Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Do you have a clear conscience? Have you sinned against someone and have not made it right? Can anyone say to you, "You hurt me and never made an effort to heal the brokenness?" 

Having a clear conscience is essential to effectively living for the gospel. It was Paul's pattern of leading and it was the way he encouraged Timothy to lead. Everyone sins. Everyone hurts others and sins against them. Not very many take responsibility for that sin and seek forgiveness. When your conscience is dirty, your ministry will be limited. Not only by the ones you have hurt, but also to everyone else.

How long has it been since you have asked anyone other than God for forgiveness? Asking forgiveness should be our regular practice. It is the path to a clear conscience. Having a clear conscience is a beautiful thing. Go for it. Make a list today of people you need to seek forgiveness from. It won't kill you. It will actually free you to truly live for Jesus.

Do everything you can to clean up the messes you have made. 

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