Friday, August 30, 2013


The struggle in your life is NOT with people! It is a spiritual battle! This is a difficult truth to embrace, but freeing once we have embraced it. God is at work in every area of our lives to bring about His desires. Our job is to submit to Him and to follow His ways.

The battle is in the spiritual realm. Every human encounter is being measured from God's perspective. How we respond has everything to do with how we see God in these situations. Our goal should be to please Him in every way. Think about this! It is an unbelievable challenge. God is using every situation to refine our lives.

This is especially difficult for those of us who tend to be "controlling" in relationships. Our goal should be to pursue obeying God and helping others do the same. When they won't or don't, it doesn't have to ruin our day. God has everything under control. Everything. He doesn't need our assistance or interference. He desires our obedience.

This chapter begins, "children obey your parents, because this is right." Christians, obey God's word because this is right. Honor Him and let Him take care of the rest.

1 comment:

  1. "Days are evil" God said it...chap 4 and 6. So it is true. Yes. .. Mind boggling for me to comprehend a spiritual war going on .. God vs satan... above, beyond and around me... competing to get me to do right things vs. Wrong things. Just stop and meditate on that! But on the occasions I've seemed to grasp this truth it's eye opening!!. .. like one step closer to God...hell becomes more clear...but so does heaven! Regardless... we must put on God's Armor!
