Friday, July 31, 2015


Who believes because we believe? Paul's delight was in those who believed because of his witness. He loved to challenge them to follow him as he followed Christ.

Often we leave the sharing with others to someone else! Why? Aren't we all called to share the gospel with those who don't follow Jesus yet. Hasn't God put his spirit in us so that we can share with those who are not yet believers?

Is there anything better than helping someone to know Jesus? Absolutely not. Who will we share with today?

Thursday, July 30, 2015


We are the aroma of Christ. To some the smell of life. To others the smell of death! 

For those who accept the gospel, it is the smell of life and the taste of goodness. For those who reject the gospel, it is the smell of death and a bitter pill. Our response to Christ has everything to do with the smell of the gospel in our lives.

Paul recognized that the gospel polarized people. There is no middle ground! When Jesus is understood, He will get a reaction. There is no place for apathy or indifference. For those who accept Him there is life. For those who reject Him, only death.

These are strong words from the apostle Paul.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Give first! Give proportionally! Let our giving limit our living. Don't let our living limit our giving.

Generosity to God and His work is a rare reality among American Christians. I would bet that the majority of believers spend more money on their cell phones than they give to the church. Not to mention what we spend on entertainment, physical fitness, transportation, clothes, etc. 

Jesus said where our treasure is…our heart is. One way to determine the sincerity of our faith is to look at our giving. Are we generous toward God? Do we give at least 10% of our income to the things of God? Are we quick to justify "personal" expenses, while at the same time, quick to justify not giving?

Money is a big deal. If we are not intentional in how we use it, we won't be generous with how we give it. Give first!

Monday, July 27, 2015


If Christ has not been raised, then christians are the most pitiful people on earth! Since Christ has been raised, christians have hope for this life AND the life to come.

The most critical truth of the scriptures is the resurrection. If Jesus did not conquer death, then He cannot save us from its sting. Since He did conquer death, we can have confidence that He can abolish death for us. Death is not the end, it is the beginning. Death is the door to eternal life.

Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He lived His perfect life for our righteousness. And He was resurrected to seal our eternities. This is the gospel. It is good news for all who place their faith in Jesus.

Friday, July 24, 2015


Pursue love! This is always a good command. Not the kind of love the world offers, but the kind of love that God offers through us!

Love should characterize our lives, our families and our churches. People should fee love and actually be loved by us. When a church becomes unloving toward each other and those outside her walls, it is failing miserably.

John agrees with Paul. He says, "God has poured out His love on us. How can we not love one another?" Jesus said, "Loving God and loving others sums up all the law."

Live to love today.

Thursday, July 23, 2015



Love is not an emotional feeling. Love is an active choice!True love as defined by scripture is increasingly rare in our culture! Who really love anyone other than themselves these days?

The priority of love is critical to unity in the body of Christ. Love focuses not on what we want, but rather, on the needs of others. These qualities of love are a tough challenge to today's modern definitions. Love is not natural to us. We must choose to love. Without Christ real love would be impossible.

God commands us to love each other. We desperately need His help.


Troy Nesbitt, Lead Pastor
515.232.5488 |

Cornerstone Church of Ames |
helping people know and obey Jesus
56829 U.S. Highway 30 | Ames, IA 50010


Love is not an emotional feeling. Love is an active choice!True love as defined by scripture is increasingly rare in our culture! Who really love anyone other than themselves these days?

The priority of love is critical to unity in the body of Christ. Love focuses not on what we want, but rather, on the needs of others. These qualities of love are a tough challenge to today's modern definitions. Love is not natural to us. We must choose to love. Without Christ real love would be impossible.

God commands us to love each other. We desperately need His help.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


As believers we have all been given special "gifts" from God. They are not of our choosing but given to us as God chooses. They are given for His purposes to build up the "body of Christ", which is the church. Are we aware of our gifts? Are we using them to strengthen Christ's church?

There is much confusion among believers as to spiritual gifts. Generally the confusion is over who has what gifts, what gifts are legitimate, and how can I get certain gifts! Clearly these are not the right questions to be asking. Paul's purpose was not for us to "discover" our gifts, but rather, to motivate every believer to value each other and to work together for God's purposes.

