Friday, May 31, 2013


There are two kinds of people in the world; givers and takers.  Which are you?

Paul lived his life to give it away!  He said, "I count my life of no value to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God's grace."  He lived to give his life away.  He quoted Jesus as saying, "It is better to give than to receive."

I find myself in a constant struggle between living for myself and living for others, living for myself or living for God.  One quick measure of who is winning the struggle is to look at my "give-able resources".  God has given everything to us; life, breath, time, money, talents and things.  How I allocate those things is the best indicator of who I am living for?  Who is getting my life?  Who is getting yours?

When I live for myself, I discover a deep level of emptiness and a lack of satisfaction.  When I am living and thinking about living for God and serving HIm, or living to love others and serve them, my life is full of satisfaction.  It is not an easy way to live and I have limited skills.  Yet, God is teaching me to live.  By that I mean, to really live!

Be a giver today!  We have been given everything.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Do you ever wonder what life would be like if no one had told you about Jesus? Where would you be? What would you be doing? How would you be living?

I continue to be amazed at the craziness of life in the book of Acts.  Everyone is living for something.  Generally something other than Christ.  Some were living cluelessly in the hope of salvation apart from the Holy Spirit.  They simply needed a little nudge in the right direction and immediately they began to change.  Others were living foolishly for their personal profit and they actually apposed any change.  They were willing to riot to maintain their place in culture.  They were seeking to save their "livelihood" and, at the same time, sealing their fate for eternity.  Then there were those in the crowd.  They were there, but had no clue even why they were gathered to riot!

What is your story? I think those same options are being lived out today.  There are a few who are truly seeking to live for Christ. Several are misinformed seeking to live a good life that matters.  Many are living for their own personally financial gain and profit. And most don't have a clue what they are living for.

What category do you fall in today?  Live intentionally.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


How often does a verse come to your mind when you are in an everyday conversation?  Do you use it, or hold back?  Apollos was a man who knew the scriptures.  When he spoke he was very convincing with his words because he spoke the "word of God".  Even when his doctrine was off, he was very convincing!  When Priscilla and Aquila showed him a "more excellent way" (speaking of Jesus), he became a powerful spokesman for Christ.

It is so important for us to know the bible.  It is the word of truth and the word of God.  There are no words more powerful than the words of God Himself and when we know scripture, we actually can speak God's words.  Hebrews teaches us that, "the word of God is living and active and sharper than a two-edge sword." This is another reason we should spend time reading it, studying it, memorizing it and meditating on it.

Knowing scripture is not enough!  We must obey it and share it.  It is one thing to know your bible.  It is a completely different thing to obey it and share it with others.  Choose to obey today.  What do you already know that you are still refusing to obey?  Make a different choice.

Live and share God's word.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


How long has it been since you've been hungry for the things of God?  He is the only thing that satisfies.  Paul announced to the unbelievers in Athens, "What you worship in ignorance, I declare to you.  The "unknown God" has made Himself known to everyone. Repent and believe."

Do you feel like you really "know" God?  Does He interact with you on a daily basis?  Is He constantly guiding you through life and relational situations?  Do you feel His pleasure when you say "no" to sin?  His conviction when you make a bad choice?  His desire is to know you and for you to make Him known to others.

So many are living without the help of the Holy Spirit.  I am praying that our lives will evidence that we really know this God Who desires to be known.

Be encouraged today.

Monday, May 27, 2013


As God humbles us with weather patterns and demonstrates His power in creation, our attention should be to follow and obey Him.  He alone is our safe place.  My dad says, "The safest place in the world is in the midst of God's will."

I am always amazed at the violence that accompanied the first century proclamation of the gospel!  I am equally amazed at the overwhelming response to the gospel in the midst of the violence.  These churches continued to grow daily in spite of the violent opposition. There was a sense of awe in the presence of a holy God.

Today, I believe the gospel has been lulled to sleep!  Most christians rarely share the good news with others and most churches are on a steady decline.  People believe that everyone goes to heaven when they die and that this life is the only thing worth pursuing.  Rarely do you find a christian who is truly living for eternity and giving their life for what truly matters. 

Am I sleeping as well? It a good question to ask.


As God humbles us with weather patterns and demonstrates His power in creation, our attention should be to follow and obey Him.  He alone is our safe place.  My dad says, "The safest place in the world is in the midst of God's will."

I am always amazed at the violence that accompanied the first century proclamation of the gospel!  I am equally amazed at the overwhelming response to the gospel in the midst of the violence.  These churches continued to grow daily in spite of the violent opposition. There was a sense of awe in the presence of a holy God.

