Monday, September 2, 2013


"Just ONE thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." That is a lofty ONE thing. No one is worthy of the gospel! No one deserves its grace. No one deserves anything from God. Yet, He pours out His grace on us through the gospel.

Our challenge is to be "partners with God in grace". When we have been given such an amazing gift, we should do everything to not neglect it in any way. Our lives should reflect that God has truly given us everything we need. Our orientation is to be for God and His purposes.

I think most people are confused as to what this means. God does not want all of us to become pastors or career missionaries. He does want all of us to do what we do in a manner that pleases Him. Today is "labor day" and many have this day off. Spend this "time off" doing what pleases God. Enjoy your family. Be productive. Rest. Laugh. Play. Do it all in light of the gospel.


1 comment:

  1. One overriding thought comes to mind... in order to live a life worthy of the Gospel. .. for something I received but never deserved or earned... would be THANKFULNESS. I'm going to try to be more thankful for each and every "thing", relationship, etc etc... always remembering it's the gospel that is the root of all this thankfulness.
