Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mark 15

One horrible choice of a poor leader and an absurd cry from an out of control crowd, brought life to all of us who believe.  Thank God for His sovereignty today.

The greatest tragedy of peer pressure was the crucifixion of Jesus.  Pilot thought he was satisfying the crowd, but he was actually fulfilling the will of God!  The cross was a horrible event in history, which became the critical moment for all of us who believe.

Pilot was a weak leader!  Rather than doing the right thing, he choose to "gratify the crowd".  He too, was a people pleaser.  Have you noticed how that generally works out?  In this case, it totally worked out for us.  God's purposes were accomplished!

read it here.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mark 14

The question is not have we denied Jesus, the question is, "How often do we deny Him?"  Jesus wants our entire lives to reflect that we desire to honor Him, serve Him and be more like HIm.  When we choose sin, it is a denial.

We see an honest response from the disciples in this chapter!  When Jesus said one of them would betray Him they "began to be distressed and to say,is it me?"  They knew there was potential in all of their hearts to do the unthinkable.

Peter, (I believe wanting to fight his own temptation) said, "if everyone else turns from you, I will certainly not!"  Yet he did.  Even the "boldest" disciple denied Jesus!  We all do.  We all have.

Honor Christ today.

read it here.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mark 13

Do you think Jesus will return in your lifetime?  For over 2000 years believers have been anticipating the return of Jesus.  Will it be today? This year? This decade?

I don't know about you, but today would be great with me!  Let's go!!  On the other hand, it might not be for another 1000 years.  The challenge for us is the same... "be ready, be alert."

We are to live as though it WILL be today.  What should we be doing in light of that fact?  Are you ready?

read it here.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mark 12

If Jesus were to comment on your giving, what would he say?  How would he instruct his disciples after observing your giving?

This is an amazing story for several reasons.  First, Jesus was actually sitting and watching what people were giving!  It appears as though he was making it a group project for his disciples.  Secondly, what he saw caused him to make a point with his disciples.  

Here was the point in my mind.  The "rich" were giving out of their surplus, and, what they gave had nothing to do with faith.  The "widow", on the other hand, gave out of her poverty and was totally motivated by faith.  Her giving reflected who she was trusting in.

Earlier in this chapter Jesus was questioned about paying taxes.  His response was that we should, "render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God the things that are God's".  Caesar's image was on the coin.  We are made in the image of God!  Jesus is worthy of our whole life!  Give Him what he desires....everything.

Read it here.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mark 11

What term would you use to describe your church?  According to Jesus the answer should be; house of prayer!  

I am convicted this would not be how people would describe Cornerstone.  Most would say a place of worship, good bible teaching, sweet fellowship, or something like that.  Some would use terms like contemporary, young, energetic or even a cult! I have never heard anyone describe our church as a "place of prayer".

I wonder what Jesus' reaction would be to one of our gatherings.  Hmm.

Read it here.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mark 10

Americans want three things: riches, youth, and authority.  It is quite possibly the most deadly combination of desires and will keep them from heaven.

In Mark 10 a man described as a "rich young ruler" came up to Jesus and ask the big question.  "What must I do to be saved?"  Jesus' response was surprising.  He did not say, "believe in me and you will have salvation".  He did say, "Go sell all you have and give it to the poor....then come follow me."

We know the bible teaches that faith in Jesus is the "work" required for salvation.  It is not about keeping the commandments, or selling all you have.  Or is it?  I wonder how many people come to Jesus just wanting to add heaven to their portfolio without wanting to submit themselves to God?

Jesus said, "How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!"  Let this story rattle your soul today.  I know it rattles mine.  Live for Jesus, not for yourselves.

read it here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mark 9

Is there something in your life that you think would be too difficult for God? Are you sheepishly asking Him for help?

Jesus encountered a man who desperately wanted Jesus to help his son, yet he wasn't confident that Jesus could actually help him.   He said to Jesus, "If you can do ANYTHING, have compassion and help us."  Did you see Jesus' response,"IF YOU CAN?" 

I don't know about you, but I often find myself in the same place as that father.  This story today has challenged my faith.  It especially challenged me to pray a different prayer.  The boys father cried out (prayed), "I do believe! Help my unbelief."

