Friday, December 12, 2014


Massive scary angels are the agents of God's righteous judgement! Nowhere in scripture are angels described as babies with wings and harps! Where did we get this idea? Angels are awesome creatures! Whenever men encounter them in scripture they are terrified. 

The angel of this chapter is no exception. Try to envision this angel standing on the sea and land as though both are solid ground. Imagine his size! Imagine the volume of his voice proclaiming, "The time has come!" It will be terrifying.

As I watch the news, I believe our world is preparing for Christ coming and God's judgement. In a sense, I am anxious for it to happen. In a sense, I am hoping it doesn't. Either way the thought of the end of time as we know it should cause us to live differently today.

Live with the end in mind! It might be today.

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