We are the body of Christ; individual members of a bigger whole. Everyone is significant. Everyone needs to function for the greater good of the whole.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


"A man should examine himself…if we properly evaluate ourselves, we would not be judged." Do we take seriously the things of God? When we take communion are we truly doing it as an act of worship and repentance? Or is it just another "religious" duty to fulfill?

God takes our christian gatherings seriously! When we gather in His name, He should be honored and worshiped. The Corinthians were gathering in a way that cause more damage to their faith than help. I think sometimes our cultural church gatherings are the same way. People are just going through the motions and not truly engaging in worship.

At what level are we truly worshiping God when we gather with His church? Are our churches truly facilitating worship or are they simply religious gatherings that are more hurtful than helpful? We should examine ourselves.

Monday, July 20, 2015


Was the apostle Paul a "people pleaser"? He said, "I try to please all people in all things", but he definitely was NOT a "people pleaser"!  His goal was pleasing God and winning people.

Paul made his interpersonal decisions based on the gospel. He was always asking the question, "How will my behavior effect the advancement of Christ message?" At times he ate food. At time he abstained from food. He made his choice based on the person or group of people he was with. It's not hypocritical, it consistent with gospel living.

Paul did not live for himself. He lived to please God. He said to all of us, "Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ." Those are big shoes to step in to.

Friday, July 17, 2015


When was the last time we actually did something because of the gospel? Something that we would not have done otherwise?

Paul said, "I do all things because of the gospel." The gospel transformed his life and his life motivation! It was his purpose and motivation. The gospel moved him to action.

The gospel changes everything. Or it SHOULD change everything. Unfortunately for many, it changes very little. Paul wrote these Corinthian believers to motivate greater change in them. He desires to motivate greater change in us also.

Live for the gospel today.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


The right choice is the choice that is most pleasing to God and helpful to others. In Christ we have freedom, yet that freedom is not an opportunity to live to please ourselves. Rather, it is the power to live to please God and help others to know Him.

As I think about my choices, the should choose the thing that most honors Christ and helps others to know Him. I rarely make choices with others primarily in mind. Do you? Too often I just think about myself.

Life in Christ is about loving God and expressing that love through the way we love others. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Redefining marriage was never in Paul's mind. It has always been for a man and a woman committed for a lifetime. Godly marriage and permanent marriages were on Paul's mind!

But notice what was even more important to Paul…devotion to Christ! Marriage is to be a way in which we are held accountable to our relationship with Jesus. As husbands and wives we are to call our spouses to greater devotion to Christ. He is the foundation of a healthy marriage.

Marriage is NOT the goal in life. Honoring Christ is. Whether we are single or married we should be seeking to honor Him.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Our stomachs were made for food. Our bodies were made for the Lord! When we use our bodies for something other than Christ, we are abusing our bodies.

Paul makes a great comparison in this passage. We have an opportunity to live as vessels of Christ. We can use our bodies to glorify God! If we are not, then we are using our bodies for something other that what God intended.

We all know that sexual immorality is sin. (At least we should all know that.) Do we also know that neglecting God's desire to use us for His purposes is sin? God desires to bring real purpose to our lives. We are to use our bodies (hands, feet, eyes, mouth, heart, etc.) in a manner that draws attention to Him.

Monday, July 13, 2015


You are your friends! Be careful who you choose to be close to. You will become like them!

Paul associated with all kinds of unbelievers regardless of their lifestyle. His goal was to win them to Christ. He limited his association with certain "believers" and encouraged others to do the same! Anyone who claimed to be a christian but did not live for Christ, was removed from his friendship plate! He didn't even eat with them.

If we really applied this principle what would to change in our relationships. Take "greedy" for example. Do you know or have a friendship with any claiming christian who primary uses God's money for themselves? Are you "associated with" believers who are not generous toward the things of God?

What would applying these verses look like? What would it do to our friendships? Would people need to disassociate with us?

Friday, July 10, 2015


Since everything we have has been given to us by God, our primary identity should be as "stewards". What are we doing with what God has given to us?

