Friday, September 28, 2012


Have you ever noticed how much Paul talks about people turning away to follow Satan?  Even some of the widows in this chapter are turning away!

My question is, turning away from who? From what?  Do they know they are following Satan or have they been deceived into following him?

Yesterdays text gives the answer as to what they know.  They are deceived.  They have no idea that they are being led astray.  I think this whole book gives the answer to who and what they are turning away from.  I believe it is the church and its leadership.

As a church leader this is a scary responsibility!  God has ordained the church to be the place of health and safety for believers.  God's plan for reaching the world is His church and the church is full of sinful people.  Any one of us can stray from God's path.  All of us have from time to time.  It is in the context of a healthy church, under the authority of godly leadership that clarity of vision comes.

I am so grateful to be in a church like Cornerstone.  I love being in a context with other men and women who continue to challenge my faith and walk with Jesus.  I pray my life will be one committed to being a good leader and a followable example to others.

read it here.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


In the last days, people will depart from the faith because they will be listening to deceitful demons! Scary stuff.

What do you think these demons are saying?  What kinds of things are they lying about?  I believe at least some of the answer is in this chapter.  Paul was instructing Timothy to be careful to follow hard after God and His word and not these false teachers who suggest all kinds of rules outside of scripture.

Paul challenges Timothy to the greatest discipline...godliness!  Some seek to train their bodies, and there is some value in that.  Paul commands Timothy to train himself in godliness because there is great value in that!

Timothy was to watch his life carefully and make sure that it lined up with the teaching of God's word.  It is the only way to not get sucked into demonic doctrines that lead us away from Christ.

Read it here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The church will once again be the leader in our culture when church leaders are actually leaders!  Often the only place that some men and women lead is in their church.  They are not leaders, but the church is so weak any volunteer becomes a leader.

It is a sad day when poor leadership or "no" leadership is in charge of leading the most important institution on earth...the church.  Our world is marked by times when the church had its rightful place.  History is shaped by the church when God's people give themselves fully to serving him and choose to use their gifts, even leadership, for His purposes and not their own.

Are you growing in your faith? Are you being an example to others? Are you leading your family? If the answer is yes to all of these, you should be leading in your church.

Get going!!!!!!

Read it here.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Do you pray angry prayers?  Do you argue with God when you pray?  In all your life has prayer been something you have associated with anger and arguing? Think about it.  Paul said men are to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger and arguing!

Who would they be angry with when they are praying?  Who would they be arguing with?  I have never really thought about this.

If the answer is God, let me totally agree with Paul and say....BAD IDEA!  When we pray we are to submit to God and enter His presence with absolute humility.  I am praying a happy prayer for all of you today.

Read it here.

Monday, September 24, 2012


What is the goal of your life?  Is it LOVE that flows from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith?  That was Paul's goal for Timothy.

Love does not come naturally!  It is something we have only as we tap into God.  When Jesus invades our lives His desire it to produce His love in us.  That love flows as we seek to have:1. a pure heart - having no unconfessed sin, 2. a clear conscience - having sought forgiveness from the sins we committed, 3. a sincere faith - being authentic rather than hypocritical.

These are key areas to work toward.  In your journey of faith, which is the greatest struggle for you?  Any area you neglect will be the area that Satan will destroy your walk with Jesus.  Keep confessing, asking forgiveness and living in the light.  It is the only way to stay on God's path.

Read it here.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


It takes you farther than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay, cost you more than you can afford to pay.

Friday, September 21, 2012


The Bible teaches that we should watch the company we keep.  In fact, it warns us to stay away for those who live irresponsibly.

I have been tempted many times to blame others for the sins of my children.  You know the saying, "they just started hanging out with the wrong crowd."  We all know that we choose the people we hang out with.  Every parent is saying the same thing!  A better way to say it would be, "my kid IS the wrong crowd."

I told my children that I would never say anything other than, "you are your friends and you are known by the company you keep".  Paul agrees.  Choose your friends wisely.  They will either draw you toward or push you away from Jesus.

Read it here.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Do you believe that Jesus could actually return today? Is your life a reflection of that belief?  What needs to change?

The early believers were confused about the second coming of Jesus.  In fact, many false teachers were teaching that Jesus had already returned and that they had missed it.  Paul assures everyone that Jesus' return will not be missed!  It will be fantastic and unmistakable.

The most interesting thing to me is Paul's encouragement in light of the second coming.  Stand firm in your faith and hold to the things you were taught. Let God's love and salvation encourage your hearts and give your strength to do good works in word and deed.

Live in light of Jesus' coming today.  Live and speak the truth to others.

Read it here.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Do you ever picture God taking vengeance on those who don't know HIm? Paul boldly declares that God will bring vengeance with fire on all those who do not know Him or obey His gospel.

There is a term that describes preachers who talk much about God's wrath.  We call them "fire and brimstone" preachers.  It seems to be a thing of the past.  Should it be?  I wonder if we truly were preaching the truth of God's word in the way it was intended if there would be more, "fire and brimstone" kind of preaching today.  Hmm.  Something to consider.

Read it here.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


God wants to clean up every part of us! Our spirits, souls and bodies.  He wants to leave nothing a mess!

When God's Spirit comes to dwell in our spirit we are "born again".  We have new life in Jesus...spiritual life.  Our eternity is secured, sealed by the Spirit of God.

