Friday, November 29, 2013


"I am the alpha and Omega, the first and the last! The One who is, who was, and who is coming, the Almighty." - Jesus

As we begin to take a look at Revelation, we are reminded again to focus on Jesus. Everything prophesied about Him in the OT has been fulfilled. Everything recorded about Him in the NT has proven true. Today He is still changing lives and He still is the only One who can save us from our sin.

Only one thing remains! He is coming back! With each passing day His coming is drawing closer. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, without warning, He will return. Revelation was written to prepare us for this reality. Are you ready?

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Spend time today honoring God and HIs word by giving thanks to Him.

Like Timothy, Jude was to "contend" or fight for the faith! And this fight was to be with those within the "believing community" who are actually false teachers. There are similarities in both groups, and yet, they are quite different as well.

The main similarity is that they both "defy authority" and both lead people astray; one to greater legalism and the other to greater hedonism. They both are described as "discontented grumblers" who's primary objective is to accomplish their own desires. They both create "divisions" among God's people.

As leaders in God's church, both Timothy and Jude were in a battle for the lives of those they were leading. It is a fight worth fighting. It is the fight for the faith and a fight for the souls of men and women. This "fight" has been raging since the beginning of time and it will continue until Jesus comes again.

Live strong. Fight the good fight.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are walking in the truth. -Apostle John

Without question a parent takes great delight in the life of their children. Nothing does more for my heart than to hear a godly report about one of my children. When they are eagerly following God, His word and His ways, my heart soars with joy. Whenever I hear someone say, "Did you hear about your daughter…", "Your son….", my heart gets prepared either for great joy or overwhelming heartache. I am so grateful that most often the things I hear fill my heart with joy.

But John was primarily talking about his "spiritual children". Those who he had introduced to Jesus. Those who would consider him their spiritual father! I have seven biological children, and by God's grace, many spiritual ones! By God's design we are to continually be seeing children "born into His family by faith." In a similar way our hearts are connected to those "children". In a similar way we can take great delight in the progress of their faith.

The challenge today is to be prolific in our faith! There will be heartaches, but there will also be great joy!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Love the truth! Walk in love! Don't compromise either for the other.

John loved all those who loved the truth, but encouraged them to "walk in love." Both truth and love need to be held in the highest place in our heart and neither should be compromised at any point! Those who fight for the truth without love become vicious in their defense of "doctrine" and actually do more harm than good. Those who fight for love without truth allow compromise and sin to do its work in the hearts and lives of people. This also leads to greater damage than good.

John wrote in his gospel that Jesus came, "full of grace AND truth". Both grace and love are the channels in which others are able to receive truth! Rarely will someone come to repentance and faith simply by being confronted with truth! When truth is presented through grace it actually comes across as love. This was what Jesus modeled. This is what John is instructing us to do.

Love the truth! Walk in love. Don't compromise either for the other.

Monday, November 25, 2013


How do you think John would answer this question; How can you know if someone is a christian? What have we learned from his book that he would say?

In this final chapter he says, "I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life." He also said, "He who has the Son has life. The one who does not have the Son of God does not have life." I believe these are summary statements.

Without question, John taught that salvation is rooted solely in Jesus and one's response to Him. Yet, it is also in this letter that we have some of the strongest challenges to how a "true christian" lives. John was concerned for the sincere faith of God's people. I believe much of the challenge in our culture, and in his, was with those who would claim "faith" yet have no evidence of that faith as a pattern of their lives.

In the end only God knows who is saved! As I read and study this book, I am grateful for the conviction and life of the Holy Spirit in my life. It is only by God's grace that I can walk and live in these truths.

Friday, November 22, 2013


We love because we are loved by God. We primarily love ourselves apart from God. Without His love it would be impossible to "give" love to others. Without being connected to God, our resource of love totally dries up! God is love. He desires us to love each other with the same intensity as we love ourselves. His desire is for us to extend that love to absolutely everyone…even our enemies!

