Friday, August 26, 2016


Living the christian life is a "battle" that we are called to fight! Paul urged Timothy to "strongly engage" in the fight! But what is this battle? What are we fighting for?

There are at least three things explicit in this text: 1. the faith, 2. a clear conscience, and 3. against false teaching. This is a battle for truth and integrity, for personal purity and gospel clarity. Frankly, it is a battle that we are losing. Gain ground today. Fight for the faith.

Every year I am shocked by the loss of clarity in the teaching of our churches. Church attendance is declining at an alarming rate and our culture cares less and less about the truth of scripture or the things of God. We no longer have a common foundation to build on. It is as though we are starting from scratch.

It is in this context that the gospel is thriving in obscure pockets and places. It is in this context that people are starving for truth and clarity. Live to be an example of truth. Fight for what matters today.

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