The bible talks much about our bodies as well.  We are to live in a manner pleasing to God and to conduct ourselves in a way that demonstrates that Jesus is living in us.  Our "bodies" are a temple of the Holy Spirit.

I believe the primary battle takes place in our soul (that part of us that is not physical or spiritual).  Consider our minds, our wills and our emotions.  With our minds we think, reason and remember.  With our wills we act. With our emotions we feel.  Jesus wants to even clean up our souls such that we have our minds fixed on HIm, our actions submitted to His will and even feel rightly toward every situation.

Now that would be a completely sanctified christian!  That is what God wants for us.

read it here.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Everyone should know how to control their own body in a way that is honorable and pleasing to the Lord.  We should not yield to any lustful desires.  God has called us to absolute purity!

Sexual sin tends to be the secret sin in our soul!  In time, it will expose us and drive us away from Jesus.  Paul calls every believer to deal radically with any and all sexual sin.  In Ephesians there is not to even be a "hint" of sexual sin.  In Corinthians we are to "flee" sexual sin.  In this chapter we are totally "abstain".

My opinion is that believers should be better at fleeing, abstaining and steering clear.  Unfortunately too many are falling prey to the grip of sexual sin.

Stay pure!  It is worth it.  Sexual sin destroys from the inside out.

Read it here.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Nothing is better than hearing from others that your children are walking with Christ!  Live in such a way that following you would cause them to follow Him.

Read it here.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Who would you say you are truly sharing "your life" with?  Are you using people or giving yourself for their good?

This is an amazing chapter!  Paul clearly communicates that his life was all about others!  He had no desire to use his relationships for himself, rather he desired to live his life in order for others to know and follow Jesus.

In life there are givers and takers.  I want to live my life as an intentional giver.  Jesus gave Himself for me, how could I not give myself for others.

Read it here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Are you the kind of person that you want others to be?  Could you say to those who know you, "I have set you an example of living by faith, working in love, and hoping for eternal life"?

Paul was confident that the life he was living was immulatable!  In fact, he encouraged everyone who knew to live like he lived.  Do you want people to be like you?  If everyone was like you would the world be a better place?  Do you live in such a way that others could follow your example and become more like Jesus?

Read in here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


If someone were to ask you, "What are you devoted to?", could you honestly answer, "Prayer"?  

Anyone who could answer "prayer" is beginning to figure it out.  God's desire is for us to realize we are dependent on HIm.  He wants us to recognize and acknowledge that we are continually in His presence.  He wants us to be interacting with Him about any and everything, in any and every situation.

Personally I am a "prayer lame-o".  God wants warriors who fight on their knees and I am convicted that I am far too slack when it comes to praying.  Today I plan to lean into God through prayer.  Will you join me?

Read it here.

Monday, September 10, 2012


How much of your life does Jesus actually control?  He wants it ALL!!!  Are you willing to let Him have it?

Paul says, "When Christ, who is your life, is revealed", you will be revealed with Him.  Can you imagine that?  Actually being with Christ when He returns and having fellowship with Him.  That will be unbelievable.  Can't wait!

In light of this fact, Paul challenges the way a believer should live.  We are to "put away" anything that Jesus would not want in us and "put on" all that would bring honor to Him.  In essence God is calling us to a "total makeover".

Gear up today.  Take off YOU.  Put on JESUS.

read it here.

Friday, September 7, 2012


What is the overflow of your life? The apostle Paul said that it should be "gratitude" if you know Jesus.

It is crazy to me to see how ungrateful I can be.  No matter what God has done, my expectation is that He will continue to do more...for ME!  My expectation is, God should give me more.  More health, more money, more happiness, more time, more etc.  

The fact is, He has already given me everything in Christ!  When I am not overflowing with gratitude, I am evidencing how little I understand about all God has given me.

Be grateful!

Read it here.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


What is it that you are working hard to obtain?  Is it worth the time, energy and effort?  Will it be worth it 10 years from now? In eternity?

Paul worked hard to proclaim the gospel to everyone.  Whenever someone received gospel, he labored to teach them how to live the life of the gospel.  I think it would be right to say that God would desire the same for us.

In this chapter we find the phrase, "Walk worthy of the Lord" again.  As believers our lives are to reflect daily that we are living for Christ.  Anything short of that is a waste of our lives.

Read it here.

Monday, September 3, 2012


"Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you" - Paul

Most parents have been known to say, "Do as I say, not as I do".  What child needs that kind of example?  What is that really saying to a child?  On the other hand, Paul had it right.  He said, "follow my example as I follow Christ".  He said it in many different ways and he said it often.

Paul was not perfect, but he did seek to set the pace for those he was wanting to help.  His attitudes, his thoughts, his words and his actions were all in line with his desire to please God.  I believe this is how he was able to impact so many for the kingdom.

Live one life!  Paul did.  It is worth it.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Are you pursuing anything worth catching? When you obtain your goals will they be worth the effort?

Paul's pursuit was Christ.  The goal was to be like Him in every way and to discipline himself for that purpose.  He said, "I want to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering..."  Who knew Jesus better than  Paul?  And yet, he wanted to know Him more.

Pursue Jesus today.  The more you discover Him the more you will want an even greater pursuit.  All other pursuits are futile.