Monday, December 10, 2012


Silence is a discipline that is all but lost in this age of technology! Turn off everything today and spend 30 minutes in silence, listening to God.

Heaven stood in silence for half an hour.  It was the quiet before the storm of destruction was unleashed on the earth.  As the trumpets blew, the wrath of God was being poured out.

It is a horrible thing to be the object of a wrathful God.  I am so grateful that because of Jesus, we can be objects of His love and grace.

Read it here

1 comment:

  1. i hope you don't hate awkward silence.

    i do. i often try to fill them with my words.

    i need to learn this discipline in order to lead connection group better, counsel better, and most importantly as you point out, to give my ears to God to speak to me.
