Friday, March 6, 2015


Biblical wealth = two shirts. Biblical generosity = give one away!

Almost without exception, the bible describes excess as more than we need. I wonder what our "poverty" would look like to a first century believer? I wonder what John the Baptist would say to a crowd of Americans? What would it look like to "bring forth fruit in keeping with our repentance?"

Proverbs 22 says, "The rich and the poor have this in common; the Lord has made them both." We know our culture defines "rich" and "poor" quite differently than in other cultures. You don't have to travel much in this world to see that. Our culture defines rich as "Anyone who has a lot more than me", and poor as "anyone who has a lot less than me."

When I examine the scriptures I see a very different definition. Rich is when God has given us more than we need. Poor is when someone is struggling to meet their basic needs. The "rich" have extra things like shirts, shoes and food. The poor are those who don't have these things.

Today most of our "poor" would be considered rich in the first century. I can't imagine how the first century would describe those we call "rich".  I do know this. Most of us are a far cry from generous!! I have so much more than I need. I will likely wear two shirts today! And yes, much of the world still just has one shirt.

Convicted and blessed greatly by God.


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