Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Jesus cried out to His Father as God so we could cry out to God as Father! Jesus referred to God as God only once…when He was dying on the cross!  He cried out, "My God, My God why have You forsaken Me?"

Have you ever felt like you have been abandoned by God?  Have you ever prayed and felt as though God was not hearing your prayers?  Have there been times of extended silence between you and God?  I know I have had times like that.  For me, it always has something to do with my sin or my inconsistency to seek God.

But Jesus never sinned!  He never had a moment in which He strayed from the Father's path.  Even in His death on the cross, He was walking in complete obedience.  Yet, He cried out this desperate prayer!  For the first time, His Father had literally turned His back on HIm to look away from the sin that was being placed on Jesus.  Jesus felt in that moment a brokenness He had never felt from all eternity.  His prayer was a desperate cry!

I believe it was this moment that Jesus dreaded more than anything.  He was separated from God for a moment, in order to bring us to God permanently.  He cried out to His Father as God so we could cry out to God as Father.

Be grateful today.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus never sinned in response to the sin He observed and endured. He did not respond to sin with sin. He was not overcome by evil. The darkness has not understood or overcome His light.
