Friday, July 13, 2012


Did you know that when a married couple is not regularly having sex, they are violating a commandment?  The one exception would be if they have chosen to take a break from sex for the purpose of focused, intentional prayer.  And then only for a short time.

It continues to break my heart how broken our culture is when it comes to sex.  It seems as though we have to spend great amounts of time with our children and singles to keep them from prematurely engaging in sex.  And then, once they marry, we spend much time helping them to have a healthy sexual relationship!  Our culture is broken.

God was right....Again!!!!  The road to a healthy sex life is a pure single life.  Saving sex for marriage actually can be the thing that strengthens a marriage for a lifetime. God plans things for our good if we would only trust and obey Him.

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. It is completely backwards. This is one area in which teh church could use a lot of sound, Biblical wisdom and guidance to help us out of the culturally dark vision for sex that is often perpetuated in film and television. I know that God has done in work my marriage with regard to this and healed a lot of brokeness. I am glad to have a pastor eager to preach the virtue and Biblical unity of healthy, married sexual relations.
