Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Pretension is one of the oldest religious tricks in the book! It didn't impress Jesus 2000 years ago and it doesn't impress Him today.

Religious hypocrites "pretended to be righteous" in order to "trick" Jesus or "catch" Him in something He might say or do that was wrong. Imagine the irony! They pretended to be what Jesus actually was in order to catch Him doing the very thing they were intentionally doing! They were so blinded to the reality of their own hearts.

When we pretend to be something we are not, we are no different than those hypocrites. What are we trying to prove? Who are we trying to impress? We might be able to fool and impress others, but Jesus is never caught up in our deception. Wouldn't it be easier on all of us if we would just tell the truth and be who were are?

Pretending to be something just because we want to be something, doesn't actually make us the thing we are pretending to be. That is what children do.

Monday, March 30, 2015


It's holy week! What will we do to prepare ourselves for Easter? Share the good news with someone? Invite a friend to an Easter service? Worship with all our hearts? All these are good ideas.

This chapter describes Palm Sunday. Jesus triumphantly entered into Jerusalem while the crowds shouted, "The King who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed One." The crowd was joyfully praising Jesus. When Jesus was asked to quiet them by the religious leaders He said, "I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out!" (Unfortunately they keep shouting, so we are unable to have heard about the rocks shouting praise.)

These SAME people will be shouting, "Crucify Him, Crucify Him" in just 5 days! What a tragedy. What an awesome reality. I want to be among those who praise continuously. I don't want to simply praise Jesus one day a week or on Easter. I want my life to be praise to God.

Let's keep the rocks silent.

Friday, March 27, 2015


We cannot save ourselves! Without Jesus there is NO salvation. Period.

I am surprised by the number of people who actually think they are "good enough" to go to heaven apart from Christ. Most people in our culture believe that everyone goes to heaven. If this is true, then Jesus had no idea what He was talking about! I put my faith in Jesus, not popular opinion.

Anyone seeking to "justify themselves" will never make heaven. Only Jesus saves.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Nothing destroys our relationship with God more than an ungrateful heart. When we spend our mental energy wanting more from God, we fail to see how much He has already given us.

The overflow of Jesus' life was to bring physical healing to those around him. In this chapter, He healed 10 men with a serious skin disease. They cried out to Him and He healed them. Yet only ONE thought to say "thank-you". They were on death's door. Jesus healed them. And only one gives thanks! Even Jesus was shocked at this.

But what about me? I might not have a serious skin disease, but I have been given much by Jesus. The healing I have been given is far more significant than a skin problem. I have been healed of my sin problem. Not only do I have forgiveness, I have been given eternal life! Yet, I struggle to be marked by gratitude. I often find myself wanting more from Jesus, without being thankful for what I have been given.

Sadly, I am more like the others than the one.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


What we do with our money matters to God! Money makes a horrible lover. If we love money, it will own us. If we love God, we will use our money in a way that is honoring to Him.

Our culture loves money. The more you have of it, the more "value" you have. The more "freedom" you have. The more "happiness" you have. The less "stress" you have. Etc. This is what our culture believes and teaches. In fact, most of our decisions are financial decisions. Where we work, the major we choose, the car we drive, the clothes we where, etc. It is as though money is our God. We are slaves of money.

Jesus was very clear, "You can't be a slave to both God and money." If you are a slave to money, you are not serving God. On the other hand, if you are a lover of God, money has great value. If we are faithful with this "unrighteous money", then we will be faithful with "true riches of the kingdom". Money is simply a test. It test our love. 

Us money to serve God. Don't be a slave to money. Or it will use and abuse you!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Jesus loved ALL people the same. And the religious leaders were complaining about it!! They saw sinners as "unclean and defiled". Jesus also saw them as "unclean and defile, BUT in need of forgiveness and cleansing."

The Pharisees were absolutely right about the "tax collectors and sinners". They WERE sinful and unclean. They were unworthy to be in the same room as Jesus, much less to be friends with Him! But the Pharisees were absolutely wrong about themselves. They too were unclean and sinful, absolutely unworthy to be in the same room as Jesus, much less friends with Him. They saw others correctly. They misjudged themselves.

And then there is us. We are also sinful and unclean. Do we feel "worthy" to be with Jesus? Do we see ourselves and good and others as evil? Did we really need salvation or are we deserving of it? 