What does that look like in your life today? I know it is a struggle for me. Love on.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


The confidence we can have that we are "in Christ" exist only when we are living for Him. John wrote, "If you know that He is righteous, you know this as well: Everyone who does what is right has been born of Him." And conversely, those who choose to do what they know is wrong, puts their faith in question. 

A believer will remain in Christ through difficulty and success. Anyone who "walks" the path only in times of ease hasn't demonstrated a choice to "trust and follow". God has lavished His love on us and we can trust Him. The world is calling us to "trust" something other than God, His word and His ways. Remaining in Christ means choosing to obey Him ESPECIALLY when it is difficult.

Live strong in faith today.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


"The one who says they know Jesus, yet is not willing to keep His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him." Strong words from the apostle John.

I think John would cringe at American christianity! If he could write a letter to us today, what kind of letter do you think it would be? I doubt it would be a happy letter. Here is a man who literally walked with Jesus. Here is a man whose life was change because of his relationship with Jesus. Here is a man who was brutally tortured because of Jesus. His words need to inform our christianity. His words are the words of God.

Without question both James and John question the claims of "christians". Even in the first century there were apparently those who were "posers". With their mouth they would say one thing and with their life declare something completely different. It is not unclear that John believed and taught that christians will distinguish themselves by their obedience to Christ. Yesterday the main thing was confession. Today the main thing is obedience.

If these were the two standards to measure true faith, how would we do?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


All darkness in connected to sin! It is impossible to walk in the light without confessing our sins. Confession IS good for the soul. Confession is also a prerequisite for true fellowship. Sin is a cancer that destroys our lives. Left unconfessed it not only destroys us, but all of the relationships that we desire to be in fellowship with.

John describes Jesus as the "word of life". Jesus is light and there is no darkness in Him. If we "walk in the light" we will have fellowship with God and with each other. Sin is a certainty for all believers. Confessing sin is an option that will either secure or destroy our fellowship with God and each other. Anyone who chooses to live a life of confession will have the blessing of true fellowship with God AND others.

What sins are unconfessed in your life? Only a fool would choose to cover sin and allow it to have its long-tern damage on his life and those he loves.

Walk in the light.

Monday, November 18, 2013


The Lord is patient and does not want any to perish, but rather for all to repent and believe. If God's desire is for everyone to be saved, then why are so many lost? In fact, most according to scripture will be lost. Forever.

There are several answers to this question, but I believe the most biblical answer is simple. God's love makes a provision for all, but His justice requires judgement for all who reject Him. God can not suspend any of His attributes to make provision for another one. He has to be all loving and just at the same time. To reject Jesus is the only "unpardonable" sin. 

The believers Peter was writing to were suffering because of their faith under a ruthless and godless leader. Yet, it is in this context that Peter is expressing God's patience and desire that all would be saved. God's love is amazing.

Friday, November 15, 2013


One of the harshest, terrifying chapters in the bible!  A warning for anyone who chooses to disobey God and pursue sin. Peter was not unclear about those who have been exposed to the truth, yet choose to willfully sin. It is NOT a good plan.

Notice the two primary distinctives about them. They follow the polluting desires of their flesh and they despise authority. In other words, they do what they want to do even if it is wrong AND they won't submit themselves to anyone in their lives. They claim "freedom" but they themselves are slaves of corruption, "enslaved to whatever defeats them."

Peter says, "It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy command." God is serious about sin in our lives! When we willfully choose to follow a godless path, it appears the consequences are unthinkable. This is not a happy chapter for anyone choosing to disobey Christ.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


"Make every effort to confirm your calling and election". - Peter  I am shocked at the number of people who are confident that they are going to heaven who have no idea what God is like or what He desires of us! It is a fact that no work or amount of works can save us. We are saved purely by the righteous work of Jesus. It is His life, His death, and His resurrection that makes salvation possible.

