Friday, August 29, 2014


Husbands, love your wives!!! Try something new. Actually love her more than yourself. Think of a way to demonstrate how much she means to you today. Loving your wife is loving Jesus.

I am amazed at the number of married couples who actually believe they can be right with God and not right with their spouse. There is not greater brokenness than that between a husband and a wife. If you are married, your marriage will reflect on your relationship with Jesus. Choose to bring healing to your marriage. Have a marriage that honors Christ.

It is not easy. It is worth it.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Humility, gentleness and patience are the first 3 character qualities Paul list of someone who is walking with Jesus! I guarantee these qualities would not be the first three that anyone would use to describe my life. How about you?

In fact, I would say that these three qualities are low on my list. And patience might not even make it…ever! Talk about convicting. I need some work.

Being a grandpa is helpful. Having seen the results of pride, harshness and impatience has tempered me some. I pray that I will draw closer to Christ and experience even more of these qualities moving forward.

Walking with Jesus is a challenge.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


If your faith is deeply rooted in Jesus, then you will be deeply devoted to the local church! The "mystery" that has been revealed is that the church is the body and bride of Christ. Any believer disconnected to the local church has failed to see the clear teaching in scripture.

Our culture works hard to define God in their own terms. There are even books written that would teach a separation of "church" and christianity. This would be like saying, "I am married but I don't know my wife and never do anything with her." In theory that can be true. In practice that is absurd. In the same way, the church is the bride and body of Christ. To be connected to Jesus implies a deep connection and commitment to the church.

This is Paul's primary subject matter. He speaks clearly of this is all of his letters. "To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever."

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


You were born dead! Do you have new life in Christ yet?

This chapter rocks the world of anyone who considers themselves "ok" before God apart from faith in Jesus. In fact, it calls all people "by nature children under God's wrath." Not children of God, but rather, children of Satan. Most don't think of themselves like this.

I love the beginning of vs. 4…BUT GOD! RICH IN MERCY AND BECAUSE OF HIS GREAT LOVE, MADE US ALIVE THROUGH CHRIST. We were pathetic and helpless. We were miserable and lost. We were hopeless, without a savior, without hope, without a promise, foreigners and strangers. We had nothing of eternal value! Now we have everything in Christ.

What a chapter! What a promise.

Monday, August 25, 2014


"You heard the message (the gospel), believed it, and were sealed with the Holy Spirit." And all of this was God's plan not our own. He is the author of salvation. We cannot save ourselves!

"Jesus is the head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of the One who fills all things in every way." If our church is not passionately and purposefully advancing the gospel of Jesus, it has gotten way off course. Jesus is the head, heart and mission of the church. Be a part of advancing Christ today for our church.

Wherever we go, that is where the church is! What we say, what we do, and how we respond to every situation reflects on the gospel. This is the great challenge of today. Be a good representative of Christ today.

Friday, August 22, 2014


Can you think of someone today who used to be close to Jesus but now is struggling with sin? I can think of a several.

Our job as believers is to help restore people in their faith. Everyone struggles with sin. If it wasn't for God's grace in our lives, we all would be overwhelmed by it. This chapter encourages us to be a part of the "restoration" process for those who have fallen.

Often we give up, judge or simple ignore the person or the problem. This chapter encourages the opposite. It is our job to loving bring people back into a proper relationship with Christ. We all will reap what we sow. When we sow to the Spirit, we will reap eternal life.

Who can you help today?

Thursday, August 21, 2014


What does it mean to "walk by the Spirit"? Paul says walking by the Spirit is the key to bearing the fruit of the christian life. Do we want to have love, joy peace, patience, gentleness, goodness and self-control? Then we need to learn to walk in the "Spirit".

In this context, "walking in the Spirit" is contrasted to works of the law. Jesus has set us free from the "works" and given us the Spirit of life. We do not earn God's favor by keeping the law, but rather through the Spirit that lives in us. Pleasing God is living by HIs Spirit. Living by the Spirit is living a life of love.

So many are trapped by performing for God's acceptance. They are seeking to please God through the works of the flesh. Even "good works" apart from the Spirit amount to nothing. God is concerned for both our heart and our actions. We are justified by faith alone. We bear fruit through walking by God's Spirit.

Remember Jesus' words. "Abide in Me and you will bear much fruit." -Jn.15

Abide in Christ today.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The things of this world are "weak and bankrupt". They enslave us to this temporal reality that will soon pass away. 

