Monday, February 23, 2015


Selective hearing results from a hardened heart, not disfunctional ears! Jesus clearly told the disciples that He would suffer and die, yet they "could not understand" what He meant by these clear statements. There was nothing wrong with their ears. They misunderstood because of the hardness of their hearts.

What has Jesus clearly said to us that we still do not hear? Why do we continue to hear only what we want to hear when Jesus has made things perfectly clear?

In this chapter alone we see that:
  1. God hates divorce, yet we continue to look for a way "out".
  2. Jesus loves children, yet we often see them as a burden and annoyance.
  3. Jesus call us to "give up everything" and follow Him, yet we want even greater wealth because we follow Him.
  4. Jesus promises persecution for His followers, yet we are surprised when anything bad happens.
  5. Jesus calls us to hard things without recognition, we want praise and recognition for doing small things.
  6. Jesus modeled greatness in serving others, we think we are so great that Jesus should serve us!

God help us to "hear" what You are saying to us. Soften our hardened hearts so that we can follow You.

1 comment:

  1. I am meditating on Ezekiel this morning, and God tells us there that we do those things because that is the example we have from our elders...scary stuff!