BUT, it is also a fact that anyone who is truly saved has the life of God living in them. God's internal presence effects every aspect of our lives and drives us to know and follow Jesus. Verse after verse would challenge every "so called believer" to examine themselves and see if truly the Spirit of God dwells in them. There is no spiritual maturity apart from real effort! There will be no effort when there is no spiritual life! 

It is spiritual life that gives evidence to spiritual birth. God is serious about these things.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The Devil is real and he is seeking someone to devour today! Be alert and vigilant in your faith or it will be you and the ones you love.

Peter concludes this letter with some great warnings and encouragements. He wants us to be aware that Satan is truly out to destroy our lives. We need to be aware of his strategies. I don't know about you, but I rarely think about how much the devil is desiring to ruin my life. He is seeking to wreck me in subtle and overt ways. Satan's desire is to ruin the reputation of Jesus and he targets those who follow Him. As a Christ follower, you are under attack.

James taught us that attacks come through three primary channels: our sinful flesh, this fallen world, and directly from demons. We have recently seen how many times Paul mentions the demonic realm when he is instructing believers. He says, "put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against satan." There is a daily war going on.

What is the solution? Peter says, "be sober, be vigilant, humble yourself before God, resist the devil, draw near to God." There is no safer place than in the presence of God. Draw close to Him today.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Our flesh "suffers" when we don't give it what it desires! Since sin continues to be the craving of our flesh, we all should be choosing to "suffer" in the flesh.

Peter writes, "the one who suffered in the flesh has finished with sin". Not referring to Jesus, but rather to us who choose to obey God like Jesus rather than continue in sin. Notice that he goes on to describe what he is saying. He says, "we have spent enough time in doing what pagans choose to do: carrying on in unrestrained behavior, evil desires, drunkenness, orgies, carousing, and lawless idolatry." He is clearly referring to saying "no" to sin but yes to God.

Choosing to "not sin" today will be, in a sense, suffering! That is a novel idea to think about. When you deny yourself and choose to follow Jesus, there will always be suffering of one kind or another. It is the way of the cross. It is the way God produces fruit in our lives.

Choose to not sin! Refuse to give in to your flesh.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Loving God begins with getting your marriage right. The most obvious context to observe "christian living" should be in a christian marriage! No wonder the world is confused about the truth of scripture!

Peter is giving some clear instruction both to husbands and wives in this chapter. Instructions that desperately need to be followed. Both husbands and wives should submit to God and make much of their marriage. As marriages go, so goes the family. As the family goes, so goes the community. My prayer is that our church will be a witness in this community because of our great and healthy marriages.

Honor marriage by loving your spouse today. If you are not married, honor marriage in some way. Whatever is honored in a society will be cultivated there.

Friday, November 8, 2013


God's word to a christian is like milk to a newborn baby. Nothing is more essential to life and growth. 

I continue to be discouraged by the number of christians who are all but illiterate when it comes to the bible. Their fluency in television, the outdoors, sports and other things astound me. BUT when it comes to knowing the bible, it is as though they have been in prison camp with absolutely no time or opportunity to do anything but hard labor!

We need to value the word of God more. There is nothing like it and by reading and studying it, we can grow in our understanding of who God is and what He wants from us. I am grateful for the habit of daily reading God's word. I still am challenged by this chapter to "long for it like as newborn longs for milk."

Value God's word today by spending time reading and meditating on it.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


If being a christian meant committing to a life of suffering and persecution, would we still choose to identify with Jesus? This was absolutely the context of the recipients of this letter. They were all having to endure tremendous persecution because they were christians!

I wonder how God views our circumstances? I rarely, if ever, suffer because I am a Christ follower. Yet, for many believers around the world, suffering is the norm for them. And what's more, they are not coddled by Peter. They are told to endure the suffering in holiness and joy! He even says they are "being protected by God's power" in the midst of this suffering.

