Wednesday, July 11, 2012


It is one thing to commit sin.  It is a completely different thing to be proud of the sin you commit!

The bible is really clear when it comes to sin.  Everyone sins and everyone will continue to sin at some level.  It is also clear that those who are not dealing with their sin, have no knowledge of true salvation.

It is a good question to ask yourself, "How do I feel about the sins I commit?"  If you are okay with them, or worse yet, actually proud of them, I would reexamine your faith.

read it here.

1 comment:

  1. I have been listening recently to a series of lectures focusing on antinomianism vs. legalism. This is a very interesting point regarding Biblical justification and sanctification. It is often difficult to know how the Law applies to us after we are reborn. We are not bound to uphold it to be justified, for on the front end we learned and were crushed by the reality of our shortcomings, but we are not free to disregard the Law as though it were some meaningless or just simply mean thing. It is a beautiful thing as the Psalms (particularly 119) inform us. It is perfect. It can show us our sin, but offer us no assistance in overcoming it however. Christians need to take sin seriously because God does and demonstrates this in having crucified His beloved Son for it. This reality and understanding of the Gospel ought to produce some reaction against and toward our sin, should it not? But not one that brings us back to the place of depending on the Law to save us if we obey it. It is always about Jesus. This is very hard to flesh out on the level of details however. At least I am finding it a place of seeking God in prayer for humility and wisdom to help guide my family with regard to it.
