Friday, May 30, 2014


What baptism have you received? Even those baptized by John the Baptist were re-baptized once they believed in Jesus. Only pride would keep people who never understood the gospel from being re-baptized once they trust in Jesus. 

So many people today have been "baptized", but have never been baptized in obedience to Jesus. Baptism was a religious practice far before Jesus commanded His disciples to be baptized in His name. Baptism symbolizes a new life in Jesus. The old man is gone and a new one has come. 

Have you been baptized SINCE you have believed in Jesus? If not, why not? Baptism is a spiritual experience that marks our faith in Jesus. Don't let your pride keep you from this rich experience. Don't let your "religious baptism" keep you from this spiritual experience either. It is something to consider.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Do you know someone who understands "some" of the scriptures but mostly doesn't get it? I would say that most Americans I know are in that category. And the "some" they understand or know is getting to be less and less!

Thank God for couples like Priscilla and Aquila. Appollos understood "some" of the scriptures. In fact, he was well versed in the OT, but he did not know Jesus! If you have the whole bible memorized and don't know Jesus, you have missed it all. Priscilla and Aquila explained the gospel to Appollos and he was saved.

Who should we be explaining the gospel to today? Don't let your friends get only "some" of the gospel!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The "first responders" to the gospel in Acts were often prominent and leading women! These women responded to the gospel message and became essential to the expansion of God's church in the first century. Even though they were often shunned and looked down on by culture, they emerged as leaders for God's kingdom.

My prayer today:
Thank you God for the godly women in my life! Please give us more women who will be less about this world and more about your kingdom. Raise up a generation of men and women who will care deeply about Your word and Your ways. Encourage every woman and every man to follow hard after you today. Let Your light and Your love shine through those who are truly devoted to you. Do a fresh work in all of us today. Allow your church to be a people who make a difference in this world.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


When asked, "What must I do to be saved?", Paul replied, "Believe on the Lord Jesus." This is the gospel in its simplest form. It is not what you "do" that saves you, it is WHO you place your faith in!

The context of this story is amazing. Paul and Silas had just been beaten and jailed for preaching the gospel. A miracle occurred and the prison was opened so they could go free. The jailor, fearing he would be brutally killed by the Romans, was about to take his own life. Paul and Silas stopped him and, it was at that time, he asked this critical question. He literally was one moment away from eternity when his life and eternity were changed forever! 

Most of us are not about to take our lives out of fear of danger! All of us are in need of salvation. One hundred years of life is short in light of eternity. Don't  wait to trust Christ. Today is the day to believe.

Monday, May 26, 2014


What requirements are we "adding" to salvation today? We can see the absurdity of needing to be circumcised, but what things do we "require" that are equally absurd?

Salvation is by grace through faith. Anyone who turns from themselves, and believes in Jesus will be saved. Grace is a difficult concept to embrace. Everyone wants to earn their own way, or at least contribute to the process! Our contribution amounts to nothing. Only Jesus saves and it is only by trusting in Him that anyone will be saved.

Because the law placed so much emphasis on circumcision in the Old Testament, it became the leading hurdle for the Gentiles who trusted Christ. Not that they wanted to be circumcised, but rather, the believing Jews would only accept them into fellowship if they were! I can't imagine such a requirement! Today baptism is the symbolic way that Jesus asked us to demonstrate our faith. But even baptism is an act of obedience, not a requirement for salvation.

Keep the gospel pure.

Friday, May 23, 2014


"It is necessary to pass through many troubles on our way into the kingdom of God." - Paul

Have you ever attended church where the pastor spoke on how difficult it is to actually follow Jesus? If not, you might be in a bad church. Following Jesus is not easy. And it is often accompanied with persecution and difficulty. Jesus said, "the world hated me, it will hate my followers."

Today, don't let your personal comfort be the measure of God's blessing in your life. Sometimes God's blessing is actually the opposite of such comforts. He is to be our delight, not what He can do to make our lives more comfortable.

Embrace the difficulty that often comes from living a life of faith today.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


God said, "Look…I am doing a work in your days!" Choose to believe and get involved with God's work. There is no better investment of your life.

In this chapter the first missionaries were sent out from the first Church (Barnabas and Paul), yet Jesus commissioned all of us to be "missionaries" for Him. We all are to be sharing the good news of the gospel with everyone we know and love. In fact, we should even share with those we don't know. What is more essential?

The message of the gospel has never been without opposition. If you decide to get involved, you will be opposed. But nothing to the degree of Paul and Barnabas. Sure, some will mock you. Some will think your odd. But SOME will believe and be changed…forever! 

Share the good news today.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014


What will you do today that will require faith? Please don't let it be nothing!

