Wednesday, January 27, 2016


If it is "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven", how difficult is it to enter if you're poor? Was Jesus saying, "poor people generally go to heaven and rich people usually go to hell?" To think this is to totally miss the idea of the passage.

Jesus is challenging the hearts of people. Heaven is for those who will trust Jesus in faith for salvation. As a rule, the rich or people who have many possessions in this life, tend to trust in their earthly wealth. I have discovered that even the poor in our culture (who generally are among the world's rich) tend to "idolize" wealth more than faith.

What challenge would Jesus give me today? Would it be regarding my marriage? My possessions? My attitude toward children? My love for things other than God? This is the heart of the matter.

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