Thursday, February 21, 2013


Do you believe in Jesus because of someone else's story or do you believe because of what Jesus has done for you?  When Jesus gets involved, He changes everything!  The woman at the well experienced this first hand.  As a result, she told everyone she knew.  As as result of her story, many more began to believe in Jesus.  But the woman's testimony was just the beginning of their story.

Listen to what they said soon after they believed, "We no longer believe because of what you said, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this is the Savior of the world."  So hear is the big question.  Are you believing because of the change you have seen in others or has Jesus truly changed you?  It is one thing to see change in another.  It is a completely different thing to experience change for yourself.

Jesus changes everything.

1 comment:

  1. I pray people would come to know Jesus because they came to know me.

    I pray those people would then believe for themselves and that others would meet Jesus because they met them.

    And so on and so forth until Jesus returns.

    What a legacy provided by God's grace.

    I heard about Him from someone who heard about Him from someone who heard about Him, etc...
