Tuesday, February 26, 2013


"The one who believes in Me will have streams of living water flow from deep with in him." -Jesus

What does that mean to have "streams of living water" flowing from within me?  This is now the second time that Jesus made a comment like this.  The first time was in chapter 4 when He was talking to the woman at the well. He told her, " I will give you a drink and you will never thirst again.  You will have a well springing up within you."

John gives the answer in this chapter.  It is the Holy Spirit.  Literally the "life of God" living within us and flowing through us to others.  Jesus said, whoever believes in Him will have life that will flow from within them.  That life is eternal life.  That life is a "spring of life" flowing from within.

Jesus is the source of life.  Like water, without Him nothing survives!  Do you have this life within you?  It begins with belief.  Jesus was more than just a "good man".  He was and is God and His desire is to place His life in us.

What a thought.

1 comment:

  1. that life would come into us from outside is a treasure of wisdom.

    so many search diligently for life inside to take outside.

    without the Spirit by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, there is no life inside.

    nice-looking tombs full of dead man's bones.
