Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mt. 4

Have you ever wondered how much power Satan actually has? What does he truly care about and value? We know he is a liar, but can he even lie when he is speaking to Jesus!? Have you thought about these temptations and what they would have been like for Jesus?

For example: Satan said (after transporting Jesus to a vantage point we can't have), "I will give you all these things if you fall down and worship me." Mind you, "these things" were all the kingdoms of the earth and their splendor! Could he have done that? Do they belong to him? Does he have that much control?

Jesus lived His life longing for a different kingdom. After His temptations His first message was, "Repent, the KINGDOM of God is near." His kingdom was not a kingdom of this earth. It is a kingdom yet to come. I want to live for that kingdom.

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