Tuesday, March 25, 2014


"What is highly admired by people is revolting in God's sight" -Jesus 

What was so revolting that Jesus was referring to? First, it was the pharisees' "love of money". On the outside they appeared to be righteous, but on the inside their motives were selfish and temporal. They had no desire to use money to serve God. In fact, money was their God. Jesus used several terms to describe them but the two often used were, "hypocrites & lovers of money."

Secondly, Jesus was condemning their low value on marriage. They had reduced the covenant of marriage to personal preference or happiness and not a solemn vow before God and others. They held a high view of personal righteousness, yet a low view of interpersonal relationships…primarily marriage! Their "love" for God was not evident in loving people! Even their wives!

Don't be like the pharisees. Use money to advance God's kingdom and value marriage above all other human relationships. Two signs of a healthy christian are a healthy loving marriage and generous giving toward God's work.

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