Monday, January 4, 2016


Wise men sought out Jesus and worship Him! They humble themselves by falling on their knees and worshiping a baby! What was that like? What were Mary and Joseph thinking? Then they added to their worship by giving of their best gifts to Jesus.

Wise men still worship Jesus. Wise men still seek to know Him and humbly worship Him. Wise men still invest their best treasures in acts of worship. He was the King as a baby and He is the King Who lives forever. Someday, maybe soon, all scriptures will be fulfilled and we will see His final return.

Herod was a fool. Fools fein worship! In fact, his secret plan was to pretend to worship so that he could "kill" the true opportunity to worship for others. His true character was exposed by "rage", that culminated in the murder of innocent lives. He was willing to go to great lengths to protect his position and power! He was a fool.

Worship Jesus today; in spirit and truth.

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