Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Have you heard the saying, "The ground is level at the foot of the cross?"  What that means is that we all are in the same place before God when we stand before Jesus.  We will either be condemned or forgiven depending on how we respond to His death for us.  There is no other way but through faith in Christ!

In this chapter John prophesies this truth.  He is quoting the prophet Isaiah, but he is talking about Jesus leveling the playing field for everyone.  He quotes, "Every valley will be filled, and every mountain and hill will be made low, the crooked will become straight, the rough ways smooth, and everyone will see the salvation of God."  In summary, the ground is level in light of the cross!

If we don't see everyone in light of the cross, we are not seeing clearly.  When we begin to compare ourselves among ourselves, or see ourselves in relationship to others rather than Jesus, we are walking in rough terrane.  Jesus has come to reduce each of us to humility before Him so we can truly love one another.

In light of all Jesus did for us on the cross, how can we not love our brothers? 

1 comment:

  1. i love the one, true, consistent barometer of right-standing in life and death is the Cross of Christ!
