Thursday, July 28, 2016


"I will show him how much he must suffer for My name!" (What Jesus said about Paul before he was converted.)

We almost never talk about suffering for Christ. Why? Mostly because we don't ever have to suffer for His name. This is not normal for believers around the world. This was not normal for believers in the first century. Jesus said to His disciples, "The world hated me, it will also hate you."

Why did Jesus not say to Ananias when he was going to share with Paul, "I will show him how much I am going to bless his life."? And why do we always present the gospel in a way that leads others to believe that blessings in this life always follow? Yes, God has overwhelming blessed many of us in this life, but that is not normative.

God help us pray for the majority of christians who almost always still suffer because of Christ.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


When persecution arose against the early church, everyone continued to share the gospel! The very thing that arose to crush the church was the catalyst for her expansion! Ordinary everyday believers sharing the good news of Jesus.

Today, if the church is going to prosper, everyone needs to be sharing the good news. The first "missionaries" were not the apostles! The apostles all stayed in Jerusalem. It was everyone else that was scattered. It was everyone else that went all over the region! As a result of this persecution, the gospel spread.

Once again God used difficulty to advance His kingdom. Once again He used regular people like you and me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


"You are always resisting the Holy Spirit!" -Stephen

These words enraged the religious listeners of Stephen's day. So much so that they began to stone him to death! This message was his first one recorded in scripture and it would be his last. Almost everyone rejected his words and banded together to take his life. It was a horrible tragedy…or was it?

The authoritative witness was a man named Saul. He was giving hearty approval of what was happening. Saul not only agreed with Stephen's death, but began to pursue the extinction of all believers! Yet, it was Stephen's response to death that later would convict Saul's hardened heart. Saul, who became the apostle Paul, was eventually won over by Stephen's words and testimony.

Sometimes we feel like our words fall on deaf ears. Often they do. But sometimes, people are actually hearing and processing the words, and, in time will respond. If we get the chance to lead just one other person to faith, it will be worth it. Maybe it would even be someone like the apostle Paul.

Something to think about.

Monday, July 25, 2016


In the first church, speaking boldly about Jesus was the pattern of all who believed. Today, we rarely speak boldly about Jesus even in the church!

There seems to always be a direct correlation between believers speaking boldly about Jesus and growth of the church. How long has it been since we shared Jesus with someone who we know? We don't all have to become "public speakers and preachers", but we certainly should share Christ personally with others.

Let's seek to make Jesus a regular part of our conversations. The gospel spread through "ordinary" christians in the first church and this is still the way the gospel spreads today. Be bold not rude. If we take the opportunities God will give us to share, we will be encouraged by the responsiveness of others.

Share God's truth with someone. It might result in our churches growing. Be a part of a new movement!

Friday, July 22, 2016


Have we ever been mistreated because of our obedience to Christ? If so we are blessed. And what was our response? The apostles "rejoiced that they were counted worthy to be dishonored on behalf of Jesus."

Most christians I know expect Jesus to reward them if they ever have anything go poorly. We pray that everything goes perfectly and, when it doesn't, we believe God didn't come through. Not so with the early disciples. They expected suffering and persecution. They rejoiced when it came.

What is the difference? I believe they were not living for this life, but rather for the life to come. They believed the words of Jesus and didn't expect "their best life now." They trusted in the promise of life to come.

Live in focus today.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Being "filled" with the Holy Spirit results in boldness to testify about Jesus. The Holy Spirit's purpose is to magnify Jesus. The Holy Spirit works for God's glory not our own personal satisfaction or experience.

Often when people talk about the Holy Spirit, they are talking about a "personal supernatural experience". Most of the time this experience made them feel better. My questions are simply, "As a result of "this experience" have you seen more fruit in your ability to share Christ with others? Are people being drawn to Jesus because of your testimony now?"

Jesus was clear in His teaching about the Holy Spirit. Acts is making the ministry of the Holy Spirit even more clear. He enables us to be bold witnesses for Jesus. He makes much of the gospel and strengthens us as we seek to advance God's purposes here.

Be filled with the Holy Spirit today. Speak boldly of Jesus and walk according to His commands.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


From the beginning the church was filled with people from every tribe, language and nation! God help us to love all people and not just those who look like us. Help our churches to be a place of reconciliation. Reconciled first to God through the Holy Spirit and then to each other.

The Holy Spirit came in like a rushing wind and brought about lasting and total change. Help this happen again Lord! Our country and churches are so broken and in need of a fresh wind to blow. Bring a new and fresh unity among those who are called by your name.

Monday, July 18, 2016


The "power" manifested by the Holy Spirit is the boldness to share the gospel with others. Jesus said, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, AND you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth!"

That same power exists for us today. It is the power to boldly testify about the reality of Jesus to those who don't know Him yet. We talk about so many things. We too rarely talk about one thing that matters most.

Be bold today. Share the good news with someone who needs to hear. It will not only change their life, it will change their eternity.

Friday, July 15, 2016


Jesus appeared to his disciples and "opened their minds" to understand the scriptures. We need to be daily in the scriptures so Jesus can help us to understand them as well.

