Wednesday, October 31, 2012


How have you been "stained" by the world?  Pure and undefiled religion is to care for others and to keep yourself "unstained by this world".

James is a refreshing book.  Especially after finishing Hebrews!  We go from a deep well with difficult truths to a great lake with a beach with treasures everywhere you look.  Every verse is quotable, tweetable or just a good one to know. 

I want to focus in on the "staining" that the world gives us.  James begins with trials.  He says that trials are not meant to stain us, rather they are intended to make us better.  The difference is our perspective and how we respond to the trial.

Then he moves on to money.  If you are stained by it, whether poor or rich, it will consume your life and thoughts.  Being rich or poor are both trials, and God is looking for us to honor Him regardless of our financial state.

Next he moves to emotions.  Particularly anger!  It too is a trial that will either destroy or grow us.  We should not be stained by difficult emotions and God's purposes are not accomplished as we yield to our emotions.

It is a challenge to care for widows and orphans.  I believe it is an even greater challenge to "keep ourselves unstained" by the things of this world.

Work hard at cleaning up the stains.

Read it here.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Your life should be free from the love of money.  That freedom should be seen in the contentment that governs your life.  Are you content with what you have?

Jesus said, "you cannot serve God AND money."  There would have been dozens of options that He could have chosen to contrast with God in that statement, but He chose MONEY.  Why?

Paul said, "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and those eager for it have pierced themselves with many pains."  Money itself is not evil, but Paul warned that loving it leads to all kinds of wrongdoing.

Now here in Hebrews we are told to "not love money"!  So what should we do to counter our natural desire to love money and the things it buys?  I would suggest three things:  1. Decide to use your money to serve the one true God rather than pursuing money as a god. 2. Be generous with your money.  Let your giving determine your living. 3. Take making more money out of your decision making process.  Choose the best fit, not the most money.

Don't love money.  It won't love you back!

Read it here.

Monday, October 29, 2012


"Run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith."

In the midst of difficulty, we should work hard at focusing on Jesus.  The storms and trials of life are intended to keep us focused and directed on the author of life.  When struggle takes us away from Christ, we know that we are not responding  correctly to it.

This chapter teaches that all struggle is discipline.  Discipline from God is intended to make us better.  It is done in love and has our ultimate good in mind.  Even though it is always painful, it is also purposeful.  Do we trust God with the difficulties in our lives?

Tough but true.

Read it here.

Friday, October 26, 2012


Without faith it is impossible to please God, but faith is NOT the ticket which gets God to do what WE want.

This chapter is probably one of the best known in the New Testament and gives us tremendous confidence in faith.  God is truly worth living for and in order to live for Him it requires faith.  Faith is not natural to us, and, it too is a gift from God.

Living by faith will NOT give you what you want!  LIving by faith will give you a life that is worth living and will be rewarded by God.  He is a rewarder of those who seek HIm.

Live by faith...for Him.

Read it here.


Thursday, October 25, 2012


"It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of a living God!"  We will either be excited to draw near to God or terrified at the thought of actually seeing Him face to face.  How we will respond will have everything to do with how we responded to Jesus.  

Read it here.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Robert Lowry in 1876 was inspired by this chapter to write a hymn that is still sung in churches today!  It has rooted deep in our hearts this mysterious truth; only Jesus' death on the cross can take away our sins.  There is nothing else.  Take some time today to listen to the song.  Both the original version and in its rewritten style by Jesus Culture.

Everyone thinks that they hear from God at some time or another.  Many claim to hear His voice constantly.  I love to hear from God and often mistake what I hear from myself as the "voice of God".  Robert Lowry got it right.  He took God's profound truth and put it to music in a way that we all can speak and sing the truth of God. And, we are still singing it!

I will all but guarantee that nothing I say or write will be shaping others 130 years from now!!!  Unless, of course, it is something rooted in God's word.  And even then, someone will likely be saying it better.

Read it here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


LIsten to this promise from God,"I will be merciful to their wrongdoing, and I will never again remember their sins."

Do you actually think God forgets?  I think not.  The promise is that God will not hold our sins against us.  He has poured out His judgement on Jesus.  That is why this new covenant is so much better than the old one.