The gospel sets us free from these temporary things. We are adopted sons of God. Heirs of Christ with a new ability to live for things that are eternal.Yet Paul's concern was that the weak and temporary things of this world would capture our hearts and enslave us again! He was afraid that perhaps his work was wasted! 

If we live today for what doesn't matter, we are wasting our lives. If we live today for the purpose of God, our life will be significant. This is a daily challenge. Don't get caught up in the things that really don't matter. Live for what will last!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


"The Scripture has imprisoned everything under sin's power, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe." vs. 22

The purpose of the law was never to save us, but only to bring us to an understanding of our need for salvation. Without a clear understanding of our sin, we would feel as though we could save ourselves. The law was given to show us our need for Christ!

Trusting Christ by faith is the only way to be saved. Everyone and anyone who is saved is saved by faith in the work that Jesus did, NOT their own works. This is one truth that Galatians makes crystal clear.

Faith not works, saves.

Trust in Jesus. He is the only way to salvation.

Monday, August 18, 2014


If you know Jesus, you will struggle with hypocrisy. Even Peter and Barnabas struggled. 

Anyone who uses the excuse that "christians are hypocrites" as a reason to not become a christian, is only confessing the truth about themselves. They don't want to live with the difficulty of truly following Jesus. They know they would be no better at being like Christ than the christians they know!

That said, Paul lived an authentic life and encouraged all of us to do the same. It is not easy. It is worth it.

Live one live. Paul said, "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."

Friday, August 15, 2014


Paul was completely changed by the gospel! He went from seeking to destroy it to being its leading advocate. 

Paul was amazed that the Galatians seemed to be so easily detoured from the message of truth. He knew his story and felt it should be theirs as well. From the day he trusted Christ, he never wavered in unbelief. He never again pursued the worthless things of this world. He had a low tolerance for those of us who continue to struggle between the two options.

Why do most of us continue to struggle? We know the truth, yet often continue to pursue and value things that are only temporal. We continue to spend our lives in the less valuable aspects of life. And we continue to desire those things. Why? Why is it so hard to be immovable in our pursuit of the most important things? Why is it so easy to waste our time and lives with things that really don't matter?

Determine each day to live for what really matters!

Thursday, August 14, 2014


"Test yourself to see if you are in the faith. Examine yourselves."

Often I talk to people who believe they are christians who have no idea even what the bible teaches about christianity! In fact, I believe that most people who call themselves "christian" are less christian than many who would claim to be unreligious.

Christian means "little Christ". It implies a devotion to knowing, loving and following Jesus. It is a real set of doctrines, beliefs and practices. It is rooted in a book revealed and inspired by God…the bible. It is a difficult lifestyle to live.

Yet most "christians" have no clue! It is something they call themselves. It is like being an American or an Iowan, but not something they want to be primarily identified with.

I believe Paul would challenge today's "christian" to test themselves!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


How is your love life? Loving others is the expression of loving Jesus. Loving others is costly, but worth the price!

Who do you truly love? I often ask myself this question. Honestly, the answer is often not encouraging to me. Apart from Jesus the people I would love would be precious few. I am ashamed that this is true of me. I am excited that Jesus has made me a lover of people. As I seek to follow Him, my capacity to love becomes far greater than I could have ever imagined.

I really do love people. That love doesn't come from me. It is something that has been given to me by God. Anyone who feels loved by me, is being loved by God. God's capacity to love people is unlimited. He desires for me to love like that. He desires for you to love like that.

So, how is your love life?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


In the midst of chaos, our hearts can be settled in the assurance of Christ. Don't let the worries of today rob you from being completely devoted to Christ.

Paul was concerned for the Corinthians. His primary concern was that they had strayed from complete devotion to Christ. As a result, they were pursuing all kinds of things that were not advancing the gospel. They were being led astray!

All of our hearts naturally drift away from Christ. I need a daily  (sometimes multiple times a day) reminder of what is most important and who I should be living my life to please. 

When you boil life down Paul says it is simple, "Be devoted to Christ". That devotion is not the easy road. It is the rewarding road.

Monday, August 11, 2014


We are in the war of our lives! Our weapons are not of this world, but are powerful to destroy strongholds raised up against the knowledge of God. 

Are you aware of these weapons? Are you aware that you are in a battle for your life and the lives of those around you? Does this chapter come as a surprise to you? Prepare yourself for battle because you are in one. The best way to insure defeat is to not even be aware that you are in a battle.

Paul was always mindful of the spiritual battle that raged around him. In this chapter he identified the enemy as "arguments and high-minded things that are raised up against the knowledge of God". He battled not against people, but the arguments and ideas that they based their thoughts on.

