Friday, July 20, 2012


There is a lot of confusion about spiritual gifts but there should be no confusion about the reason for spiritual gifts: to build up the body of Christ.

My experience has been that generally people want to talk about "their gift" mostly because they want to somehow be personally edified.  That totally misses the point!  The gifts are not given for us personally, they are given for all of us corporately.  The reason they are given is not for our own building up, but so that we can build up the whole church.

Everyone has a critical part or role to play.  God has masterfully put us together and His desire is that we give ourselves fully to building up His church.

Serve each other today.

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. That is a powerful observation. A lot of what poses as intrigue with regard to "my" spiritual gift is for "my" personal edification, which is not the point of the gift. That is a good thought upon which to dwell. Thank you for pointing that out.
