Wednesday, August 24, 2016


How do we respond when things don't go as we had planned? Do we see it as an opportunity provided by God to advance His work and build our character, or an interruption from the enemy?

There has never been a better "follower" of Jesus than the apostle Paul. Often his "plans" were hindered and his timing was seldom uninterrupted. Not the mention the chaos and conflict, hardships and torture of it all! Is his life to be normative for us all? Should following Jesus be easy or difficult?

This chapter is all about a really bad boat ride. Really bad. Why is it in our bibles? What are we to take from this inspired account? Are we to read it and say, "Wow, that was a really bad boat ride?" Are we to say, "See they should have listened to Paul." Was God's plans messed up by the decisions of other men? Was Paul afraid and frustrated?

And what about us? How do we respond when difficulty hits? How's our boat ride going? How are we responding to the journey?

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