Thursday, February 28, 2013


"One thing I know: I was blind, and now I see." - A man born blind.  This man had limited information about Jesus, but he knew his life had been completely changed.  

This is such a powerful story.  A true miracle had taken place in this man's life but the religious leaders were not able to rejoice with him.  In fact, they were critical and judgmental.  They had already decided to reject Jesus and nothing He could do would change their minds.

I love the heart of this guy though.  In the face of persecution, he remained calm and simply spoke truth.  "I don't know Who he is.  I do know my life has been changed.  I believe this man is from God."  When given the opportunity to meet Jesus after being healed; he worship him.

What is your story?  Has your life been changed?  Are you responding in worship today?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jn 8

Be careful who you pick up rocks to stone.  It might say more about you than the one who you are wanting to hurt.

This chapter begins and ends with a group of people who wanted to stone someone.  In the beginning it was a woman caught in adultery.  In the end, it was Jesus Himself.  In both cases it was self righteous religious leaders who thought their "stoning" was completely justified.

Is there a pattern here?  Does our condemnation of others ultimately lead us to reject God Himself?  I believe that often this is the case.  Satan's goal is to destroy everyone!  He does not play favorites.  He will use any and every opportunity to take us away from Jesus.  He will often use our sense of "justice and fairness" to actually destroy our hearts for others.

Jesus was clearly who He claimed to be…God!  He said, "If you continue in My word, you are My disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  Free from sin.  Free from Satan. AND free from the need to execute justice for others.  Our goal should be to follow hard after Jesus.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


"The one who believes in Me will have streams of living water flow from deep with in him." -Jesus

What does that mean to have "streams of living water" flowing from within me?  This is now the second time that Jesus made a comment like this.  The first time was in chapter 4 when He was talking to the woman at the well. He told her, " I will give you a drink and you will never thirst again.  You will have a well springing up within you."

John gives the answer in this chapter.  It is the Holy Spirit.  Literally the "life of God" living within us and flowing through us to others.  Jesus said, whoever believes in Him will have life that will flow from within them.  That life is eternal life.  That life is a "spring of life" flowing from within.

Jesus is the source of life.  Like water, without Him nothing survives!  Do you have this life within you?  It begins with belief.  Jesus was more than just a "good man".  He was and is God and His desire is to place His life in us.

What a thought.

Monday, February 25, 2013


If a "disciple" stops following Jesus, is he still a "disciple"?  Jesus seemed to indicate that there are many who would follow for themselves, but they are not truly disciples.

What is your response when Jesus request you to do something you don't want to do?  If the response is "no, maybe, or I will think about it", then you are still not getting what it means to "follow" Jesus.  It is never easy to hear and obey Jesus.  When it is difficult, our true faith is evident.  If it were easy, it would not be faith.

What is Jesus asking you to believe and do today.  Disciples need to be about obedience.  When we resist, we are truly resisting God's love and opportunity in our lives.  It is through difficulty that discipleship is best demonstrated.  

Obey today.

Friday, February 22, 2013


"Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life."

One simple verse packed with profound truth.  It is about hearing AND believing.  The "haves AND the have nots".  The dead AND the living.  I am grateful for the life that I have because of my belief in Jesus.

So many people measure faith by the words of one's mouth.  I think a better measure would be the reality of their spiritual life.  Before Jesus, they were dead in sin.  If Jesus has truly brought them to life, there will be a living reality alive in them.  There is a significant difference between something living and something dead!  

Live today.  That is if you are alive.  If you are dead, believe and come to life.  Then you can live!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Do you believe in Jesus because of someone else's story or do you believe because of what Jesus has done for you?  When Jesus gets involved, He changes everything!  The woman at the well experienced this first hand.  As a result, she told everyone she knew.  As as result of her story, many more began to believe in Jesus.  But the woman's testimony was just the beginning of their story.

Listen to what they said soon after they believed, "We no longer believe because of what you said, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this is the Savior of the world."  So hear is the big question.  Are you believing because of the change you have seen in others or has Jesus truly changed you?  It is one thing to see change in another.  It is a completely different thing to experience change for yourself.

Jesus changes everything.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


No one will go to heaven who has NOT been "born again"- Jesus  Since Jesus is the Lord of heaven and earth, I think He is the final authority on this subject.

The number of conversations I have had with people about this subject is definitely in the thousands!  Generally people want to argue with this statement, "you must be born again".  Even after they realize that it is a direct quote from Jesus Himself, most will continue to argue!  Even after they see that Jesus spoke it twice in the same context and explained it clearly, they want to argue!

Why?  Bottom line is that they are lost.  They are still in the darkness and have not experienced the truth of this statement.  Anyone who has been "born again" knows that it is a difficult thing to explain apart from these words.  Jesus actually said it best.  Imagine that, Jesus actually knew how to communicate want needs to happen for someone to be in heaven.

