Thursday, February 28, 2013


"One thing I know: I was blind, and now I see." - A man born blind.  This man had limited information about Jesus, but he knew his life had been completely changed.  

This is such a powerful story.  A true miracle had taken place in this man's life but the religious leaders were not able to rejoice with him.  In fact, they were critical and judgmental.  They had already decided to reject Jesus and nothing He could do would change their minds.

I love the heart of this guy though.  In the face of persecution, he remained calm and simply spoke truth.  "I don't know Who he is.  I do know my life has been changed.  I believe this man is from God."  When given the opportunity to meet Jesus after being healed; he worship him.

What is your story?  Has your life been changed?  Are you responding in worship today?

1 comment:

  1. i was one of the Pharisees who thought i could see, but wondered what was up with the blind people suddenly seeing. i was skeptical, but something tickled deep down. by God's grace, he found me and convinced me of my blindness. i was broken, but in a different way: but in a very common and similar way. praise God! it is a joy to be demolished before One so merciful to pick you back up. do it again and again God! to me daily and my unbelieving friends soon!