The old covenant required perfection!  The new one grants forgiveness for all who are trusting in Jesus.Put your hope in Christ and let God's mercy be the dominant atribute of God that you experience.

Love it.

Read it here.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Much of Hebrews, I don't get.  This verse I do get, "Jesus is always able to save those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them."

As confusing as this book can be, there are always nuggets of truth that we can cling to.  Later in this chapter it says that Jesus "offered Himself" as a sacrifice for our sins.  That fact alone should cause us to worship Him.

Read it here.

Friday, October 19, 2012


We have this hope as an anchor for our lives, safe and secure...JESUS.  Are you trusting solely in HIm?

In the midst of a difficult chapter in a difficult book, we find clear understandable nuggets to grasp on to.  The writer of Hebrews is challenging our faith, not in the law, not in ourselves, but solely in Jesus!  He is the anchor.

Now the challenge will be not only to trust in HIm, but also to get to know Him, to listen to HIm and to obey HIm.  If you hear His voice, do not harden your heart.  Walk in HIs ways.

Read it here.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Where are you in your understanding of the bible? Do you get it? Are you being lazy? Do you need help?

This chapter says that, "by this time you ought to be teachers, but you need someone to teach you the basic principles of God's revelation again."  It is one thing to be ignorant and young, it is a completely different thing to be "lazy" and "indifferent."

We will all give an account to God for what He has revealed in His Word.  Don't be lazy.  Get to know God through His word.

Read it here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


God's word is Alive & Effective, cutting to the very heart of every human whether they read it or not!  It is the revelation of God and everyone will give an account to God for its content.

The writer of Hebrews gives each of us the same challenge...believe.  He says, "Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts."  A hard heart is a heart that refuses to accept the truth revealed in scripture.  A hard heart is one that continues to argue when the conviction of God is clearly on their soul.

I recommend that we all soften our heart toward God and His word.  What is He calling you to today?  Will you respond in faith?  I pray I will.

Read it here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


 Watch out, brothers, so that there won't be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart that departs from the living God. But encourage each other daily, while it is still called today, so that none of you is hardened by sin's deception. 

These are some great verses to consider today!  Watch yourself is the first challenge.  Encourage each other is the second challenge.

It is not enough to be careful to follow after Jesus.  We must consider how we can help others to do the same.  There is a battle going on today for you life and the lives of those you love.  Will you be a winner or a loser today?

Be encouraged.

Read it here.

Monday, October 15, 2012


If even Jesus was perfected through suffering, why would we think that God's goal for our lives would be to free us from all suffering?

Isn't it the tough things that we suffer that make us who God wants us to be?  Isn't it the difficult decisions that make us more dependent on Jesus?  The answer is most definitely!

No one enjoys struggles in life.  It is the struggles that help us to know God and long for eternal life free from all suffering.  Thank God that we do not hope in Him only for this life.

Read it here.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Jesus is the radiance of God's glory and the exact expression of His nature, sustaining all things by His powerful word. - 1:3

This verse alone would be enough to think about today, and the rest of the week for that matter!  Wow.  Listen to what the author of Hebrews is saying about Jesus.   First He is reflecting the glory of God through His life.  Second, He is the exact signature of who God is. And finally it is Jesus that is sustaining all things. In a nutshell....Jesus IS God!

Hebrews teaches that the period of time we live in is the "last days".  God sent Jesus to communicate his "final word" to mankind.  Jesus'  first coming is God's last communication on earth.  His second coming will be God's final judgement.

This will be a great book to read through.  Go slowly.

Read it here.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Sometimes the shortest letters have the greatest impact!  Write a note about someone or to someone you love today!

Read it here.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Titus 3

What are you devoted to? Is it good works?  We are saved by God's mercy, but is our response to live for Christ?

Titus was to make sure that God's people were devoted to the things that honored Christ.  He never confused salvation with works, but he never separated the "saved" from the need to be devoted to good works.

Key verse (5), "He save us- not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to His mercy".  Yet, twice in this chapter Titus is to encourage the believers to be devoted to good works.

Let's go to work!

Read it here.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Titus 2

Have you ever thought about "Grace Instructing Us?"  It teaches us to say "no" to godlessness and worldly lust and to live sensibly, godly and right with God.