If you have been arguing, I suggest you stop.  Who is big enough to argue with God?  Do you actually believe you could win an argument with Him?  Do you think He will change heaven's requirements because you didn't agree with Him?  I think not.  Repent and believe.  Let God's life become reality for you.  Be "born again".  There is no other way.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


We can put our trust in Jesus, but Jesus would never place his trust in us.  He knows better than we do, that men cannot be trusted!  Our only hope to be trustworthy is rooted in Jesus in us.

Lately, I have been unable to trust people.  Having been hurt and disappointed by "trusted friends" has all but eroded my ability to trust.  I have never been in this place.  I hope to get far from it.  It is way more fun to be "vulnerable to trust" than it is to "not be trusting".

Jesus is worthy of our trust!  He alone will never disappoint or hurt us.  He alone will always be the same.  He alone will never sin against us.  At any time or in any way.  I am so glad that I have placed my trust in Him.  When relationships fail because of our humanity, it is so comforting to have a God who can be trusted.

But notice that "Jesus did not entrust Himself to any man" because He knew them all and He did not need their affirmation.  He knew what was in man was a drive for self and a willingness to violate trust, if the going got difficult.  It is a scary thing to think about.  Who then can be trusted?  Only Jesus, and those who have chosen to follow hard after Him regardless of the personal consequences.

Trust Jesus.  He is enough.

Monday, February 18, 2013


If someone accuses you of being "full" of something, let it be "grace and truth".  Both of these things are essential to walking in the light.

Jesus was the perfect expression of both grace and truth.  He completely showered everyone He encountered with His loving grace.  People did not feel condemned by Him, nor did he make them feel unloved or unlovable.  In fact, His grace was so gripping that the worst of sinners was attracted to Him and willing to listen to His words.  He was full of grace.

Yet Jesus never compromised truth.  He lovingly confronted sinners with their sin and never "skirted" around the issues to keep someone from feeling badly.  He boldly addressed the religious leaders with their hypocrisy  and never backed down because of their position or threats.  He was full of truth.  

As we begin preparing for Easter, I want to focus of being full of grace AND truth.  My tendency is to lean into one or the other, generally the truth side.  (Unless of course, I am the one in the wrong, then I want grace.)  I want to learn what it means to stand for absolute truth in a grace filled way.

That is what Jesus did!

Friday, February 15, 2013


Does your family know who you really are?  Jesus was unable to "do many" miracles in His hometown because of unbelief.

I was thinking about this today.  Often people are someone around friends and someone completely different around their family.  What is it about the family dynamic that causes us to be that way?  Is it a good thing or a bad thing?  In which context are we a better person?

It is a crazy thought for the people in Jesus' hometown to think about Him being the "Savior of the world", and it would be even more difficult for His family.  How weird would that be?  "Oh yeah, I went to school and played ball with Jesus when we were kids.  Now He is my Lord and Savior".  Think about that.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


There is no greater love than that expressed by God through Jesus!  Happy Valentines Day. What an incredible chapter!  Three radically different stories. One God.  Three amazing stories.

When Satan so controls your life that you are reduced to living in the graveyard, your life is not sweet!  In fact, it is horrible!  Not only that, you have become so powerful in your bondage that not even human chains can restrain you!  You are a threat to society.  Along comes Jesus.  You get set free. Pigs you are a new kind of threat.  Did you notice that?

When you have an embarrassing illness, you remove yourself from others.  You think, "if anyone knew what was true of me, they would reject me."  It has been years of seeking help, but no one has been able to help you.  Along comes Jesus.  He doesn't touch you, YOU touch him!  You are instantly healed.  Everything is changed.

You have a desperate situation with someone you love.  You can't imagine life without this person.  In fact, this person is your life.  You would do anything so they can live, but they are about to die.  You reach out to Jesus.  He hears your cry.  The one you love is totally healed.  You now have a different love in your life.  It is Jesus.

Three amazing stories.  One amazing God.  His name is Jesus and He is still writing His story on every life!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In a world that is longing to get back to "natural", my heart continues to cry out for the "supernatural".  The best we can do without God is "natural". Natural generally leads us down a path of recklessness and sin.  The "natural" for God would be that we experience the "supernatural" reality of His presence in out lives.

Ask God to confirm His life in this world in ways that are NOT natural, but supernatural.

This is my prayer.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Who do you say Jesus is? Was He a liar, a lunatic, or was He Lord?  These are the options. What you believe will determine how you live.

Jesus' family was confused about what was happening with His life.  They definitely knew that he was "different", but they didn't believe He was the Messiah!  When He began His ministry, they actually thought He "was out of HIs mind."  They were not convinced that Jesus was the Messiah...yet.

