Monday, March 25, 2013


This week is Easter week!  Live your life to please Jesus.  Who knows, maybe it will be this Easter that Jesus chooses to return.  Wouldn't that be awesome!  Talk about a busted bracket!!!

I always have wondered what Jesus' siblings were thinking at His crucifixion.  Mark tells us their names, but doesn't give much detail about them other than they shared the same mother.  Their names were James, Joses and Salome.  We know that James became a leader in the church and wrote the book of James, but what about the others?  I haven't heard much about them.

Something to study someday.

For now, think about Easter.  Maybe there is brokenness in your family that needs to be healed.  Maybe there is a sin that you have been hiding that needs to be revealed.  Maybe there is a bitterness that you have been nursing that needs to be let go of.  Whatever it is, choose to obey Jesus this Easter.  He is alive.

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