Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Many people rarely read Revelation because of the awful destruction that is described for those who reject Christ! It will be devastating and complete. God's loving patience will someday come to an end and sin will totally be annihilated. 

I am grateful to be on the right team. I believe Jesus is the only way to God. I believe the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and that every word will come true. I believe God's judgement is real and that He will devastate His own creation in order to satisfy His righteous anger toward sin. It will be horrific!

Do you believe this? Many do not. They choose to believe only what they want to believe. They pick and choose sections of the bible to embrace and sections to reject. As my dad says, "They believe the bible is inspired in parts and they are inspired to know which parts are inspired." Mostly, they reject anything that is difficult for them.

But it is Advent. It is not time to fear God's wrath. It is time to embrace His mercy and grace which came at Christmas.

Eminent bad news makes the good news even better.

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