The religious leaders were also confused.  They believed that Jesus was able to do what He did with the supernatural power of Satan himself.  They believed Him to be the prince of evil.  They definitely didn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and in fact, thought He was a liar from hell.

But then there were those who actually embraced Him for who He said He was...God.  They saw Him heal the sick, forgive sins, cast out demons, perform many miracles and teach with authority.  They personally experienced His power in their lives and they believe He was who He said He was...the Messiah!

These choices still remain today!  Jesus said the way we will know who fits in the third category is to observe their behavior.  He said, "whoever DOES the will of my Father, is my family."  Be doers today!  It demonstrates what you truly believe about Jesus.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Jesus was and is a "friend of sinners".  In fact, He seemed to be way more comfortable with "sinners" than he was with the "self righteous".

Levi, who is Matthew, was a great example to this fact.  When Jesus called Matthew, he was far from God and had rejected the religion that he had grown up with.  He took the most hated job for a Jew and became a tax collector!  Jews hated Jews who became tax collectors for the Roman government!  They were the ultimate "sinners".

Jesus knew what was in Levi's heart.  He wanted authentic relationship and he apparently had a way with people.  When Levi met Jesus, he invited all his friends over (tax collectors and sinners) so that they could meet Jesus as well.  Levi knew from experience that Jesus was not about rejecting sinners, but saving them.

I am convicted by this story.  

Friday, February 8, 2013


What have you left behind to follow Jesus? If following Jesus has not caused us to be radically different, we are NOT following yet!

The message of the gospel was and is, "repent and believe".  The pattern of those who believed was that they, "left their old way of life and followed Jesus".  Today it seems that people believe following Jesus doesn't require anything different from them.  Life as a "follower" means they sometimes talk about Jesus, regularly attend worship services, occasionally give some money, and have a christian CD or two.  Other than that, they pretty much look like every other American.

Is this the pattern that we see in the gospels?  No way!  In fact, what we see is something quite opposite.  If following Jesus 2000 years ago was radically transformational, shouldn't it be the same today.  Has Jesus lowered His standards of a disciple?  Is it easier to be a christian now?

What are we doing to demonstrate that we are truly following?  I suggest we look at three things: 1.Money, 2.Time, 3.Relationships.  Would what we do with these three things say, "Follower of Jesus"?

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Matthew ends with a challenge that demands my life! Am I making disciples?  If not, why not?  Isn't obeying Jesus the only way to truly live my life?

It is amazing to me how few christians think about what God actually wants them to do.  For the most part, we live to have God serve us.  It is as though we believe that He exist for our good pleasure.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Jesus established that all authority in heaven and earth was HIs.  The final battle He fought and won, was the battle over sin and death!  Since He conquered both, total dominion was and is HIs.  As the absolute authority over all things (including me), He has the right to command my life.

The only question left for me is, "Will I obey His command?"  To not, would be to ignore what I know to be true.  How could I not obey Him?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The only time Jesus referred to God as "God" was when He was dying on the cross! It was not a cry for help, but a cry of desperation!  Jesus felt abandoned and lost!  He was saving us all.

What is the point?  Now we can refer to God as "Father".  Jesus bridged the distance between us and God!  He bought relationship for us!  Now we can cry out in desperation, "Father".  "Abba Father".

Thank you Jesus for making a way for me to have relationship with God! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


What will be your response today when someone asks you to identify with Jesus?  Don't do a Peter!

What is that?  It is when you are one thing in one context (bold, confident, assertive) and something completely different in another context (cowardice, afraid, weak).  Fortunately, after being filled with the Spirit, Peter decided to live "one life" in every context.

The challenge remains for us.  Who will be in every context?  Will we allow circumstance to determine our behavior?  Will we respond in every situation in a manner that is pleasing to God?  Will we truly let others know exactly Who we are living to please?  

I pray we will live by God's Spirit and choose "one life".  The life pleasing to God.

Monday, February 4, 2013


When we make a distinction between the "least" and the "most" when it comes to people, we are making a hellish mistake!

In fact, often the smile of God is on those we consider the "least" and the curse of God is on those who often have the "most".  It discourages me whenever I am trapped by the glitter of this world and fail to recognize that Jesus Himself was one of the "least" in this life.

The separation of the sheep and the goats will be a telling day.  I believe the scripture would clearly say that it will be the "least in this life" who will make up the majority population in heaven.

Be careful that you treat people with the love of Jesus....ALL OF THEM.  You never know when you are addressing a child of God.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Does the thought of Jesus coming back today excite you or scare you?  His return should be the most exciting thing that we think about.  Don't get so distracted by the things of this world that the thought of Jesus' return doesn't excite you.

If the thought scares you, repent and make things right between you and Jesus.  He is coming back and it could be today.  Be ready.  Be ready.  Be ready.