I often wonder which group I would have fallen into had I lived as a contemporary of Jesus. I doubt I would have got it right. Even today, on the other side of the cross and resurrection, I struggle to not put different people in different categories. Jesus loved ALL people the same.

EveryONE matters to Him.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Do we do good to those who have no way of paying us back? Do we limit our kindness only to those who can reciprocate?

Jesus invited us to feast at His banquet. Not because we deserve it or because we have somehow earned His favor, but rather because we actually don't deserve it. We are the poor, maimed, blind and lame! We are the ones in need. We are also the ones who continue to make excuses. We are the ones who are too "busy" for God's kingdom.

Yesterday I was challenged by a particular line in the sermon. Cody said, "What radical change has Jesus brought into your life since you have believed?" If we struggle to have an answer to this question, we might not get it yet. Jesus has come to bring about "change" in all of our lives. The first step is belief! It is just the first step.

Following is the hard part. Follow Jesus today.

Friday, March 20, 2015


When asked, "How many will be saved?", Jesus responded, "a few". This is in direct contrast to what our culture believes! Our culture is wrong!

When one actually reads the bible, they will be amazed at how clearly Jesus speaks of salvation, eternal life and eternal damnation. His message was simple, "Repent and believe in Me or perish." We need to repent of our sins, believe in Jesus and seek to live for Him. Jesus' words are both strong and clear. If we refuse to place our faith in Him, there is no hope for our eternity.

Who will not be saved? Anyone who does not place their faith in Jesus. Anyone who does not choose to follow Him. Anyone who does not enter by the "narrow gate". Anyone who does not "repent and believe."

How many people truly believe this today? It is not unclear from the recorded words of Christ! Most people choose to believe they are "ok" without actually checking into what Jesus said. It is possible that Jesus was wrong. Since He wasn't, we need to get the message out!

Not everyone will be saved. In fact, most will not.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


"I did not come to bring peace, but rather division." - Jesus 

Have you ever meditated on these verses? Most claim that Jesus came to bring "peace on earth" and He did, but He also brings division. Peace is only experienced as we put our faith in Him and look forward to the life that is to come. Peace is not guaranteed in this life. In this life, He guarantees hardship!

Look at verse 49. Jesus said, "I came to bring fire on earth, and how I wish it were already set ablaze!" This is not a verse very often quoted by christians. Clearly Jesus was clear on His purposes. Peace on earth will come. It most likely will be on the "new earth" that is yet to come.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Our heavenly Father desires to give us the greatest possible gift…the Holy Spirit!

He is a gift that is never denied to anyone who asks in faith. It is the gift of eternal life. Whoever has the Spirit has life, whoever does not have the Spirit does not have life. Have you received this amazing gift?

Today I am taking my sons on a road trip to Kentucky. We plan to have a great time and make some life memories. It won't be cheap but it will definitely be worth it. Jesus said, "even bad dads desire to give their sons good gifts". We will have a great time and I pray my boys will realize how loved they are. 

Today, our heavenly Father wants to give us an even better gift! More than a fun trip. More than life itself! Eternal life. This life is in His Son Jesus. This life is experienced through the "gift" of the Holy Spirit. Have we received this amazing gift?

"Ask and you will receive."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Jesus' one prayer request was that God would send workers into His harvest field. Are we telling others about Jesus? Are we an answer to Jesus' one prayer request?

I have a friend whose alarm goes off every day at 10:02am. Each day I was with him, he would turn off his alarm, pause for a moment and pray a simple prayer. Something like, "Yes Lord, please send people out to do your work. And please help me to tell others about you today." I will never forget that little act of obedience! In fact, I set my alarm.

It is a simple daily reminder to actually pray for God to work in the lives of others and in the lives of those sharing Christ every day. I don't know about you, but I need reminders like that. It is the one moment that I know I am actually doing what Jesus asked me to do. Consider it for yourself. We all have alarms in our pockets.


Monday, March 16, 2015


One sure evidence that we have come to know Jesus is our desire to tell others about Him! When something or someone changes our life for good, we desire to tell others about it.

I am always amazed by the number of "christians" who never tell anyone the "good news". Jesus clearly desired everyone to know Him. His disciples traveled from "village to village proclaiming the good news". When was the last time you actually told someone about Jesus? What holds us back?