Most people think about Grace as a passive gift from God.  It is the eraser that God uses to forgive sins.  It is the help that God gives to get us through tough times.  It is the gift of salvation itself, if we will only accept it.  In a sense, all these things are true... but it is not just that.

Grace is God's power to live a godly life!  It is an instructor that encourages us to say "yes" to God and "no" to the things that are not godly.  In a sense, it is the gift of the Holy Spirit working from within.  It is desire, power and ability to make the right choice.

Are you living in Grace today?  It is the best way to live.

Grace to you.

Read it here.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Titus 1

Our lives would be way better if we chose to identify ourselves as "slaves" of God.  It was Paul's favorite way to identify himself.

Why would we object to such an idea?  Since God knows us better, cares for us more and always has our best in mind, it only makes sense to totally yield to Him.

Read it here.

Friday, October 5, 2012


What will you be able to say when your life is drawing to a close?  Will you have "fought the good fight, finished well, and kept the faith"?  Will you be looking forward to a "crown of righteousness"?  I pray we all will.

Paul was faithful until the very end.  Interestingly his first thought about the faith was that keeping it was a "battle".  LIterally it is a war.  It is the war of your life.  It is for your life.  Your very soul.  Will you fight for that!

He aslo described faith as a race.  It certainly was not a sprint!  More like a daily marathon of sorts.  Paul's goal was to finish well.  To be leaning in as he crossed the tape into eternity so to speak.  That was his goal.

Most men look back on their life and have regrets!  "I wish I would haves and I should haves".  Paul looked back and felt good about how he fought, ran and finished!  

It is a great goal for all of us!

Read it here.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


If we literally avoided all the people in verses 1-5, could we hang out with anyone?  Further, Paul guarantees Timothy that everyone who desires to be godly will be persecuted!  Are you up for the challenge?

This chapter is filled with challenges.  What is that challenge?  To live a godly life devoted to the teaching of the scriptures.  This is a challenge we all need.

Some have had good examples like Timothy, who had a godly mom and grandmother.  Others have had no positive role models.  Either way, Paul is encouraging everyone to follow his example and the teaching of the word of God.

It is God's word that teaches us the path of godliness.  Love it.  Read it. Live it.  Pass it on to the next generation.

Read it here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. - Paul

This is a very active verse.  It calls for "fleeing" and "pursuing"!  It also tells us to do both of these things in the context of others who would share our same pursuits and retreats.  What are you fleeing?  What are you pursuing?  Who are you fleeing and pursuing with?

Paul recognizes that we function best in the context of others.  I am so grateful to be surrounded by men and women in a church who are running hard after Jesus.  It is easy to get caught up in pursuing the very things that I should be running from.

I am so thankful for others in my life to help me stay on the right path.

Read it here.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind!  Don't live in fear today, rather tap into the power, love and confidence that comes from knowing and living for Jesus.

Fear is crippling!  Especially the fear of man.  Proverbs says that we are to "fear God" only!  Jesus says, do not fear those who can only "kill you", fear God who will  judge you after you're dead.  When we don't fear God, we get ourselves into all kinds of trouble. Don't live to please men, but live to please God.

Power, love and confidence should describe our lives.  When we are living right, we will experience the power to say "no" to sin.  When love is our motivation, we will be a blessing to everyone we encounter.  When we are making sound choices, we will experience the joy of a life lived without guilt!  Paul says this is the life we should live.

Live one life today!  The life God wants for you.

Read it here.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Do you desire to be rich? Are you pursuing hard after money? If so, prepare yourself to be sorely disappointed!

The Bible talks much about money and this chapter says, "loving it is a root of all kinds of evil."  For centuries people who have value money above God are those who end up lonely and empty in this life.  

Our culture is one of the richest ever to live.  We also are the most discontented and unhappy!  We have more than 99% of the world and yet we want more!  In fact we, the 99% in our culture, want to be among the 1% of the richest of the rich!!!

God have mercy on our culture!  What God values is not money, but godliness. Especially godliness with contentment.  What are we to do with our money? Be generous and bless others.  Let your money serve God.  Don't be a slave to money.

Read it here.