Today, I believe the gospel has been lulled to sleep!  Most christians rarely share the good news with others and most churches are on a steady decline.  People believe that everyone goes to heaven when they die and that this life is the only thing worth pursuing.  Rarely do you find a christian who is truly living for eternity and giving their life for what truly matters. 

Am I sleeping as well? It a good question to ask.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Can you imagine a church in which the absence of "foreskin" was the measure of favor with God?  We live in a different day, but we have similar ridiculous issues.  What external measurements do we place on others when it comes to "judging" whether or not they are "true believers"?

Likely, the two most debated arguments in the first century church were: 1. Can Gentiles be saved?, and 2. Is circumcision required for salvation?  To us this seems absurd, but remember it was the apostles themselves who were having these arguments.  It was strongly debated and contested.  Jesus even had to give multiple miraculous visions to Peter to get him to have an open heart to the Gentiles!  And even then he wanted his experience to be limited to his encounter with Cornelius' household.

We would be foolish to think that we don't have similar ridiculous judgements and barriers?  What might they be?  My dad says that when we get to heaven we will be surprised by two things.  1. All the people who ARE there that we didn't think would be.  2. All the people who are NOT there we thought would be.  Hmm.  Maybe he's right.

Peter boiled it down to this.  Both Jews and Gentiles are saved by "the grace of the Lord Jesus".  Without His grace no one would be saved.  I am grateful for His grace today.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


What is the worst thing that has happened to you because you spoke up for Jesus? What are we afraid of? Do we fear God or is it other's opinions that we are most worried about?  When Paul entered Lystra, he was testifying about Jesus.  He also healed a lame man who had never walked.  As a result of the healing, the people of the town thought he was a god and decided to make sacrifices to him.

Paul said, "Men! Why are you doing this? We are men also, with the same nature as you, and we are proclaiming good news to you, that you should turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea and everything in them."
It was all he could do to keep them from worshiping him.

Later some unbelieving Jews came from Antioch and persuaded the crowd to stop trying to worship him, but rather to kill him by stoning!  Is this crazy or what?  They were willing to worship him as a god, but rather than repent and worship the One True God, they decided to kill him and keep worshiping their idols!  Craziness.

Or is it?  If we are not worshiping the One True God then we too are worshiping "worthless idols".  What would our lives say that we worship?  Who gets the testimony of our lips and lives.  Is it truly Jesus?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Pray for God to give you one ounce of the boldness that Paul had! Speak up for truth regardless of what others will think. Paul knew what he believed. He also knew many would reject Jesus. He never stopped boldly speaking what he knew to be true. He said, "through Jesus forgiveness of sins is being proclaimed to you and everyone who believes in Him is justified from everything that you could not be justified from through the law of Moses." That is good news!

All around us today are broken and lost people. Their only hope is Jesus. Our job is to proclaim to them the truth of the gospel with our words and with our lives. As we live and speak boldly God will draw people to Himself. Many, or maybe even most will reject the gospel, but those who receive Jesus as a result of our witness will be forever grateful.

Let's pray for boldness today.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Two words that never go together, "No Lord". Yet we speak them way too often.  When Jesus challenged Peter about his life-long religious activities, he simply told him "no".  Jesus was pushing into Peter's prejudice in a way that he was unable to understand.  He had personal blind-spots when it came to loving ALL people.

What is God calling you to do for Him that you still refuse?  In what circumstances are you using that oxymoronic statement, "no Lord"?  Peter needed a lesson in love.  What lesson is Jesus trying to teach you?  Are you unable to trust Jesus?  Why not say "yes" to Him?

I know for me it always has something to do with my personal comfort or desires.  I want to do the minimum rather than do everything that God would want me to do.  When I make that choice, I am being a fool.  I choose to say "yes Lord" today.  Will you join me?


Friday, May 10, 2013


If people were to drop dead when the church gathers because of deceitfulness in their hearts related to giving, I wonder how many people would die this weekend?  I think the number would be shocking! 

Ananias and Sapphira wanted to participate in giving to the church.  They actually sold a field and were planning on giving a generous amount of money.  The problem is that they lied about the reality of the gift!  They didn't want anyone to know they were unwilling to give it all.  In fact, they were willing to risk their lives to keep some back for themselves.  They had the freedom to give the amount that they gave.  They did not have the freedom to give under false pretense!  God struck them dead in that very moment.

Fast forward to today.  I don't know of any christian who does not know that they should be giving generously to the church.  I can't remember the subject even being debated lately.  The problem is that these same christians often are not giving.  At best they are "tipping" God and using what He has given them almost exclusively for themselves.  It saddens me to  know how rich we are as a culture and how little we actually give to the church and ministries.

Don't be like Ananias and Sapphira.  Be honest about your giving.  Don't seek to pretend to be someone your not when it comes to money.  It seems to be a big deal to God.