Later in this chapter Jesus said, "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and that of the Father and the holy angels." Don't be ashamed…proclaim.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Sometimes God uses our kids to bring us to our knees! We often neglect God until we need a miracle from Him.

There is no more helpless feeling than when your child is sick. In this chapter, Jairus' daughter was sick and in need of a touch from Jesus. He was a "leader of the synagogue" who likely had previously rejected Jesus. Now he was desperate. Now he needed Jesus! His daughter was on death's door.

Why is it that we often lose sight of God in the midst of His blessing? Why do we need desperation before we turn to Him? Jesus wants to be a part of ALL of our life, not just the "help in time of need". 

Relationships are best when they are central to our everyday lives. I tend to avoid "relationships" that only happen when they "need" something. We actually "need" Jesus all the time. Don't let trial be the only thing that makes us aware of that.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Everyone knows that only God can forgive sins! Jesus knew He had both the power and authority to forgive sins! Jesus is God.

The clearest evidence that Jesus claimed to be God, other than His direct statements, was His repeated statement of "your sins are forgiven". He believed He had the power to forgive sins! Because He did.

This was hard to believe. Even John the Baptist struggled with doubt at times. In this chapter he sent his disciples to question Jesus, "Are you the ONE or are we to look for someone else?" Jesus' response was not a rebuke to John or his disciples, but rather, a bold declaration through clear evidence of fulfilled prophecy that He was THE ONE.

Jesus is God. He forgives sins. And so much more! We all should worship Him today.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


God is gracious to the ungrateful and evil! One more thing that sets Him apart.

Jesus was rebuking the crowd because of their lack of true love. He taught that people only do good to others when they expect others to return good to them. We give to get. We love to be loved. We loan money for profit. And we use people for our own advancement. This does not require "love or God". In fact, it is loveless and godless.

God loves His enemies and does good to them! That means us! WE were the enemies of God. WE are the evil and ungrateful people. WE are the ones in need of HIs love, His forgiveness, His mercy and His grace. He has poured all of these things out on us. WE should be giving it to others. ALL others. Not just those we expect return from.

Jesus said, "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord', and don't do the things I say? I'm guilty. How about you?


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Luke 5

When was the last time you got away to a lonely place to spend time in prayer? For me those times are too few and too far between! If Jesus needed this discipline, how much more do we?

What have you ever left behind to follow Jesus? Peter left his entire business! Matthew left his lucrative money business! They left it all behind! I can't say that I have "left" anything…really. 

We know Jesus set a pattern for us to follow. He told us to follow His example. We also know that he calls all of his disciples to leave everything to follow Him. 

Exciting days are for those who make these choices.

Troy Nesbitt, Lead Pastor
515.232.5488 | troynesbitt@gmail.com

Cornerstone Church of Ames | www.cornerstonelife.com
helping people know and obey Jesus
56829 U.S. Highway 30 | Ames, IA 50010

Monday, March 9, 2015


Full of the Spirit, led by the Spirit and empowered by the Spirit! These are the phrases that described Jesus' life and ministry. What would be the phrases used to describe our life and ministry?

Nothing eternally significant will be done today apart from the work of the Holy Spirit! Nothing. It is clear that Jesus' "needed" as a man one thing…the Holy Spirit. Immediately after His baptism the Holy Spirit descended on Him. He was led by the Spirit to be tempted in the wilderness. Then He returned "full of the Holy Spirit, being led by the Holy Spirit and empowered by the Holy Spirit."

The first words of His first public sermon were, "The Spirit of the Lord in on Me." Luke is making it very clear that Jesus was in perfect harmony with His Father. This harmony was a direct result of the work of the Holy Spirit.

Today, we can walk this journey on our own, OR we can ask God to help us! The Helper is the Holy Spirit. We need to be "filled with", "led by" and "empowered by" Him. God make it so.


Friday, March 6, 2015


Biblical wealth = two shirts. Biblical generosity = give one away!

Almost without exception, the bible describes excess as more than we need. I wonder what our "poverty" would look like to a first century believer? I wonder what John the Baptist would say to a crowd of Americans? What would it look like to "bring forth fruit in keeping with our repentance?"

Proverbs 22 says, "The rich and the poor have this in common; the Lord has made them both." We know our culture defines "rich" and "poor" quite differently than in other cultures. You don't have to travel much in this world to see that. Our culture defines rich as "Anyone who has a lot more than me", and poor as "anyone who has a lot less than me."