For Paul, his thoughts and actions were rooted in the scriptures. He lived his life to know and love God and to help others understand and obey God's ways. It was a constant "struggle and war".

Get in the fight today.

Friday, August 8, 2014


"God loves a cheerful giver." Don't we all? Have you ever given to God and later regretted it? I haven't. There is something about giving that fills a person with joy.

In fact, Jesus said, "It is better to give than to receive." My parents used to say that to me when I was a kid. As a kid, I didn't believe it. Now I experience the truth of this verse. There is great delight in giving to others. And there is no greater joy than giving so others can know Jesus.

Whatever we have that we cannot give holds too tight of a grip on our hearts. We are to be loosely connected to this world. Our hearts are to be gripped by our eternal dwelling. Give in such a way as to demonstrate that reality.

God loves a cheerful giver. Don't we all.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Have you ever begged for the opportunity to give? Generosity is one expression of change caused by the gospel. Notice their generosity was not a factor of how much they had, but rather an expression of their hearts. It was out of poverty and affliction that they gave generously.

I am always convicted by this chapter. Most of my giving cost me very little. Rarely have I given sacrificially, and generally, I give out of the excess that God has provided. I wonder how much God would have me to change my giving patterns? I know that I should always give at least the first tenth of all I have.  I know I should give my best. I know I should give so others can hear the gospel. I know I should give because I have been given so much. But this chapter is about motivation.

These believers were begging to give! Paul was encouraging the Corinthians to be just like them. I am confident he would be encouraging us to be the same way. He would desire our hearts to overflow with generosity AND for that to be evidenced in our sacrificial giving.

How do you feel about your giving? Are you giving the minimal 10%? Are you giving less? Do you give your best and first? Have you ever given sacrificially?

Something to consider.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014


God's desire is that guilt would bring repentence. He knows that repentence brings forgiveness and healing. Generally when we feel guilty, we tend to cover it or blame others. Unconfessed sin always ruins our lives and the lives of those around us.

Paul lovingly rebuked the Corinthians because he wanted them to confess their sin and repent of their wrong doing! Their sin was not just individual sin, it was corporate! They agreed together to lower God's standards of right and wrong. They agreed together to not hold to God's moral standards.

Our culture needs to be rebuked by Paul. We need to feel the "godly sorrow" spoken of here. What do you think would be the things we have corporately agreed are "not so bad" now?

Something to think about. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Our effectiveness in ministry is often "limited by our own affections". In order to have the greatest impact for Christ, we will have to limit the number of resources we spend on our own desires. As we grow in our faith, our desires should be more in line with what God desires for us.

Every day I wake up selfish. I always know what I want and it is a challenge to not pursue those desires. From a small thing like a little more of sleep, to a big thing like investing in someone's life in a big way, my greatest enemy is me. I am far from being able to say, "I do everything for the sake of Christ".

Why does this struggle continue? I often know the right thing to do and yet I do it incrementally. This is a life-long battle. I am sure this is why Paul writes elsewhere, "I die daily so Christ can live."

Consider being unselfish today.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Wow, what a chapter of the bible! The riches of God's truth are contained in every verse. As I read this morning, it was as though I was hearing a wonderful sermon.

My heart was stuck on this one verse: "For Christ's love compels us." What am I compelled by each day? Is it ever really my love for Christ? Is that love determining my relationships and how I act when dealing with others? Generally, the answer would be "no". Yet Paul lived with this as his motivation.

With that in mind, notice the focus of this chapter. It is about living in such a way that others would come to know Jesus. It is about sharing the truth of the gospel in a world that has their own idea of "truth". It is about being willing to take risk relationally in order for God, not people, to be pleased.

Let God's love compel us today! Find someone to share His truth with. 

Friday, August 1, 2014


Are there shameful secret things in your life? These are the things that will destroy the gospel's impact in and through your life.

My dad always says, "families disfunction around secrets". It is true that Satan functions best in the dark. Whatever is hidden from others is never hidden from God or Satan. God is calling us to live and walk in the light. Satan wants us to live in the darkness of secret sin.

None of us are perfect. We all have regrets. I don't know of anyone who doesn't have something that they are truly embarrassed and ashamed about. Yet, those things don't have to remain secret. And those secrets no longer have to erode our faith and keep us from living in the light of the truth! Paul murdered Christians! He became the leading evangelist to the Gentiles.

Paul's appeal is easy to understand, hard to do. Listen. "We renounce shameful secret things, not walking in deceit or distorting God's message, but commending ourselves to every person's conscience in God's sight by an open display of the truth."

Choose to live in the light.