The stories of the early church continue to inspire me. God's hand was constantly at work through his people. This chapter in Peter's life is truly one of my favorites. He was waiting to be executed and was miraculously set free. When he came to the gathering of the believers, he had the door slammed in his face! I love the humanity of it all.

God chooses to do His eternal work through simple people. Sometimes God works through channels that we might expect and other times in ways we couldn't imagine. Be ready for God to do something in your life today.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


We often "stress" what is of little value to God. In this context (and several others in the NT) the emphasis on whether or not someone was right before God had to do with circumcision! Can you believe that? God's people literally fought about this issue. It was a major issue for the apostles themselves.

Today, circumcision is no longer a divisive issue in our churches. We finally get that the gospel was not primarily for Jews and that circumcision is not primarily the "mark" of christianity. In fact, it is hard to even imagine that this was the BIG issue for the first century. But what are the issues today? What are the insignificant issues that divide God's people? What are the things that are emphasized that are of little importance to God?

My prayer is that I will focus on the purity of the gospel and the clear teachings of scripture. Focus on the majors and let the small things be small things. That is my prayer for us all.

Monday, May 19, 2014


Prejudice is sin! It is the result of misunderstanding our position before God! If you see yourself better or more deserving than anyone else, pride and prejudice has gripped your heart.

The reality of the Gospel humbles every man and calls Him to worship the only true God. The gospel calls us to let go of all prejudice and see people as people in need of God's grace and forgiveness. No one deserves grace! Everyone who calls on Jesus will receive it. There is no distinction before God when it comes to people!

Before meeting Cornelius, Peter thought Jews were better than Gentiles. In fact, even after meeting Cornelius, Peter would continue to struggle with prejudice! It was a big issue in scripture. It is still a big issue today. Let God remove all prejudice from your heart. Don't miss out on God's blessing because of the sin of prejudice.

Friday, May 16, 2014


What is God asking you to do today that you are afraid to do? Ananias had heard of Saul's reputation and authority to have him prisoned or killed, yet he went to him and shared the gospel. We don't hear much about him again, yet this act of obedience changed the history of the church.

Our prayer today should be that God would enable us to obey his voice. Don't shrink back from anything that God is asking you to do. Who knows? The result might be unbelievable! Paul was eternally grateful to Ananias and Ananias was eternally grateful to God. He was the one who had the privilege of sharing the gospel with the apostle Paul.

God is calling us to obedience today. What are you afraid to do that you know He would want you to do? 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Philip, like Stephen, was one of the faithful servants in the early church. His ministry lasted beyond one sermon though. God used him to evangelize the Samaritans and lead the first African to faith in Jesus. The first convert from Africa was an Ethiopian!

Stephen and Philip were amazing men. They gave there lives for advancing the gospel message. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and they had extraordinary gifts and abilities from God. The power of God was clearly seen in their lives. It would have been exciting to have known either of them.

Often Paul and Barnabas are credited as being the first missionaries. Clearly, those scattered at Stephen's death carried the mission of Jesus everywhere they went. Philip was exceptional in the work that God lead him too.

Wherever you are today, be a missionary. Who knows what God might do through your witness.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


The brutality of stoning if unfathomable to me! Violence has always existed since Cain murdered Abel. But who would ever imagine you would be stoned to death for preaching about the history of Israel and Jesus? It not only happened, it was the pattern in the first century. And who were the stoners? Religious leaders.

Whatever you think about the apostle Paul, let your thoughts be shaped by the reality of what he did this day! He was the one who gave the needed authority to have Stephen stoned to death. He was the one who was excited to see this brutality. He was the one who would make it his job to continue to try and annihilate all those who spoke of Jesus.

Saul, who became Paul, has a unbelievable story of faith! God radically changed his life. He was transformed from being a violent aggressor to a powerful proponent.

Acts is exciting! Keep reading.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


God, please give the church more leaders like Stephen! He was full of faith, grace and the Holy Spirit. He was recognized as someone who would take a difficult task and provide godly leadership and direction. He was set apart by God to catalyze the expansion of God's church in the first century!

As far as we know, he only preached one sermon. When he was finished with that sermon, the crowd stoned him to death. Stephen became the first martyr. His life in ministry came to a dramatic end. One ministry assignment and one sermon was the extent of God's plan for him. His life was tragically cut short….OR he lived a full and meaningful life. Though short, very complete!

Most of us will live a lifetime and never come close to having the impact that Stephen had. He was blessed. He was chosen. It was his life and death that continues to have an impact on believers around the world. His eternity was sealed by his faith. His ministry continues to outlive his life!

I pray that will be true of me as well. It is my prayer for us all.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Have you ever stayed away from church because you were afraid of what God might do? This is the kind of church I want to be a part of!