When I examine the scriptures I see a very different definition. Rich is when God has given us more than we need. Poor is when someone is struggling to meet their basic needs. The "rich" have extra things like shirts, shoes and food. The poor are those who don't have these things.

Today most of our "poor" would be considered rich in the first century. I can't imagine how the first century would describe those we call "rich".  I do know this. Most of us are a far cry from generous!! I have so much more than I need. I will likely wear two shirts today! And yes, much of the world still just has one shirt.

Convicted and blessed greatly by God.


Thursday, March 5, 2015


What keeps us from understanding the clear words of Jesus? Our desires and His are not the same.

Two things stick out to me from this chapter today. First, Joseph and Mary were very faithful to raise Jesus in the context of Judaism. From his first days they executed the requirements of the law for their son. And Secondly, the first recorded words from Jesus' mouth in this gospel are totally misunderstood.

I am convicted that I need to be faithful as a parent to make God and the believing community a priority for my children. I will not give an account to God for their athleticism, but I will give an account for their knowledge and training spiritually. One of Joseph and Mary's first acts was to "present Jesus back to the Lord" publicly.  Joseph and Mary made worship a priority in their family. As a result, Jesus was exposed to godly men and women like Anna and Simeon. Under His parents leadership Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people. Joseph and Mary took parenting seriously. They "taught" Jesus the ways of God!

But even Joseph and Mary did "not" understand the clear words of Jesus! They were confused about His true purpose. By the time he was twelve, it was almost as though they had forgotten who he really was. Watching Jesus grow and mature as a boy was their job. Now submitting to Him as God would be a difficult task!

Something to think about.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


What does it mean to be "filled with the Holy Spirit"? This is a critical biblical question in which many today would disagree. It is too big of a question to leave unanswered.

Luke 1 begins with the story of John the Baptist. Actually, it begins with the story of John's parents, Zechariah and Elizabeth. The angel Gabriel came to Zechariah and told him what was about to happen. He told him that he and Elizabeth would give birth to a prophet who would be "filled with the Holy Spirit".

Later in this chapter, when Elizabeth saw Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, her baby John "leaped" in her womb and Elizabeth was "filled with the Holy Spirit." After John was born and they were considering what to name him, Zechariah's mouth, which had been mute for over 9 months, was opened and he said, "his name is John." Immediately after this Zechariah was "filled with the Holy Spirit".

Both Elizabeth and Zechariah were "filled with the Holy Spirit". Both knew that something significant had happened to them. Both knew that they were being called of God to fulfill a specific ministry. But what does this mean?

Paul writes to the Ephesian christians, "don't be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit". Are we filled with God's spirit? Do we even know what that means?

Something to think about.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The first women to witness the resurrection of Jesus fled the scene overwhelmed with "trembling and astonishment". They said nothing because they were afraid.

According to most ancient manuscripts of Mark's gospel, this is how it ends! Most scholars believe that verses 9-20 were actually added by someone other than Mark. There are many reasons for this, but I won't get into those here. It would be a good time to do some personal research on this subject.

I believe Mark ended his gospel record with even the women running away and afraid! For some reason they continued to be present during the crucifixion. Now, on the third day, still mourning Jesus' death, they went out to anoint His body. What they expected and what they observed were completely different things!

They must not have believed Jesus' words about His death, burial and resurrection! At this point, they are no better than the disciples who had already fled in fear. But everything was about to change. God was about to use these weak men and women to literally change the world!

And He can and will use us.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Leaders who choose the popular decision because it's popular, rarely make the best decision! Pilot, wanting to "please the crowd" had Jesus crucified and, at the same time, let a hardened criminal go free. 

I always wonder what happened to Barabbas after he was released. Did he have a change of heart and believed in Jesus? Did his release mean that many would eventually believe because of his witness. I would like to think so, but unfortunately, we don't hear anything about him after this event.

The most likely thing that happened is that Barabbas continued in the same crimes that led him to jail! He never became a Paul or Nicodemus whose lives were radically changed because of their encounter with Jesus. Likely Barabbas was only "set free" because of Jesus, he was never "set free" from his sin because of Jesus.

Jesus wants change in our lives. We have all been "set free" because of Jesus. I pray that this freedom has caused radical change in our lives.