Monday, March 17, 2014


Where is spending time with Jesus on your "to do" list? Mary got it right. Focus on the main thing today. Don't get distracted by the "many things" that matter little; instead focus on pleasing Jesus.

Martha was a busy woman and had many things to do. Her "to do" list was always longer than she could get done and there was always more to do. I am sure people often praised her for her ability to "get things done". Yet, in this chapter, she was the one who got rebuked front the Lord. Her busyness kept her from sitting at Jesus' feet and learning from Him.

Mary, on the other hand, was focused on the main thing. She knew that there was nothing that needed to be done that was more important than spending time with Jesus. Martha was frustrated with Mary. Jesus was pleased with her. Mary received affirmation for her priority. Martha got a rebuke.

Spending time with Jesus should be the first thing on your "to do" list? Mary got it right.

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