Friday, June 28, 2013


"Outdo one another in showing honor. If possible, on your part, live a peace with everyone." These verses speak to my heart. 

Basically Paul is saying, if you want to compete with one another, let the competition be to "outdo" each other with honor.  He later says, "Do what is honorable in everyone's eyes" and live at peace with each other. Conflict is a terrible reality of life and we should seek to minimize the relational conflict around us. Yet, conflict is inevitable and cannot be avoided.

The question is: Who is responsible for the conflict in your life? Have you dealt with your sin and sought forgiveness from God and others? Have you been faithful to confess failure to others and purposed to heal the brokenness? Are you willing to have difficult conversations or do you avoid conflict and make the brokenness worse?

Peace does not come with avoidance. It comes with right choices. Sometimes the choice is to take responsibility for your own actions. Other times it is to help others take responsibility for their actions. When Paul encourages us to live at peace with everyone, he is calling for action in every broken relationship in our lives.

What a challenge!

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Does God owe you salvation? Absolutely not! If you are not living in utter gratefulness for your salvation, then you really don't get it.

I am amazed at how often I lose perspective on the gift of salvation. Somehow I want to take some credit for something in relationship to God. This chapter clearly states, "Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you either. Consider God's kindness and severity."

God owes me nothing. My only response should be utter gratitude towards Him.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Who can be saved? Anyone who puts their faith in Jesus. Everyone is not saved, in fact, most are lost! The gospel is available to everyone, but believing requires hearing and responding to the message of Jesus.

Paul's heart was that everyone would be saved. The heart of God is that all mankind would repent and be saved. Yet the fact remains, most men are lost. Many believe themselves to be saved but they are still lost. Some are clueless about their lostness. Some believe there is no need for salvation. Most commonly people simply need someone to loving share the truth about Jesus with them.

Romans urges us to be living and sharing the gospel. What better decision could we make with our lives? Live in such a way to show the gospel to others. Share in such a way to teach the gospel to others. This is what God desires of each of us.

Live strong today.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Only God determines who is saved! If you are trusting in yourself or something you have done, you will be lost for sure.

This chapter is like no other in the bible. American "christians" struggle with it because it clearly teaches that it is God alone that saves! We want to have something to do with our salvation. We want to not be responsible for our sin, but do want to be responsible for our salvation. Only God can forgive sins and only God can save from sin. If He chooses to not save someone, there is total justice in that.

When we talk about our salvation, who do we credit? Ourselves? Or God? Listen to the way we share our story. Is it what God did, or is it what we did? Paul is working hard to help us see that our focus in salvation is to be the One Who saves, not the object of salvation. God's mercy is seen through salvation that He freely gives to whom He chooses. It is to God's glory that anyone is saved.

I am so happy to have been sought out and saved by God! Without Him I would be utterly lost.  What is your story?

Monday, June 24, 2013


"If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him."  Does the Spirit of Jesus live in you? Paul writes, "if we have the Spirit, we will live according to the Spirit." The mind of the flesh is set on death, but the Spirit gives life and peace.

No one thinks that they are focusing on the things that bring "death". In fact, most believe that the flesh focuses away from death and toward life and peace. That is the deception of our fleshly minds. What we often consider will give us life, actually brings death. And the very things that will produce life, we avoid as though they would kill us! This is simply because we are not thinking with our spiritual minds. Instead we think from an earthly point of view.

Consider what you will primarily think about today. Will it be the things of God? Will you focus on how you can please HIm with your attitudes, words and actions? Or will you go about your day pursuing what everyone else is pursuing? Will your life look any different than those who don't know Christ around you? 

If those without the Spirit are living lives just like ours, maybe we should reconsider how we are living. They have no option but to pursue "death". Since we have the Spirit, we should make our life about different pursuits.  Life comes from the Spirit and not the things of this world.

Something to consider. Live by the Spirit today. Pursue true life and peace.

Friday, June 21, 2013


What a wretched man I am! Who will save me from sin? A: Jesus.

These are the comments of one of my friends on this chapter.  I can't say it better.

"That's what Paul writes in this chapter.  Paul!  If that's how Paul describes himself, what can I say about myself?  I too am an evil man.  I want to do good, but evil pours out of me.  Imagine if your thoughts played out on a screen for everyone to view?  Ummm, yeah, that would be ugly.  I am an evil man.  
I am so thankful that Jesus rescued me.  My flesh still fails me over and over again, but I am not bound to that sin and I know the Lord continues to call me to Him.  Thank the Lord that he conquered sin for us."

Sin is a moster seeking to ruin us everyday.  The battle rages, but we have victory in Jesus.  Thanks be to God who rescues us from this body of sin.  It is nice to have a savior.  I can't imagine what I would be without Him.

