Friday, January 29, 2016


In Jesus' day the pharisees considered the "tax collectors & prostitutes" as the worst possible sinners! The tax collectors because they overcharged their fellow countrymen for selfish gain and the prostitutes because they profited from sexual sin. Yet Jesus said they were the worst of all because they did not repent and believe.

Extortionists and prostitutes experience God's mercy when they repent. Self righteous leaders will only face God's judgement for a lack of repentance. It doesn't matter what we have done or what sins we have committed, God's mercy is available for everyone who repents. On the other hand, it doesn't matter how good we are or how high our morality has been, without trust in Jesus, we will be condemned.

The gospel is clear. God's mercy extends to everyone and anyone who believes. His judgement will be on everyone and anyone who does not believe. Period.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


When we believe that God's generosity towards us is not generosity, but rather something we have "earned", we have confused the gospel with a lie! God's goodness towards us is not rooted in our "deservedness", but only in His love and generosity! Never forget that.

This parable makes the condition of the human heart blatantly clear. We all believe we have "earned or deserve" God's goodness to us.  This is NOT true. This is Not the gospel. Just because Jesus reveals Himself as a servant to all (v. 28), this does not make us the "masters who have earned that service."

Understanding the gospel is not to expect more from God, but rather to be extremely overwhelmed with His generosity. We have earned death. We deserve God's condemnation and judgement. We get salvation! What could be better than that?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


If it is "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven", how difficult is it to enter if you're poor? Was Jesus saying, "poor people generally go to heaven and rich people usually go to hell?" To think this is to totally miss the idea of the passage.

Jesus is challenging the hearts of people. Heaven is for those who will trust Jesus in faith for salvation. As a rule, the rich or people who have many possessions in this life, tend to trust in their earthly wealth. I have discovered that even the poor in our culture (who generally are among the world's rich) tend to "idolize" wealth more than faith.

What challenge would Jesus give me today? Would it be regarding my marriage? My possessions? My attitude toward children? My love for things other than God? This is the heart of the matter.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


The disciples had personally witnessed Jesus' transfiguration, heard the voice of God, observed Jesus' miracles and now they have a BIG question: "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" (they were mostly thinking of themselves)

Jesus, knowing their hearts, brought a child to Himself. He said, "unless you become like this child, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." What did He mean? What was the point? He follows this illustration with the parable of the lost sheep and concluded with the story of forgiveness. 

So, in a sense, Jesus answered their question with stories that asked questions of their hearts. Do we have childlike faith and are we encouraging or discouraging others to do the same? Are we aware of how lost and hopeless we would be without God's pursuit of us? Are we able to forgive those who have hurt us because we have been forgiven?

Jesus was not concerned with "their greatness" in the kingdom. He was concerned that they would actually make it into the kingdom. Much to think about.

Monday, January 25, 2016


How often is God's inactivity connected to my "lack of, or too little" faith? Jesus told His disciples that they could not perform a miracle in His name because of their "little" faith. In fact, He seemed frustrated with them.

Would God do more in our lives if we truly believed He would? Are the things we would want God to do actually the things He wants done? I wonder if the disciples struggled with these questions after Pentecost?

Without faith it is impossible to know God. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith seems to grow with use. Are we exercising our faith in God today?

Friday, January 22, 2016


When was the last time we talked to someone about life's most important question?... Who is Jesus? 

We could get ever question in the world right, but if we miss this one, we will have missed the ONE that mattered! Our eternal life not only hinges on the answer to this question, but also our response to it. Peter got the answer right. He said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!"

Getting the answer right wasn't enough. Peter's next move was to push his personal agenda on to Jesus! This resulted in the harshest rebuke of his life. Jesus said to Peter, "get behind me satan!" When we seek to get God to accomplish our agenda rather than submit our lives to God's agenda, we merit the same rebuke.

If we "believe" what is true about Jesus, we should listen to what he says next, "If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me."

If we believe, we should obey. If we believe, we should help others to believe.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


What religious "traditions" are we following that are displeasing to God? The religious leaders of Jesus' day actually violated the scriptures in order to keep their traditions! They even felt like they were more "righteous" than God Himself.

Why do we do what we do? Are we motivated by the love of Christ and the scriptures? Do we regularly ask the question, "God, what do you want me to do today?" Are we daily in God's word with listening ears and teachable hearts? Are we more likely to think about politics today than the instructions of Jesus?

We all get trapped in this life by things of far less importance and value. Focus today on listening to God's word and obeying it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


What was Jesus' response to the news that His cousin John the Baptist had been murdered? "When Jesus heard about it, He withdrew…to a remote place to be alone." Later, "He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray."

