Thursday, July 4, 2013


"Be wise about what is good, yet innocent about what is evil." vs. 19 This challenge should be encouraged more in our culture. What is the lure of evil? Why is it so difficult to guard innocence and so common to pursue that which is edgy and evil? Our flesh is driven away from God. Only His Spirit can move us to pursue all that is good.

Paul concludes this powerful letter with a lengthy greeting and words of gratitude to several that had been a blessing to him. What would it have been like to hear your named mentioned by the apostle Paul. Wow! I would have loved that! Paul truly loved people and made it a point to thank them and to public acknowledge their faithful service.

Who can you encourage today? How have they influenced your life for good? Maybe it would be a good use of this "Independence Day" to take some time to thank those who have shaped your life. Consider writing a note of encouragement to someone you have influenced for Christ. 

Aren't we all grateful that Paul took the time to write these words? I know I am.

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