Friday, May 10, 2013


If people were to drop dead when the church gathers because of deceitfulness in their hearts related to giving, I wonder how many people would die this weekend?  I think the number would be shocking! 

Ananias and Sapphira wanted to participate in giving to the church.  They actually sold a field and were planning on giving a generous amount of money.  The problem is that they lied about the reality of the gift!  They didn't want anyone to know they were unwilling to give it all.  In fact, they were willing to risk their lives to keep some back for themselves.  They had the freedom to give the amount that they gave.  They did not have the freedom to give under false pretense!  God struck them dead in that very moment.

Fast forward to today.  I don't know of any christian who does not know that they should be giving generously to the church.  I can't remember the subject even being debated lately.  The problem is that these same christians often are not giving.  At best they are "tipping" God and using what He has given them almost exclusively for themselves.  It saddens me to  know how rich we are as a culture and how little we actually give to the church and ministries.

Don't be like Ananias and Sapphira.  Be honest about your giving.  Don't seek to pretend to be someone your not when it comes to money.  It seems to be a big deal to God.

Give generously.  Give to God your best and your first.  You won't regret that.

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