These are tender moments in the earthly life of Jesus. Although He was fully God, He was also fully man. His response to this horrible news was to seek time alone with His Father. Yet, in the midst of His grieving, He continued to feel compassion for the crowd, healed the sick and met their physical need for food. No one seemed to even recognize His personal pain.

How lonely it must have been for Jesus. Even those closest to Him always were in need! Even when they expressed faith (enough to walk on water), it only lasted for a moment and ended in Jesus having to step in and save…again.

I hope you see in this chapter a beautiful expression of Christ's love for us.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Are our eyes open to the kingdom of God? Do we see the tremendous value of living for Jesus? Or, are we blinded and deaf to the kingdom of God because we are living for a different kingdom?

Jesus quoted the prophet Isaiah and gave us the reason why so many don't see! He said, "For this people's heart has grown callous; their ears are hard of hearing, and they have shut their eyes."

My prayer is that we would see the tremendous value of living for Jesus. That our hearts would be fertile ground for the seeds of faith to take root and bare fruit that will last for all eternity. I pray we will not waste our lives on the temporary things of this world, but fully use what God has given us to expand the kingdom that will never end!

Monday, January 18, 2016


What is the unpardonable sin? Jesus said, (in the midst of people rejecting Him) "whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, will not be forgiven, either in this age or the one to come."

What does it mean to "speak against the Holy Spirit?" We know the only way to heaven is by faith in Jesus. Over and over again in scripture this fact is confirmed. Jesus is God and His life, death and resurrection make it possible for us to be saved. Yet, Jesus says that speaking against Him is forgivable, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not!

During this time Jesus had many "disciples". At His crucifixion they all deserted Him! (Peter even denied him vigorously to others!) Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit. He is the 3rd person of the trinity. He is God in us. He is the One who convicts us of sin and calls us to put our faith in Jesus. To reject His work is to reject Jesus! 

In a nut shell, "blasphemy of the Spirit" is rejecting Christ.

Friday, January 15, 2016


"Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. My yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Let's consider the context of these verses! Jesus has just said to all of His disciples, "go out in my name and everyone will hate you!" Now He is saying, "Come to me and life will be burdenless and easy!?" So which is it? Is it difficult to live for Christ or is it easy! Will there be massive conflict or rest?

Once again... context, context, context. Jesus was talking about the judgement that is to come. This whole teaching was promoted by discussions about John the Baptist and the questions of John's disciples. Jesus was talking about what it would be like for anyone, or any city that rejected Him. Those who come to Him escape this awful judgement. But, in this life, they might not even have "soft clothes!" (vs. 8)

Jesus' focus was on the eternal and not the temporal. Where is our focus today?

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Possibly one of the most difficult chapters in Matthew! Maybe the whole New Testament. Jesus is sending out His disciples and telling them what to expect. Some of it is good. Most of it is really hard to hear. Not your typical motivational speech!

For example:
"You will be hated by everyone because of My name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." 
"Do not think I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."
Anyone finding his life will lose it, and anyone losing his life because of Me will find it."

What did Jesus expect would happen to those who truly followed Him? It this still true today? Is it true of us?

Something to ponder.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Every day at 10:02 a.m. my alarm goes off as a reminder for me to pray for christian workers. The reason I pray at 10:02 is in response to Luke 10:2. Matthew puts this same verse in this chapter. It's vs 37-38! It was Jesus' one prayer request. Now we have alarm reminder options. Try it. Set your alarm for 10:02 or 9:37. We all need reminders to pray.

Another thing this does is it reminds me of the needs around me. It causes me to want to be an answer to Jesus' request. It helps me know what He values and how I should be using my time. Matthew's first response to the gospel was to have his friends over to his house for a party where they could also meet Jesus.

Friends of the paralyzed man, because of THEIR faith, brought their friend to Jesus and he was healed! Nothing is said about the crippled guy's faith. It was the faith of his friends and their intentional actions that brought healing and salvation for him.

This begs the question: Who are we influencing for Jesus? Who are we seeking to share the good news of the gospel with? It should be our mission. It was Jesus' prayer.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Is God's work in our lives limited by our faith? It would seem that the biblical answer to this question is "yes"! God desires to do His work in chorus with our faith. He does the work. He gets the glory. We get the opportunity to worship Him.

"Even His disciples asked, "What kind of man is this?"" Are we, as disciples, still amazed by the works and power of Jesus? What are we looking to Him to do today? Where is our faith? Jesus is looking for opportunities in our lives to be worshipped. I am challenged to be more active with my prayers in faith.

He is the same God today. I'm excited to see His work through our lives today.

Monday, January 11, 2016


Jesus said, "even bad dads desire to give good gifts to their children". How much more does our heavenly desire to give us "good things"? We know those "things" are most often NOT the "things" of this world. But they are the "things" that really matter.

