Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Imagine 60 kegs wine! This was the amount of water Jesus turned to wine in His first public miracle. This continues to baffle me.

It seems as though Mary, Jesus' mother, had some responsibilities at the wedding. Jesus and His disciples were apparently casual attenders. When the wine had run out, Mary turned to Jesus and asked for help. His response was, "What has this concern of yours to do with me?" Mary's response to Jesus seems as though she ignored Him. She said, "Do whatever He tells you."

Honestly, I don't get the whole story and I really wonder what all was going on. That's a lot of wine! It must have been a huge wedding.

I do understand John's purpose in recording this event. He writes, "this was Jesus' first sign…He displayed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him." John's purpose in writing was so that others would believe. He will continue this pattern throughout his gospel. Don't get lost in the details (or the lack of detail) of each event. Get the point of John's message. It is simple. Jesus is the savior of the world and the only way to God is through faith in Him.


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