Live strong today.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Do you memorize scripture? This chapter is full of memorizable verses! In fact, christians should make it a point to memorize this whole chapter. Wow! Every verse is a full of great truth. If you only memorize one, start with verse 23. It is the gospel in one verse. To know verse 23 is to have the framework to share Christ with others.

But this chapter is more than that. It is the explanation of conquering sin in our lives. Clearly we are not to continue to live in sin. We have been set free by the gospel and we are to live different lives. Jesus' death has removed sin's mastery of our lives. Therefore, we are to live no longer in its hellish grasp. We are to consider ourselves "dead to sin" but "alive" to God.

Think about being dead to sin! What good thing has sin brought into your life? Nothing!! Have you ever been unhappy that you followed Jesus and said "no" to sin? Never! So, the command is not only practical, it is very beneficial. Sin is seeking to destroy our lives. The more we embrace its control, the less we will experience the life of God. 

Do not let sin reign in your life today!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


How would you prove your love to someone?  God proved His love for us by dying for us!  And we were His enemies.  Think about the best thing you ever did for anyone that you love.  If you are like me there is no comparison.  Nothing close.  I sometimes even wonder if I love anyone but me.  My love for others seems to almost always be mixed with selfish motives.

God is so different from me.  His love is unconditioned and is never deserved.  He owes us nothing but wrath and judgement for our sin.  Instead, He pours out grace and forgiveness for everyone who has faith.  Through sin, death reigns in all of us.  Through God's gift we can have life through faith.  Why would anyone refuse this exchange?  Yet so many do.

But wait, why do I refuse to fully trust and obey Him in everyday situations?  I truly have faith for eternity.  Where is my faith in the daily things of this life?  Isn't it more logical to have faith daily than to trust in the life that we know nothing of?  Am I deceiving myself about the true quality of my faith?  Hmm.

Deep thoughts from a shallow man.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


How real is your faith?  Are you willing to stake your life on it?  Romans is clear that it is by "faith" that anyone is justified before God.  It is also clear that faith, though it is the essential ingredient, is not stagnant.  Faith cause one to act.  Faith is not mere belief, it is the actions resulting from belief.  

Based on activity alone, how do you feel about your faith?  I am not saying that activity is faith.  I am saying that activity is a measure of faith.  By faith Abraham believed God.  By faith Abraham was credited with righteousness.  AND by faith Abraham lived and acted on the commands of God.

This is the pattern of true faith.  It is to be the pattern of our lives.  Live by faith today. 

Monday, June 17, 2013


"No one will be justified before God by their good works!" (Rm. 3:20) One sin is enough for us to be condemned before God without Jesus.  One. One lie. One greedy thought. One harsh word. One outburst of anger. One act of disobedience. One thought of envy!  One!!!!!!!!!!

We are all way over the limit!  If one is enough, then certainly millions would be plenty.  Why then do so many assume that their good works can somehow justify them before God?  The answer is simple.  They have no clue what God is like, nor do they have any idea what He has said in His word.  Someone should love them enough to tell them.  We should spread the word.

One is plenty!  Think about that.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


The gospel should be central to everything we do!  It is not only the power for salvation, it is the fuel for living the christian life.  This is an amazing book.  We should work hard to grasp its content and meaning.

God has clearly revealed Himself in the things He has created.  Isn't it obvious?  How can we look at this world and not believe in a Creator.  The heavens are shouting His glory.  The natural world is not natural at all…it has been supernaturally orchestrated to direct us to God.  Look around.  See and worship.

This chapter ends with a scary verse, "Although they know full well God's just sentence--that those who practice such things deserve to die--they not only do them, but even applaud others who practice them."  We should avoid sin AND the approval of sin in the lives of others.

Let's Go Romans!!!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Acts ends with some powerful words; boldness and without hindrance.  Paul was able to proclaim the gospel for two full years with these conditions.  Many responded to the gospel and there was a church that started in Rome. For years (way more than two) all of us have been able to share Jesus with others without hindrances, yet most of the time we lack boldness!

I am praying that God will give each of us boldness to share the love of Christ in an inviting way.  Nothing is better than knowing Jesus.  We should get really good at sharing Him with others.  

Everyday and in every way seek to make Christ known to those who don't know HIm yet.  It was the reason that Paul lived.  It is the message of Acts.  It is the work of the Holy Spirit.  It is the work God has given us to do.

Be bold…you are not hindered!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Do you spend enough time with God to actually hear His advice before you make a decision?  How is it that you primarily make decisions in your life?

Paul understood sailing, but he was not an expert sailor.  When God spoke to him about what to do in relationship to his voyage, his advice was ignored.  The men, choosing to follow the "experts", decided to set out against Paul's advice.  Disaster ensued and the ship and it's gear were lost.  Yet God spared everyone's life because they decided to follow Paul's leadership.