I am concerned for christians today. Very few of us have a habit of reading and studying the scriptures. Rarely does what the bible says enter into our conversations. We need to be in the book in order to understand the book. We need to be expectant that God will teach us as we study His word.

What is God teaching us lately? Are we giving ourselves time to hearing the voice of God? Let's determine to daily read our bibles with a learning and expectant heart.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


What foundation are our friendships built on? The basis for our friendships has everything to do with their true value. Have friendships rooted in the Gospel.

Pilate and Herod were hostile toward one another until they met Jesus. After meeting Jesus, they became friends! Yet, their friendship was not rooted in belief, but rather, in the fact that they had Jesus crucified!!! What a horrible friendship foundation.

This saying is accurate, "You can know a person by the company he keeps." I like to say, "You are your friends." I thank God daily for my life-long friendships that are rooted in Christ.

Choose friends wisely. They will impact your life and eternity.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Our hearts are so deceitful. In one moment we see our ability to betray Jesus, and in the next, we are arguing about which one of us is the greatest!

We see in the disciples reflections of ourselves. Anyone who questions the behaviors of the disciples, fails to look rightly at their own sinful heart. As believers, we are constantly in a battle with our fleshly desires. Often our desires are in conflict with God's desires for us.

Who will win the battle for our actions today? Will we choose to honor ourselves or obey Jesus? In every moment there is an opportunity. Choose obedience today.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Jesus' second coming is as certain as His life and resurrection! It could be any moment. It could be today. Are we ready?

We are to "be ready" for Jesus to return. Even if we get to live for 100 years, what is that compared to eternity? Our live are but a mist. We appear for a little while and then we are ushered into eternal life. How we live these moments will make a difference forever.

Do something today to demonstrate that we get this. Live life today with Jesus' second coming in mind.

Monday, July 11, 2016


"The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." -Jesus

Zacchaeus had a desire to see Jesus but he had know idea that after seeing Him, his life would be changed forever! Jesus sought him out and transformed his life. He went from being rich and lost, empty and greedy, to being rich and found, fulfilled and generous.

Jesus changes everything! What change has He brought in our lives? Zacchaeus knew that a relationship with Jesus was more valuable than anything else. He also knew that a relationship with Jesus would mean big changes for his lifestyle. What he had was no longer his, but rather it was for God's kingdom.

Most rich men reject Christ! Jesus said on several occasions, "It is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Hard, but not impossible. Zac definitely got in!!!

Friday, July 8, 2016


"Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." - Jesus

Jesus spoke these words to a group of people who "trusted in themselves…and looked down on everyone else." Not only were they not humble, they believed that they were "right" and justified in all their actions. These people were elected officials and religious leaders!

We need to look to Jesus. We will only be able to help others when we direct them to Him. In our own abilities, we cannot bring about lasting change or make a difference.

God help us to trust in Him.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Do we expect God to express gratitude to us! When we obey God do we expect Him to thank us and reward us? Jesus says this would be absurd.

Jesus said, "Does the Master thank a slave because he does what he has been commanded to do? In the same way, when you have done all that you were commanded, you should say, 'We are good-for-nothing slaves; we've only done our duty.'" Is this the attitude we have?

I often find myself having the attitude of a child (in a bad way). When I do what God commands, I expect Him to thank me and give me some great reward. My motivation is often wrong.

God has given me everything! Gratitude should overflow from my life…not expectation.

God help us all.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Are we "lovers of money"? Is money a primary motivation in our lives? Are we faithful to be generous with all God has entrusted to us?

Jesus said, "He who is faithful in a little thing, will be faithful in much. If you have not been faithful with unrighteous money, who will trust you with what is genuine?" Money is a "little thing" to God, but what we do with it is a BIG DEAL. Jesus talked often about money. More than any other subject except the kingdom of God. Why?

Money captures our hearts. Money and the things it affords often draws us away from Christ! Jesus said, "Use money to build the Kingdom." The purpose of money is to make a significant difference in forever! Are we doing that?

Is giving and building the kingdom a priority for our lives? Check you bank ledger…find your heart.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Do we struggle to celebrate God's mercy and goodness when others receive something from God that we do not? If so, we fail to realize how much mercy and goodness God has poured out on us!

We live in a day where if anyone has anything we believe we should have it also! Who says? We never seem to be satisfied with what we have been given. We never compare our lives to those who have nothing. We seldom consider how blessed we are.

Often when we live in the blessing of God, we fail to see that blessing. God help us be grateful and thankful today.

Friday, July 1, 2016


What religious "duty" are we clinging to that blinds us to the actual desires of God for our lives? Jesus "healed" on the sabbath. For the religious elite, this was a violation of God's law! To them, God was not only displeased, He would be judging Jesus as a sinner because to this!

How absurd is this? I don't know anyone today who would have such thoughts. Yet, are we any different? Isn't the point simply that we all miss Jesus in order to keep our own "self righteousness"? What would Jesus be doing today that we would consider sin? How would He be violating our self-righteous rules?

Many of us attend church services, read our bibles, pray at meals and do some good deeds, but how many of us truly glorify God with our lives? What will we do today that will show our heart for God?