I think too many people want to attend church to get their happy feeling for the week. Others are simply fulfilling a "duty". I would say the majority are not expecting to encounter God and leave changed. But isn't that what our gathers are to be? When we gather shouldn't we all humbly encounter Jesus and leave changed?

In this chapter people were actually afraid to attend the church's gatherings! They feared they may lose their lives. They knew that God would not tolerate duplicity in their hearts and would be calling them to repentance. Knowing this, they stayed away. At least they were authentic.

Today, too many attend church with tremendous inconsistencies in their life. Oh that God would revisit His church with this kind of power. 

Friday, May 9, 2014


If you are looking for salvation in anyone or anything but Jesus, you will NOT be saved! There is NO other name among men whereby we MUST be saved other than the name of Jesus. He is the only way to God. He is the truth of God. He is the only hope after death. He is our only hope for forgiveness of sins. 

I know of many who talk highly of Jesus, but who are still trusting in themselves for salvation. Their life is clearly their own and they sense no need for a savior in their life. They don't want to follow Jesus or anyone else for that matter. Their interest in Jesus is simply, "What can He do for me?"

Jesus is STILL the only way to God! Living for Him is the best option. It matters forever. Live for Jesus today.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Money has no value compared to the gift of God! The apostles didn't have silver and gold to give, but they were able to offer something  of far greater value. 

The lame beggar wanted money. He receive far more than that! Not only was he healed in his body, he was also healed in his soul. As he was walking he was praising God. He now could walk with God both in body and spirit.

Most of us don't need to be miraculously healed in order to walk. All of us need to be spiritually healed in order to "walk" in God's ways.  "Walk" in God's ways today.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Is the power of the Holy Spirit evident in your life? This is the question I am asking myself today. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the believers so they could bear witness to the reality of His power to change lives!

The work of the Holy Spirit in us should be drawing others to want to follow Jesus. When the Spirit came and gave the gift of tongues, it was for the purpose of sharing Christ in every language in Jerusalem in that moment! Everyone heard about the amazing things God was doing in their own language! The result was that 3,000 believed in a day!

Peter, filled with the Spirit, spoke to the crowd of Jews gathered. He spoke clearly in his language and theirs. His message was, "repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus." 

This was an amazing birth of the church. Every day since, the Holy Spirit has been at work in God's people to do the same thing. The question is, "Is He at work in us?"

Obey Jesus today. Desire for Him to use your life as a life changing witness to others.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Do you find it easier to talk about prayer than to actually pray? Prayer is connecting with God. 

Even though the disciples didn't know what to do as they "waited" for the Holy Spirit, they made an awesome choice…"they were continually united in prayer".

As we journey through the book of Acts, pay careful attention to the reality of prayer in the disciples lives. It was the essential spiritual discipline for them. They had the OT scriptures, but not the New. Some of them likely could not read! Yet, they were deeply connected to God through the Holy Spirit and prayer.

I am looking forward to a fresh journey through this book. Will you join with me in more intentional prayer?

Monday, May 5, 2014


Is your walk with Christ based on comparing yourself to others or on obedience to Jesus? Even Peter, hearing the clear challenge of Jesus, wondered about the other disciples. Jesus basically said, "Worry about yourself. You can't based your faith on what others do or don't do. You follow me."

Today we are all faced with decisions. We won't be able to do everything we want and there are things that we must do. Too often we neglect the most important thing to do…follow Jesus! Jesus challenged Peter's claim of love with a call to obedience. I believe He would do the same to us.

If we say that we love Jesus today, we should demonstrate that love by walking in obedience to HIs commands. Live for Christ today.

Friday, May 2, 2014


Live for Jesus today. He is STILL risen!

The disciples were gripped by fear after the death of Jesus. They watched Him be brutally murdered by the Romans at the request of the religious leaders. They wondered if they would be next!
The following Sunday Mary went to the tomb to mourn her loss. She had no idea that day would change everything! Jesus was risen from the dead. Her intended mourning turned into expectant hope and overwhelming joy! Jesus was risen from the dead.

Hearing the news from Mary, both Peter and John ran to the tomb. Their hearts were racing. What would they see? What had happened? They had no idea that their fear was about to end forever! Jesus was risen from the dead!

That first Easter changed everything for them. Let Easter change everything for us. Live for Jesus today. He is STILL risen.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Nicodemus was a new man! In chapter 3, he was the one questioning Jesus. Now he is the one who came to honor Jesus. Jesus had changed his life…forever.

What is your story? What impact has Jesus had on your life? Jesus lived so that we could have life…eternal life. He died so that we could have hope in death. At this point Jesus was not resurrected, but several were risking their lives to honor Him.

We all know what happens next. Jesus will conquer death through His resurrection. He is about to create Easter! For us it should be Easter everyday. Jesus is alive in all of us who believe. What difference has He made in you?