My prayer is that I will always choose to follow the voice of God in my life.  Regardless of what others do or think, I want to be a man who hears from God and obeys His instruction.

It is the best idea.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Two words; servant & witness.  Jesus spoke to Paul and commissioned him to two specific tasks.  To be a servant and to be a witness.  I believe these words should describe every person who claims to be a follower of Christ.

Jesus said, "I did not come to be served, but to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many."  He also said in His commission to every disciple, "You will be my witnesses."  It is on the wings of these two commands that the gospel spreads.  As we serve others and share Christ's love for them, they will be drawn in to the family of God.

Which comes easier for you?  Serving or sharing?  Both are great ways to advance to gospel, but together they make the message clear.  Some serve without sharing.  Others share without serving.  One without the other is incomplete and will not lead to the greatest understanding of the message. 

Make it your goal to be great at both.  Serve the Lord by serving others, and in that context, share the good news of Jesus with everyone you come in contact with.  Serving opens the opportunity to share.  Speaking the truth gives the opportunity for others to respond and believe.

Be bold today.  You might get a chance to share with a King!

Friday, June 7, 2013


Are you ever discouraged when things are not going your way?  Remember God is never out of control.  He always has your best interest in mind and He will always give you grace to respond to any situation in your life.

Paul did nothing wrong, yet he was to spend much of his life imprisoned for his beliefs.  He was beaten and punished for his belief in Jesus.  He was mocked and stoned for his bold witness and testimony.  When I am discouraged with my situation, all I need is a little reminder from Paul's life.  I have never had anything to complain about compared to him.

Live for Christ today.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Paul's favorite subjects were righteousness, self-control and the judgement to come.  These were the things that he often spoke about.  I believe they all fit hand in hand.  Righteousness is only attained through the forgiveness that comes from faith in Jesus.  Self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit living in our lives.  And judgement is in all of our future, so what we do in this life will be accounted for.

It was because of these realities that he said, "I always do my best to have a clear conscience toward God and men."  Many of us choose to live our lives with a guilty conscience.  We cover and hide our sin, believing that it won't matter and that it isn't actually hurting anyone.  This is simply not true.  Unconfessed sin and a guilty conscience erode the very potential of true fellowship with Jesus.

Live to please Jesus today.  Strive to gain a clear conscience.  Don't let your sin come between you and the best possible relationship with God.

Live Strong.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


"I have lived my life before God in all good conscience." -Apostle Paul  We should all make it our goal to be able to say this!  Wow, what a difference that would make.  Not to stop sinning, but to take responsibility for our sin and to make things right.

Just yesterday I said some things in a meeting that I now regret.  My words were reckless and hurtful.  Proverbs 12:18 says, "Reckless words are like a piercing sword, but the words of the wise bring healing."  I often speak words that cut, rather than words that heal.  This was the case yesterday.  Today I had to ask forgiveness.

Paul also spoke rashly.  When he was struck for his words, he spoke to the "high priest" in anger!  When he was confronted with his actions, he immediately corrected himself.  Words have meaning.  Words have power.  Use your words in a manner that is pleasing to God.  Jesus said, "we will give an account before God for EVERY WORD spoken in this body".  That is a humbling thought.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Everyone needs to know God's will, to see the Righteous One and to hear His voice!  When Paul heard the gospel for the first time, this is the message he heard.  Jesus has been revealed so that we can know God's will, so that we can see Him and so that we can hear His voice!

This is a great challenge for us today.  Since God's will can be known…do we know it?  Since we have seen Jesus as revealed in the gospels…do we follow His teaching?  Since we can hear His voice through His word…do we obey His voice?  The first thing Paul did was to obey what he was told.  Immediately he was baptized and started proclaiming to everyone what he had seen and heard.

It would be a great thing if we followed Paul's example today.  Live your life to make Christ known in every context.


Monday, June 3, 2013


What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you because you decided to take a stand for Christ? Have you ever been beaten? Incarcerated? Stoned? Anything worse than a simple subtle rejection?  Not me.  In fact, I can't remember a time I stood for Christ and it didn't turn out well.  What is holding us back?

On another note, how do you feel about Paul shaving his head and actually following through with the Jewish traditions of purification?  He knew it was the law and he also knew that these rituals did nothing to bring him closer to God.  He not only went along with the practice, he encouraged his traveling companions to shave their heads as well.  Do you think he made the right choice?  Did he do it to avoid the beating that he ended up getting anyway?  Personally, I think there is a lot going on there we really don't get.

The main point for today is that Paul continued to always follow Jesus regardless of the consequences or circumstances.  He truly lived to love and please God.  My prayer for all of us today is that we will intentionally give ourselves to knowing and following Jesus as well.  What is He asking you to do?

Live strong.