We should seek to get perspective from this book. How much is our confidence in God rooted in our circumstances? What if everything was striped from us because of Jesus and we were forced to suffer for our faith. I wonder how we would respond then. I am challenged to live in light of the sufferings of others. These are difficult thoughts.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his life from death and cover a multitude of sins. - James

James begins this chapter with a blatant condemnation of those who abuse riches! Wow. For those of us who have way more than our basic needs, pay careful attention to these verses. I can never read any verses about money and not be challenged with all that God has given me. These verses would apply to almost every person I know.

Luxury is living beyond what is necessary, having more than we need, etc. When I was in France, a rich country by world standards, I realized how luxurious America is! I am grateful that God has entrusted me with much as an American. Every day I enjoy the "luxuries" of life. Even now, I am sitting in my beautiful 4 season room, on a comfortable couch, drinking coffee from a Kurig, in clothes taken from a large assortment, having freshly showered in my own bathroom, with my electronic in hand and another in my pocket, etc.. I promise this chapter applies to me…and most likely you!

God is calling us to "not sin" with our wealth and we should help each other to think less about ourselves and more about others. Money and wealth are not evil. In fact, the bible teaches that they are a gift from God. It becomes evil when we "love" money and stuff rather than "use" money and stuff to honor God. 

James' basic teaching is simple. Anyone who lives for this life will have only the possibility of having a good life now. Even then, life will always have struggles. Whoever lives this life with God and His purposes in mind, even if their life is full of struggle, will have tremendous riches for all eternity. Live with eternity in focus.

Great chapter today.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Submit to God. Resist the Devil. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. 

James gives us three ways of thinking about the same thing! Do you want to be under the blessing, protection and direction of the living God? Or do you want to be under the "wisdom" that is earthly, natural and demonic which he talked about in the previous chapter? Seems like an obvious answer, right? Yet so often we want to pretend that we want God while willfully going our own way. Some would even boast about their "nearness to God" in the midst of their rebellion.

Submit means to order your life under. To actually "do" what God wants us to do. Not to talk about what God wants, but to actually "do what He says". James teaches that faith is evidenced in obedience to God.

Resist means to intentionally move away from something that is seeking to draw you in! The source of our non-submission is Satan himself. He uses this world's ideas and our sinful flesh to draw us into rebellion. It is our natural bent, so we must "resist" what comes natural to us.

Nearness is a term that communicates proximity. If you are under something it is safe to say you have drawn near! Anytime we are obeying God by choosing to have faith in what He says, we are placing our lives under His care. 

Draw near to God today. The other options will end poorly.

Monday, November 4, 2013


"We all stumble in many ways." This is a fact. It is not an excuse to sin! Nor is it a justification for sin! We all know that the old, "everyone is doing it trick" generally leads us down a bad path.

James is a clear and concise writer. There is little question what he is trying to lead us to do and be. His basic point is simple. If you are a Christ follower, your life should reflect that reality. Jesus wants to transform every part of us. He generally begins by cleaning up our mouths!

Pursue Christ's wisdom today.

Friday, November 1, 2013


If we show favortism, we commit sin. You can't get clearer than that! When we treat people differently because of their income, dress, attractiveness, athleticism, or anything else, we are acting outside of the direction of Christ. According to this text, we should see every person the same and treat them the same.

Everyone struggles with favoritism. What can we do to remove this sin from our hearts? What habits can we develop that will make a change in the way we see others regardless of external appearances? Did you pick up on the challenge Wednesday from Hebrews 13? It says, "Don't neglect to show hospitality, for by doing this some have welcomed angels as quests without knowing it." Are you kidding me?!

The first step to dealing with favoritism is deciding to obey God when it comes to others. Stop categorizing people and start loving them. All of them! Secondly, we need to learn to show "hospitality" to others. Hospitality simply defined is, "loving strangers". Decide to extend love to anyone you don't already know. It could be a pleasant greeting or an invitation to lunch. Stop being selfish and start loving people.

Who knows, you might actually begin to enjoy it.