Monday, March 4, 2013


Have you ever thought about what makes Jesus angry?  Twice in this chapter John records, "Jesus was angry."  At what? Why?  It is also in the middle of these two accounts of Jesus' anger that we have the shortest verse in the bible, "Jesus wept."

Generally, when we think about Jesus being angry we think about the "cleansing of the temple."  In this case, His friend Lazarus had died and it was a response to his sister Mary crying and the Jews coming with her crying.  In both verses that describe Jesus' emotion of anger, it also describes how he kept that anger within Himself.  His anger was not apparent to those around him.  In fact, what others saw was Jesus weeping.

But why was he mad?  John doesn't give any commentary on this.  He only states it as a fact.  I believe He was angry at sin and death!  He never created man to sin and He never desired for us to taste the ugliness of death.  Death was a result to sin.  Death was the enemy Jesus came to destroy!  He destroyed death through His resurrection, but when He encountered it in His lifetime, it made him angry.

Death was not a part of God's original plan.  Jesus came to give life!

1 comment:

  1. i never noticed that particular detail before. it is amazing how many times you can read these verese and mine new and more precious nuggets each and every time. thanks for doing the heavy lifting on this one for us.