Give generously.  Give to God your best and your first.  You won't regret that.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


There is no other name whereby one can be saved other than Jesus!  He is the only way.  To quote Silas Robinson, "That is a fact Jack! Hey."

Imagine the community actually having to call believers together and threaten them to not speak about Jesus any more!  What would we do?  Oh yeah, we don't speak about Jesus without the threats!  We are afraid someone might be offended by our narrow beliefs.

This was not the case with the first Christians.  They were bold among threats!  They said, "we will not stop testifying to what we have seen and heard."  They were committed to telling everyone about Jesus.  Even in the midst of public threats.  In fact, when they assembled together they prayed for corporate boldness.

Maybe this would be a good prayer for believers today.  I think it would.  Let's pray today that we will be bold to talk about Jesus in the midst of a "non-threatening culture".  Who knows, someone might actually get saved.  You might even have a great story to tell about how God used you to share His truth with others.

That would be awesome. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Have you strayed from God? Turn back to Him and He will bring times of refreshing from His presence.  Although Peter was quite bold in speaking to the Jews after healing the lame man, his appeal to them was not harsh but inviting.  Even though they had literally crucified the Lord of the universe, the opportunity for them to find help and healing was still available through Jesus.

I am saddened by the number of "believers" who find themselves far from God.  How long has it been since you had a sweet time of fellowship with Jesus?  Does He feel near to you or is there distance?  If He seems distant, listen to Peter's challenge, "repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord".

We need Jesus.  We need His power, presence and leadership in our lives.  We cannot afford to turn from Him.  Spend enough time today to make a solid connection with Him.  It will be time well spent.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Peter's first spirit-filled sermon was all about the resurrection!  He said, Jesus' death and resurrection ended "the pains of death" for all who will believe.  What could be better than that?

Peter clearly believed that God raised Jesus from the dead.  He proclaimed with boldness that they had all personally seen Jesus alive. He knew that Jesus had ascended into heaven and now was seated at the right hand of God.  The gift of the Holy Spirit was the evidence that Jesus had completed His work and now had sent the promised Holy Spirit.

The response of the crowd was appropriate, "What must we do?"  Peter's response, "Repent and believe."  It was the beginning of a continuing unfolding of God's work in the lives of all who believe.  In a moment, 3,000 souls were swept into the Kingdom of God. The church had been born. Today a similar work will occur.  Thousands more will respond to the message of the gospel today!  Maybe today it will be the last thousand.

Be ready.  Jesus is coming back too!!

Live strong.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Where would you be without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit? I can't imagine a day without His presence.  Acts is a great unfolding of God's plan for fulfilling the great commission.  It is the work of the Holy Spirit.

I pray that as we journey through this book that each of us will open our hearts to whatever God would have us learn and do.  The same Holy Spirit who began the first church is alive and working in hearts and churches today.  As we seek to study, listen and obey HIs leading, we will be changed!

The same power that Jesus promised his first disciples is available to all of us.  Jesus said, "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses…".  I am excited to begin this book together.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.  

Ladies, let this verse be your focus today.  What a tragedy that we live in a culture that values the very things that only last for a short time while putting so little value on the thing that last forever!  What would our world look like if women who claimed to be "christians" spent as much time each day learning from and living for Jesus as they do making themselves charming and beautiful? What would our culture be like if God's people actually valued godliness above external beauty?

Men, you are NOT blame free!  Women tend to desire the affection and attention of men.  Especially their husbands.  When we value the very things that are not valuable to God, we encourage godlessness in our women.  We are to model what it means to learn from and follow Jesus, not encourage the opposite.  Choose to love what lasts.  It might produce a happier group of women!

God will not be mocked.  When we value the worthless things and honor things that are not honorable, we will all suffer.  Look around.  How are we doing?  Are we reaping more happiness, joy and content relationships?  I think not.  It is definitely time for a change.

God help us all.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Jesus opened the minds of his disciples so they could understand the scriptures.  My prayer is that He would open our minds so that we could do the same.

Knowledge is one thing, understanding is a completely different thing.  I don't need to know the scriptures better, I need to apply them more.  If I were to never learn another truth, there would already be more to live out than I currently am.  My prayer is that as each day passes and as Jesus gets closer and closer to His return that my life would reflect better what I know to be true.

Live strong.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


When the centurion who crucified Jesus watched Him die, he too believed!  He cried out, "This man was truly righteous!"  Imagine the scene.  Jesus was brutally murdered and even His response caused others to believe in Him.  People left beating their chest and  horrified over what they had just witnessed.  They did not know this was God's plan from the beginning.  Jesus died so that we could be saved.  What a paradox.  What a savior.