This is a great prayer for all of us.

Read it here.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mark 8

Following Jesus actually requires denying yourself, taking up a cross and FOLLOWING Him!  Jesus was never unclear about what his requirements of discipleship were.  He wasn't unclear when He was on earth, and His word is not unclear today.

Denying self is the first step to following Jesus.  That is not just a one time thing.  For me it happens many times in one day.  Selfishness is always in the way of following Jesus.  YOU can be the greatest detour  when it comes to following.

The cross is the second obstacle.  I have heard many interpretations of what that might mean, but no one would consider "taking up your cross" as delightful.  It is painful and difficult.  Jesus is not calling us to an easy path.

Will you truly follow Him today?  

read it here.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Todays message

Do good works! Not to earn salvation, not to prove salvation, but rather to enjoy salvation and not be foolish.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mark 7

Are your "good works" building or destroying your relationship with Jesus?  Religion often gets in the way of obedience to God!  This was the major issue Jesus had with the Pharisees.  He said, "Disregarding the command of God, you keep the tradition of men."

I believe we have many modern day Pharisees!  They consider themselves righteous by what they do.  Especially when they compare themselves to others.  What they almost always miss is what Jesus would actually want them to do.

Christianity IS about what you do!  But when "doing" is disconnected with Christ, it becomes a worthless religious tradition.  Works rooted in a desire to appease our conscience, but are not motivated by faith or obedience to God, actually ruin us for His true desires.

Do you do things to make you feel more christian?  Are those things actually producing fruit in your life and drawing you closer to Jesus?  Are you good works building or destroying your relationship with God?

Read it here.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mark 6

People pleasers always end up doing things that they later regret!  Everyone struggles to do the right thing...even kings. Especially when others are wanting them to do something different. From preschoolers to leaders of nations, everyone is influenced by "public opinion".

Have you noticed that negative influence is easy, while positive influence is extremely difficult?  My son Trey is struggling with the desire to be disruptive in school because, "the bad kids get all the attention and get out of doing stuff. I want to get out of doing stuff."

What pressure are you feeling today?  What pressure are you putting on others?  Don't let the fear of others make your decisions for you.  Fear God and choose to do what He desires.

Read it here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mark 5

Can a person be demon possessed?  Can a true Christian have a demon?  These are questions that I get often from others who read about stories like this.  Clearly this man's life was being overwhelmed with demons and they were destroying him.  When he encountered Jesus, the demons had to leave him and he became a different man.

There is no doubt that demons are still at work in our world today.  I have encountered some strange and bizarre behaviors in people that looked pretty demonic to me, but nothing like this man.  I have known some who have even sought out satanic spirits and the occult.

In my opinion the primary work of satan is not in the obvious, but in the subtle.  James clearly teaches us that "worldly wisdom" has it source in satan.  Notice the response of the majority of people in this story.  They rejected Jesus!  The demon possessed guy accepted him.  Who went away "under the influence" of satan?  Almost everyone except the scary demon possessed man. Hmm.

Read it here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mark 4

"Ah Ha" moments are those moments in which something hidden comes to light for the first time.  Jesus said this parable is the "Ah Ha" that we need to understand "ALL" the other parables.  That makes this a really big deal!

I believe this parable is about salvation.  Expressing true faith in Jesus alone, and bearing fruit that demonstrates that faith is essential to the gospel.  The seed is the word and the soil is our hearts.  Do not harden your hearts to the word of God.  Hear it, receive it, and bear fruit as a result of it.

Listen to how Jesus concluded this chapter. "Do you still have NO faith?"  My prayer for all of us is that the seed that has been planted in our heart would spring up into a fruitful life.  Be a 100 fold kind of person today!

read it here.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mark 3

Jesus was accused of being "out of his mind" by his own family! Yet in time they too would embrace him as Savior and Lord!  In my mind, there is no greater proof that Jesus was who He said He was than this.  When even those who grow up with you are humbly worshiping you as are.

Generally it is our family that knows us best! That is precisely why our families would never be worshiping any of us.  That would be laughable.  Because Jesus' family was not "out of their minds", they humbly became worshippers of Him.

Worship Jesus today.  It would be "crazy" not to.

