Tuesday, February 5, 2013


What will be your response today when someone asks you to identify with Jesus?  Don't do a Peter!

What is that?  It is when you are one thing in one context (bold, confident, assertive) and something completely different in another context (cowardice, afraid, weak).  Fortunately, after being filled with the Spirit, Peter decided to live "one life" in every context.

The challenge remains for us.  Who will be in every context?  Will we allow circumstance to determine our behavior?  Will we respond in every situation in a manner that is pleasing to God?  Will we truly let others know exactly Who we are living to please?  

I pray we will live by God's Spirit and choose "one life".  The life pleasing to God.

1 comment:

  1. i sometimes wonder if i, like peter, overestimate my abilities.

    it sounds like something i would do.
