Friday, February 5, 2016


Can you imagine being with Jesus the first time He instituted the Lord's supper? He said, "This is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins." What must have been going on it the hearts and minds of the disciples?

They had no way of knowing what was about to happen! This had to be one of the oddest things they had ever heard come from the lips of Jesus. What did He mean? What was He talking about? What have we done to follow a teacher who would say such things?

Now imagine what it would have been like to celebrate "the Lord's supper" for the first time in Acts! NOW they knew! Now they can remember all that Jesus did for them! I bet they rarely shared communion without tears. Tears of sorry and of joy.

What is communion like for us? What affections does it stir in our hearts? What memories does it generate? Christ died for us. This fact should STILL be effecting His disciples today.

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