Monday, February 25, 2013


If a "disciple" stops following Jesus, is he still a "disciple"?  Jesus seemed to indicate that there are many who would follow for themselves, but they are not truly disciples.

What is your response when Jesus request you to do something you don't want to do?  If the response is "no, maybe, or I will think about it", then you are still not getting what it means to "follow" Jesus.  It is never easy to hear and obey Jesus.  When it is difficult, our true faith is evident.  If it were easy, it would not be faith.

What is Jesus asking you to believe and do today.  Disciples need to be about obedience.  When we resist, we are truly resisting God's love and opportunity in our lives.  It is through difficulty that discipleship is best demonstrated.  

Obey today.

1 comment:

  1. we are not simply signing up for duty, we are resigning our rights to ourselves.

    to whom else shall we turn?

    depends on what you want.
    where you turn reveals what you want and who you think can get you to it.
