Friday, June 22, 2012


Listen to the voice of God!  First for faith and salvation. Second for leadership and guidance.  Don't live this life apart from the love and leadership of God.

God has poured out His spirit on all those who believe.  God has conquered sin and the death that results.  Since we have the Spirit alive in us, we are to live according to that Spirits leading.

Paul makes it clear that the "sons of God" are led by the Spirit of God that lives in them.  But do we?  If I were to ask you today, "What is the Spirit leading you to do today?", would you have an answer?

Read it here.


  1. God's Spirit moves me to do the right thing when I have let the flesh take me the opposite direction. I am thankful He is patient but persistent!

  2. The Spirit is leading me to be less harsh with my words and use my gifts of detail for encouragement rather than discouragement. The Spirit urged me this morning to consider how my words are received in light of what I meant and to be more purposeful and careful about how and when I speak as a result.
