? Forgive them.

Today we will be faced with all kinds of options. Choose to follow Jesus.

Friday, May 27, 2016


What is the "mystery of the Messiah"? A mystery "once hidden, now revealed".

It is the gospel! And the implications of the gospel lived out in the church! The church is the bride of Christ! She is to be the greatest expression of His love throughout the world!

It is the church that should be breaking down racial, social and economic barriers! We are one in Christ.

As believers, are we reflecting this gospel in our lives and choices?

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Salvation = God's grace, through faith, apart from works. Period.

If this reality somehow causes us to do less for God, we don't understand the gospel! If we are motivated to try and earn our own salvation, we don't understand the gospel. Salvation is a gift from God…period.

We who are saved are God's workmanship prepared to do "good works". If we are not giving ourselves for the work God has prepared for us, we are wasting our lives.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


"God appointed Jesus as head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of the One who fills all things in every way."

Jesus is leading and building His church. If we want to be involved in the movement of God in our lifetime, we need to be actively involved in what Jesus is doing through His church!

How should we evaluate anything called "church"? I believe this answer is simple. Do we encounter Jesus whenever the church gathers? Are we convicted of our sin and drawn to live for Christ? Is our gathering a religious duty or a relational dynamic?

Christ lived, died and was resurrected for His bride, the church. Nothing should be more exciting that this!

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Jesus is coming back! His return is more certain than death. Jesus said, "No one except the Father knows when... be alert! Be ready! Heaven and earth will pass away but My words stand forever."

What would be different about our lives if we actually believed that Jesus might return today? What would we change? Are we living in a way that says we are "expecting" His return.

Currently, I have three of my children who are "expecting". They don't know the exact time, but they all are preparing for their kids to come. We all are excited. We all are talking about it. We are preparing our homes and family to receive our new treasures.

Shouldn't we also be preparing for an even greater thing that we also are expecting? Jesus is coming back. This is a fact.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


When was the last time we were in a gospel conversation with someone who does not know Jesus? Think about it? Is there anyone who is considering following Jesus because of our influence?

I am saddened that so many "christians" rarely talk to others about Christ. In fact, most never do! We are more likely to make converts to our political views than to the gospel. It is a sad reality.

Jesus was constantly in conversations about what mattered…eternal life. He taught His disciples to engage culture with conversation. We should still be having those critical conversations.

Share the good news today.