Monday, October 28, 2013


How short sighted is your faith? Faith is best seen in someone when they are not getting what they want! These heroes of faith "all died WITHOUT receiving (in their lifetime) what was promised", yet they are the examples for us to follow. 

Like most christians, I want God to do His work in my lifetime. I generally connect my "faith in God" to something very temporary. I often forget that God's perspective on my life and my perspective on my life are extremely different. When I reduce God's work to my lifetime, I am generally not living in faith. I am calling what I want God to do faith!

Faith is complete trust and confidence in God regardless of what He does specifically with me or my life. It is trusting that the life that is to come is far greater to live for than this present life. Take Moses for an example. "He chose to suffer with the people of God rather than to enjoy the short-lived pleasures of sin."

All of these men and women died in faith. All of them are glad they lived, not for this life, but for the life to come. Live by faith today.

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