Friday, May 6, 2016


What is the connection between fear and faith? Jesus said to His disciples, "Why are you fearful? Do you still have no faith?" But wouldn't we all be afraid in the midst of a horrible storm in a small boat? Would that fear be an expression of faithlessness?

As people we struggle with fear. Fear is natural. Being fearless in the midst of difficulty reflects great faith. Who among us thinks he could have been in that situation without fear? Yet the disciple did the right thing. They, in fear, trusted in Jesus. They knew He was able to do something about their situation. He could calm the storm.

It has been my experience that Jesus often calls me into the storm! I am always fearful. Yet by faith, I can overcome my crippling fear and cling to him in the midst of storms. On the other side of the storm there is a great story to tell. 

Don't let fear keep us from clinging to Jesus and choosing to follow Him! Even into scary places.

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