Read it here.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mark 2

Eating with "sinners" is the only option for any of us! It was a great deal for everyone who shared a meal with Jesus. They generally received forgiveness. The best I could do would be to pay for your food.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012


How would your life be different if you followed this example of Jesus? (vs. 35) "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He got up, we out, and made His way to a deserted place. And He was praying there."

Jesus made a habit of spending His first moments of the day with His heavenly Father.  I know when I make the same choice, it sets my day on the right path.  Nothing beats time spent with God in the word and prayer.

If Jesus needed to start His day like much more should we?

Read it here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Matt. 28

"Don't be afraid, all authority has been given to me, go and make disciples."  -Jesus  If the great commission was for you (and it is), how many disciples would be being made?

A disciple is anyone who is trusting in Jesus for salvation and choosing to live their lives for Him.  Before someone can make one, they need to become one!  Have your ever heard the saying, "It takes one to know one."

I actually think it is a pretty good saying.  In this case it would be better said, "It takes one to make one."  There is a ton of work in being a disciple of Jesus.  It is the difficult work of obedience.  The overflow of discipleship is, "making disciples".

There is work to be done.

Read it here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Matt. 27

Ultimate craziness is when religious activity is centered on plotting the death of God!  Absurdity is when the money used in the plotting could not be used for "temple work", it had to be used to "do something nice for foreigners".

Wow!  How blind could these leaders be?  It seems impossible to think that their hypocrisy had gotten to such a level that they were, on one hand, killing Jesus AND, on the other, looking to "do" something nice with the "blood money".

Do you ever feel guilty about something you should have done OR something that you didn't do?  I have.  In response to the guilt, have you ever sought to appease the guilt by doing something nice?  Like buying something for someone.  I have. 

A better response would be to admit you are wrong and start obeying Jesus.

Worship Jesus today.

Read it here

Monday, February 6, 2012

Matt. 26

Denying Jesus seems to be a habit that disciples have had since the beginning.  Betraying Jesus is the ultimate denial.  This story alway bothers me deeply because I wonder what I would have done or said.

Would I have denied Jesus? Do I deny Him in subtle ways today?  I believe the answer to both of these questions is yes.  It grieves me to know that is likely true.  It is yet another reason that I need Jesus so badly.  Without Him, there is nothing good in me.

What is Jesus wanting of me today?  What is His desire for you?

Read it here.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


There is nothing better than sharing your faith with someone.  Come and learn how at Cornerstone this Sunday. #cantwait

Troy Nesbitt, Lead Pastor
515.232.5488 |

Cornerstone Church of Ames |
a local church with a global vision
56829 U.S. Highway 30 | Ames, IA 50010

Friday, February 3, 2012

Matt. 25

Everything we have has been given to us by God! His desire is that we would take what He has given us and actually invest in a way that produces fruit for His kingdom.

Do you consider what you have "yours" or "His"? The way you think about that question has everything to do with the way in which you will use what you have been given.  Everything that is God's should be used for His purposes...period.

This is a convicting parable.

Read it here.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Matt. 24

Do you think it is possible that Jesus will return today?  If not, then why do you think Jesus told his disciples 2000 years ago to "be ready"? 

I believe that Jesus was specifically answering the disciples questions in vs. 3.  First of all Jesus answers the question of when will the events of verse 2 happen.  Most scholars agree that Jesus was primarily describing the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. The second question deals with His second coming and the end of the age.

Obviously Jesus has not come back yet, but notice the instruction for the disciples in BOTH instances was the same.  He said, "be ready" and "be careful to be doing what you should".  It is possible that Jesus will return today.  Are you ready?  Are you doing what you would want to be doing if you knew it was today?

Live strong.

Read it here.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Matt. 23

Jesus originated the saying, "Practice what you preach." It is way easier to TELL others who they should be than to actually BE a person they should emulate.  The problem with the hypocrites was that they knew what should be done, but they didn't actually do it.  Jesus said, "do what they say, but don't do what they do."

Actually becoming who God desires, is STEP ONE to helping others to be more obedient to him.  To often I actually know what to do, but haven't actually put it into practice.  I find myself saying, "don't do what I did." Wouldn't it be better to say, "Do what I did, it will be worth it."?

Live an emulatable life today. 

Read it here.