Monday, February 18, 2013


If someone accuses you of being "full" of something, let it be "grace and truth".  Both of these things are essential to walking in the light.

Jesus was the perfect expression of both grace and truth.  He completely showered everyone He encountered with His loving grace.  People did not feel condemned by Him, nor did he make them feel unloved or unlovable.  In fact, His grace was so gripping that the worst of sinners was attracted to Him and willing to listen to His words.  He was full of grace.

Yet Jesus never compromised truth.  He lovingly confronted sinners with their sin and never "skirted" around the issues to keep someone from feeling badly.  He boldly addressed the religious leaders with their hypocrisy  and never backed down because of their position or threats.  He was full of truth.  

As we begin preparing for Easter, I want to focus of being full of grace AND truth.  My tendency is to lean into one or the other, generally the truth side.  (Unless of course, I am the one in the wrong, then I want grace.)  I want to learn what it means to stand for absolute truth in a grace filled way.

That is what Jesus did!

1 comment:

  1. i love truth.
    especially when i agree with it.

    i love grace.
    especially when i'm receiving it.

    it is harder to come against truths i do not naturally agree with.

    it is harder to extend grace to others who've wronged me and don't deserve it.

    God help me to receive correction and rebuke when my ways are untrue and out of step with Yours.

    God help me to extend grace to those who have wronged me because You have extended far more to me.