I love how Jesus used every day life to bring meaning to spiritual truths. He wanted His disciples to have a personal relationship with God. He wanted His disciples to see God as a "good Father". Few believers actually see God in this way. Why is that?

What word would describe our relationship with God? Do we relate to Him as a "good Father"? How would our relationship change if we actually thought of God as Father? God's desire is for our good. Seek Him today.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Giving, praying and fasting all should be disciplines that we strive to do in a way that pleases to the Lord. It is good to be motivated by a desire for the approval of God. It is bad to practice these things for the approval of men!

What I have discovered is that some christians totally misinterpret these verses. In fact, they use them to not be disciplined in giving, praying or fasting! They say, "See, Jesus rebuked the religious pharisees for these things!" They fail to see that the rebuke was NOT for WHAT they were doing, but WHY they were doing it!

God looks at our hearts. He wants our giving, our praying and our fasting to be motivated out of love and obedience to Him. He desires us to be generous, prayerful and self-disciplined because we know that these things please Him. He wants us to do these things knowing He will reward us.

Live for the greater reward today.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


"You are the salt of the earth." 36 years ago we chose to make this verse the focal point for the name of our student ministry. After much dialogue, conflict and thoughtful conversation, we decided on the name, "The Salt Company".

Our hearts were to use a verse from the New Testament that would immediately get us in a gospel conversation with anyone who would ask, "What is the Salt Company?" We wanted to be able to talk about this verse and the implications that Jesus was encouraging His disciples with.

Today we are to be Salt and Light to those around us. We are to reflect well that we know and obey Jesus. God desires to use us to make a difference in the lives of others; especially those who don't know Jesus yet.

Live to have an impact for God's kingdom.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mt. 4

Have you ever wondered how much power Satan actually has? What does he truly care about and value? We know he is a liar, but can he even lie when he is speaking to Jesus!? Have you thought about these temptations and what they would have been like for Jesus?

For example: Satan said (after transporting Jesus to a vantage point we can't have), "I will give you all these things if you fall down and worship me." Mind you, "these things" were all the kingdoms of the earth and their splendor! Could he have done that? Do they belong to him? Does he have that much control?

Jesus lived His life longing for a different kingdom. After His temptations His first message was, "Repent, the KINGDOM of God is near." His kingdom was not a kingdom of this earth. It is a kingdom yet to come. I want to live for that kingdom.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


John's message seems harsh and direct! He even engaged in "name calling" to those who were coming to listen to him. He said specifically to the religious leaders of his day, "You brood of vipers!" Yet, his words were both loving and true.

John was a truth speaker. He challenged the hearts of everyone who would listen to his message. It was his privilege to "prepare the way" for Jesus. It was his honor to baptize the one and only Son of God. 

Something struck me today about this text. John, not only saw the hypocrisy of the religious leaders, he saw the need of his own heart! He said to Jesus, "I need to be baptized by you."  

God sees our hearts. Our motives for seeking God expose the truth about who we are. Seek Jesus today from a pure heart.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Wise men sought out Jesus and worship Him! They humble themselves by falling on their knees and worshiping a baby! What was that like? What were Mary and Joseph thinking? Then they added to their worship by giving of their best gifts to Jesus.

Wise men still worship Jesus. Wise men still seek to know Him and humbly worship Him. Wise men still invest their best treasures in acts of worship. He was the King as a baby and He is the King Who lives forever. Someday, maybe soon, all scriptures will be fulfilled and we will see His final return.

Herod was a fool. Fools fein worship! In fact, his secret plan was to pretend to worship so that he could "kill" the true opportunity to worship for others. His true character was exposed by "rage", that culminated in the murder of innocent lives. He was willing to go to great lengths to protect his position and power! He was a fool.

Worship Jesus today; in spirit and truth.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Matt. 1

"So her husband Joseph, being a righteous man, and not wanting to disgrace Mary publicly, decided to divorce her secretly."

We know little about Jesus' step father Joseph, but we do have a few verses that would give us keys to his character. Not only did God choose the best mom in Mary, he chose a great dad in Joseph! We should think about being more like this man!

What can we observe from this chapter alone? First, Joseph was a righteous man. This means that he cared more about what God thought about his life than what others would think. He was committed to honoring God with his life. Secondly, he cared about Mary  even when he thought he had been betrayed by her. He loved Mary more than he love himself. She had apparently hurt him, but he did not desire to retaliate the hurt. And finally, "he kept her pure". 

But what about the decision he made? He decided to DIVORCE her! Isn't divorce one of the worse possible sins? How does this decision not cancel out the other things? I think the answer is simple; sometimes divorce is a righteous option. Joseph thought Mary had been unfaithful to their commitment. His desire to have a "faithful wife" outweighed his desire to have a wife.

God certainly had to intervene.