Tuesday, May 20, 2014


We often "stress" what is of little value to God. In this context (and several others in the NT) the emphasis on whether or not someone was right before God had to do with circumcision! Can you believe that? God's people literally fought about this issue. It was a major issue for the apostles themselves.

Today, circumcision is no longer a divisive issue in our churches. We finally get that the gospel was not primarily for Jews and that circumcision is not primarily the "mark" of christianity. In fact, it is hard to even imagine that this was the BIG issue for the first century. But what are the issues today? What are the insignificant issues that divide God's people? What are the things that are emphasized that are of little importance to God?

My prayer is that I will focus on the purity of the gospel and the clear teachings of scripture. Focus on the majors and let the small things be small things. That is my prayer for us all.

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