Paul asked the Corinthians to consider him in two ways: 1. as a servant of Christ, and 2. as a manager (steward) of God's mysteries. He later asks the question of the Corinthians, "What do you have that you did not receive?" The obvious answer is, "nothing".

God does not give us life and things to use for our own purposes! He gives us everything to use for His glory. If we truly thought in these terms how would our lives change? Isn't this the right way to think?

Thursday, July 9, 2015


To fail to deal radically with our sin is to continue to live like an unbeliever! As believers we have been given everything we need for life and godliness. To fail to reflect Christ in our daily lives is simply immaturity on our part.

Paul loved the Corinthians, but he was continually wanting every believer to reflect Christ so that the next person could be influenced for Him. Most of the time it is not Jesus that offends unbelievers. Generally is the one who claims to know Jesus but does not reflect Him well to others.

How long has it been since someone wanted to know Jesus because we know Him? We are to be living in such a way that others are wanting what we have. What we have of value is Christ! Live to reflect His beauty.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Paul's message was not one of persuasive speech, but rather through the power of the Spirit! That same Spirit is at work today through God's messengers. Be a messenger of God's Spirit today.

It is not the polish of the presentation that effects the hearts of others; it is the conviction of God's Spirit whenever truth is spoken. Paul taught in fear and weakness! But still he spoke. He did not let fear or weakness keep him from boldly expressing the truth to others. As a result of his boldness, thousands were impacted with the gospel message.

The super natural power of God is demonstrated in the faith of those who believe. It is not the ability to wow people with miracles. It is the response of people who will, under the conviction of the Spirit, repent and believe the gospel. This is evidence of the power of God. It is happening today. Pray it happens through you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


I am grateful that my salvation is rooted in God's faithfulness and not mine! "God is faithful; you were called by Him into fellowship which His Son." v.9

Paul begins this letter thanking God for the Corinthians and leaning into God's call on their lives and God's faithfulness. It is the best and only place to start! What will follow is 16 chapters of corrections, rebukes and challenges. Yet the foundation is clear. Paul's desire was to build them up and not tear them down. He wanted to call them to obedience to a faithful God who called them.

1st Corinthians is for us! God has called us into relationship with Him. It is His work. Our response should be to follow hard after Him. I look forward to reading this together.

Monday, July 6, 2015


People matter to God and they should matter to us. Paul recognized that the work that had been accomplished for the gospel in Rome had been done by God through people. It was his practice to encourage them through his letters.

I am convicted that I don't tell others enough how much I love them and am grateful for their faithfulness to God. I have been blessed so much through the lives of those I know who are following Jesus. Many continue to challenge and inspire me. Thanks for your faithfulness to Christ.

Life is truly short. What we do for people because of Christ are the things that will last. Let's take Paul's council today and "be wise about what is good, yet innocent about what is evil." Do good to all people. You never know who God is wanting to have an impact on through you.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


How often do we think about giving an account to God? We will all stand before Him and be judged.

One of my friends recently said, "In my mind, through justification, I could do anything!" His point was that we tend to "justify" anything we "want" to do. We have the ability to "reason" ourselves into sinful behavior. We often do things that we know Jesus would not approve.

This chapter clearly states that all of us should be living to please God. Doing what we do to honor Him, not just doing whatever we can justify in our minds. We tend to minimize our sin or lack of commitment and "criticize" the sinfulness and choices of others. Paul is saying: 1. Live to please God, and 2. Worry about yourself and not others.

In the end, God will execute justice.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


It is sad to live in a day when few young men want to grow up to be policemen! Why would they? We no longer respect authority AND many in authority are no longer respectable!

Unfortunately most heroes today are NOT even real. My sons have few role models to emulate. Thank God they do have a few. In a day of abusive authority and low expectations on morality and character, there are still a few examples of genuine faith! I want to be that example. I pray we all will be!

One of the hardest things to swallow about this chapter is the fact that we don't get to decide which authority we are to submit to! If we are under authority, we are to submit and respect that authority. "Government is God's servant for your good" vs. 4. Our response to authority reflects our response to God Himself.

Love everyone. Especially those in authority.